Download The Romans: Republic to Empire 600 BC * 500 AD

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The Romans: Republic to Empire
600 BC – 500 AD
Chapter 7 - teenage life in Ancient Rome, Ted Talk - The Roman Empire, Crash Course World History
What, if anything,
do you already
know about the
Brainstorm with a partner
How did Rome become so great?
(think back to our discussion on empires and what characteristics helped
empires to rise and maintain power?)
The Rise of the Romans
Roman civilization developed over a long time. It began as a
monarchy, then became a republic, and then ultimately
transformed into an empire ruled by an emperor. This empire
grew as a result of its military prowess and was maintained by
the common language of Latin, strong leaders, and a vast
system of roads. At its height, the Roman Empire expanded
into Europe, Asia, and Africa, spreading not only its political
control but its culture.
Project review: What is wrong with this PowerPoint slide?
The Roman Empire – About 27 BC to 500 AD
Roman Republic (509 B.C.E- 27 B.C.E)
• Republic- a government system
in which power is held by
elected representatives rather
than a single ruler.
• Roman Republic- Only wealthy
land owners served in the
Senate or political offices.
Roman Empire (27 B.C.E)
• The Roman Republic went
through a series of Civil Wars
which ended with Augustus
consolidating power and
beginning the “Roman Empire”
• Augustus was the first emperor
of Rome
• Augustus expanded the borders
of the Empire
• He encouraged religion and built
new temples
Government Structure
• Augustus kept the Senate limited
their power and appointed officials
loyal to him
• As the Empire grew, the Emperor
gained more power as he
appointed more government
• The imperial government provided
unity throughout the empire and
conquered people
Rome Jigsaw
1. To take a deeper look at the Roman Empire after Augustus ended
the civil wars and created the Roman Empire, create 5 groups of
AT LEAST 5 PEOPLE! You must be in a group, and you must have
at least 5 people.
2. Read through your group’s assigned reading on Rome and then
with your group, work together to create a summary overview of
that aspect of Roman life
3. Next, after being given a number, form into your new group. Each
member will go through and explain/teach their new group
members about each topic of Roman life.
Roman Sport and Games
Roman Religion and Mythology
Roman Family Life
Roman Social Hierarchy
Roman Governance