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Nutrition Notes
1. Keep it simple with wholefoods. There are many products that are often filled with
excess calories and sugar. If you are hungry or need a little pick me up snack, use
wholefoods such as fruit, vegetable, nuts and dairy. This will keep you feeling
satisfied without the extra sugar and calories.
2. Make sure you’re getting enough protein in, especially after hard or intense work
outs. Protein has many functions in the body, including muscle building and repair,
and helping reduce muscle soreness after exercise. It is a key nutrient in recovery.
Protein is also important with satiety, so to feel fuller for longer. So make sure you
include some protein (eggs, nuts, dairy, lean meat, fish and chicken) at each meal
and snack.
3. It’s important not to over-eat on carbohydrates, a moderate intake of complex
carbohydrates will help stabilise your blood sugar levels and will ensure that you’re
getting in fibre and vitamins and minerals. Good choices include starchy vegetables
(think sweet potato and pumpkin), whole-grains (think brown rice, quinoa, and
wholemeal pasta), fruit and legumes and lentils.
4. Iron is one of the most important nutrients for energy production. Make sure you’re
getting enough iron-rich foods in your diet regularly. Good sources include lean red
meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes and lentils, nuts and seeds and green leafy
5. Stay hydrated. Being dehydrated can impair energy levels, causing you to feel flat
and fatigued. Make sure you stay hydrated, choosing water as your main drink (avoid
sugary drinks like soft drink, juice, cordial and sports drinks). Aim for about 8 glasses
of water a day.