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Ancient China
Chapter 7
Basic Background Information
 Ancient China time period is 1750 BC to 220 AD
 Mainly developed on the Huang He River Valley (aka
Yellow River)
 Basic Soil of the river was very fertile and allowed for
great farming.
 Main problem was uncontrollable flooding
 the constant flooding caused death and
Yangtze River
Flows East to West
3rd Longest River in the world
Allowed rice to grow
Great use of trade and transportation
Located south of the Yellow River
Geography of China
 Only 1/10 of China’s land can be farmed
 Southwest: Covered by the Himalaya Mountains
 Western: Covered by the two mountains the Tian Shan and the
Kunlun Shan
 Northern: Covered by the Gobi Desert
Geography of China
 Geographic features in China created a Natural
boundary from the rest of the world.
 This distance from the rest of the world allowed a unique
culture to form
This area is called as the Middle Kingdom
to the Chinese people. (The people of
China saw China as the center of the Earth)
China’s 1st Dynasty (SHANG)
 Ruled from 1523 to 1028 BC
 First people to create cities
 Cities were set up in a circle pattern with the
Temple/Place in the center then Aristocrats, then
Artisans, and lastly farm workers
 Kings served as a Political, Religious, and Military Ruler
 Kings ruled over the Huang He Valley
 Kings appointed WARLORDS to serve as rulers of outer
Social Classes of the Shang Dynasty
Shang Dynasty Religion
 Polytheistic Religion
 Believed in one main god named Shang T
 Many other gods that live in the mountains, river, and seas.
 Made offerings of food and other basic materials/goods
Shang Dynasty Religion
Ancestor Worship and Honoring
Made offerings to the ancestors.
Believed that ancestors brought good luck and
helped in hard times.
Shang Dynasty Ruling Power
 Kings gained power through the gods
 Kings gained wisdom from Ancestors
 Religion and Government very closely linked.
 Kings asked Oracle Bones to contact both the gods and
the ancestors to answer any questions that they needed
to make decisions.
Shang Dynasty Writings
 Pictographs- Characters that represent objects
 Ideographs- links two or more characters together to
express an idea.
Shang Dynasty Art
Bronze was used to create all types of works of
art including
Sculptures, Daggers, Vases, Cups, and Urns
Farmers raised silk worms
Weavers made silk into colorful clothing for the