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Mesopotamia Unit Test Study Guide – DUE on TEST DAY.
Name _________________________ Class _________________
My test is on ________________________________
Directions: Use your notes, classwork, and homework to help you answer these questions.
1) How did the Mesopotamians use AND control the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
2) Why did people settle in Mesopotamia? Give at least 3 examples.
3) What were the major inventions & achievements of the Sumerians?
4) What does Mesopotamia mean? What part of the word “Mesopotamia” means “middle”?
5) Who was Hammurabi? What was the name of his empire? What did he create?
6) What is a ziggurat? What did they look like? Sketch one!
7) What is division of labor? Why is it important?
8) What are the 6 characteristics of a civilization? (Note: NOT exactly the same as the six parts of culture…
How does Sumer meet these characteristics? (Give Sumerian examples of the characteristics.)
9) What is cuneiform? Why was it first used? What does it look like (sketch it!)
10) What type of religion did the Sumerians have (Monotheistic or polytheistic)? How do you know this?
11) What did Sargon and the Akkadians “build”?
12) What advances in military strategies allowed other empires to conquer Mesopotamia?
13) What was the social structure in Sumer? Draw the social hierarchy below.
14) What is Due Process? What does Equality before the Law mean? Did Hammurabi’s Code provide
these? Why or Why not?