Download H~8 1. Read PIC chapter 24, 25, 26 the CCP, Serial, and UART

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1. Read PIC chapter 24, 25, 26 the CCP, Serial, and UART modules. There is a lot of info in these
chapters, so just read to get the general idea.
2. What functions can the CCP modules perform?
3. How many PWM channels can you have at the same time?
4. What are the protocols implemented by the Serial module?
5. What is the protocol used by the UART?
6. Describe key differences between I2C and SPI.
7. Answer the following questions:
a.) Which Protocol requires a slave address (typically 7 bits)?{I2C SPI UART}
b.) Which protocol includes non-TTL voltage levels to reduce noise? {I2C SPI UART}
c.) Can have multiple Masters, and multiple Slaves {I2C SPI UART}
d.) Is a form of serial communication {I2C SPI UART}
e.) Which usually uses the most physical wire connections? {I2C SPI UART}
f.)Always sends 8 bits both ways? {I2C SPI UART}
g.) The clock is generated at both ends of a two way connection and not just at one end? {I2C SPI UART}