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By: Michelle Garcia, Angie Ramirez, Karina Rea, Jennifer
Martinez, Omar Miranda
The Circulatory System is the system that circulates blood through
the body, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, blood, red blood
cells, development, and the structure.
Development of the heart and vascular system begin very early
within the embryonic and outside the embryo. For this reason
vascular development occurs in many places. The most obvious
one is the heart. There are several phases during the hearts
development. The heart starts off as a tube, it has rapid growth so
that's the reason why it twists and bends.
The heart is the key organ in the Circulatory System. Every
time your hearts beats, blood is traveling through your body,
giving nutrients to every cell.
Normal Heart Beats : 60 to 100 times per minute. Athlete : 40
times per minute .
Heart Contains four chambers: Two Atria and Two Ventricles.
The atria are at the top of the heart while the ventricles are
at the bottom.
A wall called the Septum, separates the right and left sides
of the heart. Also, a valve connects each atrium to the
ventricle. The mitral valve connects the Left Atrium and
ventricle, the tricuspid valve connects the Right Atrium and
Top, middle of the heart connect a large blood vessel. The
largest is the aorta, it carries nutrient-rich blood away from
the heart.
The Pulmonary Artery is important because it connects the
heart with your lungs.
wo important vessels from your heart is the Vena Cava is
known for the “superior vein.” The “ inferior vena cava,“ this
are the “Heart- veins.” Also, carry deoxygenated blood.
Heart weights 11 ounces.
There are three varieties of blood vessels: arteries, veins, and
capillaries. Arteries are the largest veins in the body that helps the
heart pump the blood at a high pressure amount. Veins are vessels
that also help the heart pump the blood however at a lower
Blood is a fluid that the human body contains and is smooth so that
the veins or arteries wouldn’t clot.
About half of the blood volume is composed of blood cells: Red
Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, and Platelets.
Blood flows through the body providing nutritious, oxygen, and
waste removal.
The average person can contain more than 5 liters of blood (more
than one gallon). So 5 liters will be equal to 21 cups of blood.
Red blood cells deliver oxygen and remove
waste (carbon dioxide) throughout our body.
The reason red blood cells are red is because it
contains a protein called hemoglobin, which is
bright red.
Hemoglobin is made up of iron which transports
oxygen through the lungs and through the whole
*Red blood cells are reproduced every 120 days.*
Order of the Respiratory System:
1. Oxygen enters through the mouth and nose the oxygen enters the
larynx (where sounds are produced).
2. Then it enters the trachea, which then leads onto the chest
3. After it enters the chest cavity it enters two small tubes which are
called bronchi.
4. Each bronchi then gets divided into bronchial tubes which then
goes into the lungs.
5. Then they get divided into smaller tubes called the alveoli which
are air-filled sacs that are surrounded by capillaries.
6. Then the waste- rich blood from the veins releases the carbon
dioxide into the alveoli.
7. Which leads the carbon dioxide out of the lungs when you