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Music 100
A capella- choral music without instrumental accompaniment
Accents- emphasis on a note (either louder, longer, higher) compared to notes around it
Arpeggio (Broken Chord) - sounding of the individual tones of a chord in sequence
rather than simultaneously
Bar/Measure- a group set off by bar lines, containing a fixed number of beats
Bar linesBeats- a recurrent pulsation that divides music into equal units of time
BinaryBrass- instrument made of brass, air instrument, funnel shaped mouth piece.
Cadence- progression giving a sense of conclusion
Chromatic- a scale using all 12 pitches
Clef- symbol used at the beginning of a staff to show pitch of notes
Crescendo- gradually louder
Concert Master- principal violinist in an orchestra, tunes orchestra
Conductor- leader of a performing group of musicians
Counter Point- using 2 or more melodic lines into a whole
Constant HarmonyChordalDynamics- degree of loudness or softness
Descrendo- gradually slower
Definite PitchDouble Stop- 2 notes played at once
Duple Meter- pattern of 2 beats to the measure
Dissonant Harmony- unstable and tense harmony
Dominant- triad built on the 5th note of the scale
Dynamic Accent- emphasis on a note
Forte- loud
Fortissimo- very loud
Form- organizton of musical ideas in time
FanfareHalf Note- quick note
Harmony- how chords are constructed and follew
Home Key- both the beginning and end note of a piece
Homophonic- main melody is accompanied by chords
Indefinite PitchIdiomaticKey Signature- sharp or flat signs following the clef
LoudnessLegado- smooth connected manner
Mezzo Piano- medium soft
Mezzo Forte- medium loud
Mute- device used to muffle the sound of an instrument
Maurice Navel-
ManuscriptMotive- fragment or theme that is developed through composition
Major- music based on major scale
Minor- music based on minor scale
Modulation- shift from one key to another in the same piece
Monophonic- single melody line without accompiment
ModePianissmoPianoPitchPercussionPizzicatoPhrasePolyphonicQuadruple MeterRepeat SignRhythmStringsStaccatoSextuple MeterScoreStaffScaleTuttiTextureTremeloThemeTriple meterTempoTone Colour (Timbre)Time SignatureTiesTriadTonicUpbeatVibratoVariationWhole NoteWoodwinds-