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note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was
archived from on October 4,
2001. This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the
reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original
author's site.
How it Works: Part One
2nd Edition
by Tom
This new "how it works" paper is in 2 parts, and the second part is still be written. A lot of the
information in this paper contains was first published in the Star Chamber updates 1 and 2. This paper
now incorporates ideas on the double slit experiment, Schrodinger's Cat, and quantum transition events.
Note: This webpage may take a few minutes to download.
Near-Field Superluminal Electromagnetic Fields
Experiments carried out by William D. Walker at the Royal Institute of Technology in Visby,
Sweden has shown a possible method on how electromagnetic fields propagate superluminally in the
near-field next to an oscillating electric dipole antenna by using a high frequency sinusoidal electrical
signal. Walker's analysis shows the phase-vs-distance curve indicates that superluminal transverse
electric field waves (phase and group waves) are generated approximately ¼-wavelength outside the
source and propagate toward and away from the source (dipole antenna). On creation, the transverse
waves travel with infinite speed. The outgoing transverse waves reduce to the speed-of-light after they
propagate about one wavelength away from the source. The inward propagating transverse fields
rapidly reduce to the speed-of-light and then rapidly increase to infinite speed as they travel into the
source. Walker states that the results are shown to be consistent with standard electrodynamics theory.
But would propagating faster-than-light fields violate Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity which
states that nothing can travel faster than the speed-of-light? Walker wrote," Although Special Relativity
does not forbid that signals can travel faster than the speed-of-light, it does predict that if signals travel
hyperluminally (w>c2/v), the signal would be seen by a moving observer to travel backward in time."
And,"... it is seen that all of the waves generated by an oscillating electric dipole travel with infinite
speed at their point of creation and travel superluminally within a limited region of space (~ 0.1l). It
should be noted that this region of space can be very large for low frequencies (frequencies less than
30MHz yield: 0.1 l> 1m). Therefore, it is concluded that according to Relativity theory, a moving
observer can see these superluminally propagating waves propagating backward in time provided
w>c2/v. It should be noted that the moving reference frame can travel subluminally". (Experimental
Evidence of Near-Field Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic Fields by William D. Walker.)
So to create a device capable of traveling back in time, we require a device where it's interior is
isolated from our surrounding universe by shielding the interior with a thin film of exotic matter. And
where the traveler in the interior of the device is located on the boundary of a near-field next to an
oscillating electric dipole antenna or antennas by using a high-frequency sinusoidal electrical signal. A
dipole antenna simply consists of 2 sections or elements of cable. One element of cable is connected to
the RF output of the transmitter, and the other is connected to the RF ground. To work out the physical
dimensions of the dipole antenna for the Star Chamber, the superluminal transverse electric field tends
to be at its peak within a ¼-wavelength from the source. So to work out the length of the elements
needed to produce a ¼-wavelength, the following equation can be used:
234/f x 12 = (length in inches)
Also, by using frequencies lower than 30Mhz would increase the region where waves travel at an
infinite speed. It would also be safer to use low frequencies as high frequency UHF fields can give a
traveler one hell of a wicked suntan! (UHF fields can heat objects up very quickly. You can witness
this the next time you use a microwave oven).
I have decided to use a high-frequency Amplitude Modulated (AM) transmitter within the Star
Chamber prototype. The purpose of using of an AM transmitter is to subject a mass to a superluminal
near field propagated from a dipole antenna. Yet new research has revealed that near-field superluminal
longitudinal electric signals produced by dipole antenna cannot violate Einstein causality by using the
process known as the "sync shift effect". Causality cannot be violated cause a dipole antenna can
produce a superluminal signal back in time -- but not before the same was initiated. This means that no
one can change signal that was transmitted.
The sync shift effect is a relativistic effect that allows superluminal signals to be transmitted
backward in time.
Left: This is a diagram of Amplitude Modulated
carrier wave. The carrier wave is broken down
into envelopes which change in sympathy with
an audio signal.
There are 4 important
parameters in the Star Chamber design. First,
the traveler must be on the boundary of a 1¼wavelength. And to determine the distance from
antenna, the following equation can be used:
234/f x12 = (length in inches) where
f = frequency.
The second parameter is that the traveler must be in one wavelength distance from the antenna. And
this equation can be used:
(λ) = c / f
where λ = wavelength, c = speed-of-light, and f = frequency.
The third important parameter is that according Relativity theory, time passes slower for a moving
observer than a stationary observer. And according to the sync shift effect, for the traveler to experience
the effects of being within a field traveling backwards in time, the traveler must be moving away from
the dipole antenna.
The Lorentz transformation for time change is: ∆t = γ [∆t- (v/c2 ) ∆x]
where ∆t=L/w and ∆x=L (transmission distance) can become negative when the signal velocity (w) is
much greater than the velocity (v) of a moving observer: w>(c2)/v (Analysis of Causality Issue in NearField Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields by William D. Walker.)
This is a problem that I am still working on as movement within transit chamber is restricted. The
traveler must not move into the quarter-wave distance from the dipole antenna. And the traveler must
not move out of one wavelength distance from the antenna.
The actual wavelength helps determine the
dimensions of the transit chamber. The actual size is
equal to one wavelength of the carrier wave. So if you
use a chamber 6.5ft x 6.5ft (2m x2m), you need to use
a 150 MHz transmitter which produces a 6.5-ft
wavelength. This keeps the traveler within less than
one wavelength from the antenna (L< λ).
The transit chamber is located within the Star
Chamber (see picture right).
The fourth important parameter is to transmit a strong AM signal. Otherwise you are transmitting a
dead carrier wave. Going over my papers, I have decided to transmit a Very Low Frequency (VLF)
signal tuned to 12 Hz. I have chosen this signal as this it coincides with alpha biorhythms of the brain
(brain waves). The alpha biorhythms are produces by adults when at rest with eyes closed and mind
relaxed. This alpha state of mind (as it is also known) has been recorded in people who have been in
meditation or a trance-like state.
When you transmit a strong VLF signal which coincides with the biorhythms, you created a
condition known as "entrainment". This is where the human mind becomes synchronized with the
signal as the brain mistakes the artificial signal as its own. (The signal must have an amplitude greater
than 50 uV).
The purpose of causing entrainment is to create an indirect connection with the Star Chamber.
The actual amplitude may have to be proportional to wavelength so the signal remains in the Transit
Chamber. This is something I am still working on.
EM Radiation causes worlds to split
When a traveler is bombarded with EM radiation, this causes the atoms within their body to jump
from their ground state into a higher state. This causes the traveler to split into 2 identical copies in
accordance with the "Many Worlds" theory. This interpretation predicts that every time an electron
either moves or fails to move to a new energy level, this creates a new universe, world, or timeline. The
EM radiation propagated by the dipole antenna also bombards the interior and may result in the emission
of additional photons which can fit inside the gap between the walls of the Star Chamber, boosting the
amount of exotic matter.
The main purpose of producing exotic matter is not to hold open a wormhole. The purpose of exotic
matter combined with EM fields flowing through the Star Chamber's walls is to create an artificial
event horizon where the escape velocity for any wave form or particle must be equal to or faster than
the speed-of-light (v≥c). So the only way particles can escape from the interior of the device is to
exceed the speed-of-light.
Also by transiting a 12 Hz signal causing entrainment. The 12 Hz signal is also known as the
Schumann Resonance, where a signal can be sent around the World by bouncing the signal off the
But due to the Casimir force and EM radiation present within the skin of the Star Chamber creating
an artificial event horizon where particles or waves must exceed the speed-of-light to escape, how do I
bounce the signal around the World? This is where the "Many Worlds" theory comes in. I am not
bouncing a signal around this World. I would be sending a signal into an identical world because the
event horizon prevents particles and waves escaping into the exterior space-time.
So when the traveler is located on the boundary of the near field, according to Relativity theory an
observer may witness these superluminally propagating waves propagating backward in time.
When the traveler is exposed to EM radiation within the confines of the Star Chamber isolated from
the surrounding Universe, the atomic particles which make up the traveler can also function as
waveforms, in accordance with a principle of quantum theory known as Wave-Particle duality. This is
where quantum entities behave either as waves or particles, depending of the circumstances. So when a
traveler is bombarded with EM radiation and is present on the edge of a quarter-wave near field of a
dipole antenna, the atoms which make up the traveler's body can act as waves instead of point-like
particles. And these wave-like particles maybe accelerated to superluminal speeds and can be sent as
wave like particles backwards in time to a previous moment in History.
Also when a traveler is bombarded
with EM radiation, this causes the
electrons within their body to jump from
their ground state into a higher state and
back again.
This is known as the
quantum transition condition (see
diagram right) and can result in the
emission or absorption of radiation in the
form of a photon (hf). In the "Many
Worlds" interpretation, this quantum
transition condition causes the atoms
(which make up the traveler) to split into
2 identical copies. This interpretation
predicts that every time an electron either
moves or fails to move to a new energy
level, it creates a new universe, world, or
timeline. The EM radiation propagated
by the dipole antenna also bombards the interior and may result in the emission of additional photons
which can fit inside the gap between the walls of the Star Chamber, boosting the amount of exotic
Superluminal near-field gravitational fields
When mass is subjected to electromagnetic radiation, the mass can oscillate and produce
gravitational fields which are known to be superluminal in a region less than one wavelength near the
But like propagating electric fields the gravitational fields cannot violate Einstein causality.
Causality cannot be violated because the vibrating mass of the dipole antenna can produce a
superluminal gravitational fields back in time -- but not before the same signal was initiated.
But when a mass (like the mass of the traveler) is placed within the Star Chamber and isolated from
the surrounding space-time Universe by the Casimir force present within its skin, the gravitational fields
may cause time within the Star Chamber to appear to flow more slowly. It may result in a time dilation
effect. (Analysis of Causality Issue in Near-Field Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic and
Gravitational Fields by William D. Walker.)
Casimir Effect
The double skin configuration of the Star Chamber tries to mimic the Casimir Effect, where the
walls of the Star Chamber are separate by a gap of a millionth-of-a-meter. Yet the Casimir Effect
appears to be spontaneous and does require an external stimulus to produce exotic matter. But the
Casimir Effect can only create small quantities of exotic matter which can shield the interior of the
transit chamber from the surrounding exterior local space-time. So recently I have been looking at ways
to increase the amount of exotic matter between the 2 walls of the device.
One way to induce the amount of exotic matter may be by using stimulated emissions by using the
dipole antenna to bombarding the interior with electromagnetic radiation. The radiation may cause the
emission of additional photons which can fit inside the gap between the walls of the Star Chamber,
boosting the amount of exotic matter.
It was Dutch Physicist Hendrik
Casimir who carried out some
experiments in the 1950s that later
became known as the "Casimir
experiment involved placing 2 metal
plates a few millionths-of-a-meter
apart within a vacuum. The 2 plates
were then pulled together due to the presence of exotic matter. This
strange effect occurs due to the nature of space being made up of
vacuum fluctuations, where pairs of matter and anti-matter particles
continuously appear-and-disappear to create a boiling sea of virtual
particles (see picture above). This boiling sea of virtual particles
continuously appearing-and-disappearing are known as vacuum
Outside these 2 plates, the virtual particles which make up the
vacuum fluctuations move in a wave-like motion are allowed to exist
in larger numbers. But between these plates, there are fewer vacuum
fluctuations and only certain wave particles are aloud to exist, as many of these particles or waves are
just too large to fit within the space between the 2 plates (see picture left-above).
So this means there are less particles or waves bouncing around between the 2 plates than outside
them. And so the pressure between the plates is lower than outside. Remembering that the plates are in
a vacuum, this means what lies between the plates must have less than zero energy or has "negative"
This is known as the "negative energy density" and repels mass instead of attracting it. The
attractive Casimir force between 2 plates of area 'A' separated by a distance 'a' can be calculated to be:
f = 2 π ђ c A / 240 a4
where ђ is Planck's constant over 2π and c is the speed-of-light.
The main purpose of producing exotic matter is not to hold open a wormhole. The purpose of exotic
matter combined with EM fields flowing through the Star Chamber's walls is to create an artificial
event horizon where the escape velocity for any wave form or particle must be equal to or faster than
the speed-of-light (v≥c).
So the only way particles can escape from the interior of the device is to exceed the speed-of-light.
The walls of the Star Chamber act like a filter (a bit like the double slit experiment).
Double Slit Experiment
The key to successful time-travel with the Star Chamber's design is that it operates in a similar way
to the Double Slit experiment.
The Double Slit experiment consists of little more
than 2 metal plates and a light source. One metal has 2
slits in it. This is placed in front of the second metal
plate (see diagram right). If you cover one slit up -leaving the other open -- when you turn the light
source on, the photons emitted by the light source
travel through the slit and hit the second metal plate.
And your strip of light appears over time on this
plate. This suggests that the photons behave like
particles. But if you open the second slit and turn the
light source on, the photons will travel through both
slits at same time and interfere with each other. This
results in the rear plate being covered with vertical stripes of black and white. This is known as an
interference pattern.
This interference pattern builds up. If you have 2 identical periodic waves arrive at the same point
out-of-phase, separated by exactly ½-wavelength, this cause destructive interference. This causes the
black stripes. Yet if the separation is exactly 1 whole wavelength, this causes the constructive
interference and results in causing the white stripes.
You do not get this interference pattern with just one slit open. But if use a light source which just
fires one photon at a time with long periods between them, you will end with an interfere pattern.
According to the "Many Worlds" interpretation, each particle interferes with a particle in a
neighboring universe. And Oxford physicist David Deutsch believes that this is result of the Universe
splitting apart briefly within the experiment and then come back together again (p.29, New Scientist.
"Taming the Multiverse").
How the Star Chamber mimics the double slit experiment cannot be explained within the classical
laws of physics. The traveler acts as like a filter. At the quantum level of space, some of the
electromagnetic radiation passes straight through the traveler's body. Some EM radiation hits particles
and causes the quantum transition condition and results in the traveler's body to split into different
parallel worlds in accordance with the "Many Worlds" theory. Another way to picture this process is to
imagine the idea where the body of traveler acts a like photographic negative. When you put a light
behind it a photographic negative, it projects an image into a wall or screen. With "Many Worlds", 2
images are produced from one negative and projected into parallel worlds. This effect may be increased
if the traveler stood in the right distance away from the antenna.
We must not forget that EM radiation
propagates (moves) away from the antenna, and
the traveler may also have to move away from the
antenna. The traveler's movement is physically
restricted and must not move beyond 1 wavelength
from the antenna, and he must keep ¼-wavelength
distance from the antenna. Also we have learned
that destructive interference is caused at ½wavelength and constructive interference at 1 full
wavelength (see diagram right). So the traveler
may have to sit in a zone on the boundary between
the ¼- and ½-wavelength. Yet the EM waves This diagram shows the two fields of an
move away from the antenna and the traveler electromagnetic wave.
will be exposed to all the various lengths of the
wavelength. This is still not a problem as it may cause atoms in the traveler's body to enter into a
superposition of quantum states.
Schrodinger's Cat
The way to explain what the "superposition of quantum states" is with a thought experiment created
by Edwin Schrodinger known as "Schrodinger's Cat". In this thought experiment, a cat is placed inside
a box. In the box is a gun pointing at the cat. The gun is connected to a device containing a radioactive
material and a radioactive detector. If the detector detects a radioactive emission, it will trip a switch
which fires the gun and kills the cat. Also because the material is radioactive, the radiation could kill the
cat. Once the lid is shut, the experimenter does not know what "state" the cat is in. The cat can be alive
or dead. According to Edwin Schrodinger, the cat can be in a "combined" state -- existing in both a 'live'
and 'dead' state at the same time. This is known as superposition of states. And the experimenter will
not know which state the cat is in until he opens the box and makes an observation.
According to the Many Worlds interpretation, that cat exists in parallel worlds in a superposition of
states. When an observation is made, an experimenter opens the box in this World and witnesses a live
cat while in a parallel world an experimenter will witness a dead cat. (If any kids are reading this,
please do not practice this experiment on your pets!)
The complex and mind-boggling nature of the
superposition of quantum states puzzled Hugh Everett at
Princeton University enough to develop a theory known as
the "Relative States Interpretation". Later it became known
as the "Many Worlds Interpretation". Everett was puzzled
by the possible collapse of the wave function when an
observation is made. So he decided that it made sense to
treat each outcome of every possible quantum event as
existing in a real world.
This means there are an infinite number of probabilities that exist as real parallel worlds or
universes. And each of these worlds cover all possible eventualities (Past, Present, and Future). This
collection of parallel worlds is known as the "Multiverse". [StealthSkater note: for more on the
Multiverse, see => doc pdf URL ]
The Multiverse
The Multiverse is the whole of
physical reality. And it contains
many parallel worlds. According to
David Deutsch in a paper called
"The Structure of the Multiverse",
the Multiverse functions in a similar
way to a quantum computation
He believes that the
structure of the Multiverse is
determined by information flow.
Each parallel universe is
separate and autonomous. And we
rarely detect information from other
parallel worlds because all the
information we receive through our
senses has come from within one
The diagram (right) shows a
simplified block diagram of the
Multiverse. Each stack represents a
parallel universe. Each universe
has a space-time, and in each space-time consists of a stack of moments. If the Multiverse were a
collection of interacting space times, time would be a sequence of moments. And according to David
Deutsch, "Other times are just special cases of other universes".
Page two is still to be written.
[[StealthSkater note: additional references to holographic projections and possible parallel worlds
can be found at (A) doc pdf URL ; (B) doc pdf URL ; and (C) doc pdf URL-doc URL-pdf ]
[note: The author identified himself as "Tom" from Kent in the U.K. Another article listed him as
Thomas George Skeggs ([email protected]). He seems to have spent some time in
the San Francisco area in the late 90's. His ideas on "consciousness teleportation" are
reminiscent of the Montauk Project folklore. If true, they hold promise for the rest of us who
have underdeveloped remote-viewing capabilities. That would be the safest way to explore
other star systems anyway since the body's immune system would likely be totally defenseless.
His proposed usage of exotic matter falls in line with current mainstream estimates that this
stuff is not that far off. He also fashioned a design for a unique aerospace vehicle that
resembles many of the "Black Triangle" UFOs reported today. His "Star Chamber" site
resided under past domains of,, and He has since disappeared from the Internet. I have
archived many of his webpages as StarChamber_xx.doc (or pdf) where 'xx' = '01' to '10' under
Documents at my website or on the CD.]
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