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Administration, Coverage, Review
Exam Administration
 Midterm exam is in class from 5:15 – 6:30PM on Thursday
Feb 20th.
 The exam is open book and open notes. No electronic device
is allowed during the exam, such as cellphones, laptops, etc.
 You can use both pencil and pen for the exam.
 Absolutely no collaboration with other classmates.
 The topics we covered from Lecture 1 to Lecture 6. Study
lecture materials, assignments, and online references.
 Topics include, not limited to, Client-Server architecture,
HTTP, IP address, HTML5, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
 Types of Questions
 True or false
 Multiple choices (Best answer)
 Short answers
 Code-related questions.
 Client-Server architecture
 A client initiates a request message to the server; the server
generates a response message (HTTP document)
Client Bob
Yahoo Server
 Hypertext Transport Protocol
 A communication protocol which specifies how web clients
and servers should communicate.
 HTTP request message
 Start Line, Header fields, Blank line, Message body.
 HTTP request method
 HTTP Response Message
 Status Line
 Header fields
 Blank line
 Message body
 HTML5 is the new standard for HTML. It can display
everything including text, images, video, and animations
 HTML5 is cross-platform. It will display content on smart-
phones, tablets, computers or a Smart TV.
 HTML5 elements and attributes
 <!DOCUMENT html>
 <title>, <head>, <div>, <table>, <a>, <img>, <video>, etc.
 id, style, width, height, background-color, etc
 Block element vs Inline Element
 <div> vs <span>
 Why do we need separate semantics from presentation of a
web page?
 CSS core syntax
 Selector
 Property
 Value
 Separator(;)
 Block element vs Inline Element
 <div> vs <span>
 Why do we need separate semantics from presentation of a
web page?
 CSS core syntax
 Selector
 Property
 Value
 Separator(;)
 ID and CLASS selectors can be prefixed by an element type
 For example, span.special{background-color: red}.
 Descendant Selectors
 ul span{color: red}
 Class selector can be included in the ancestor list
 .special span{color: yellow}
CSS Positioning
 By default, a HTML document has a normal flow.
 Alternatives
 Relative position
 Float position
 Absolute position
 What is Inline CSS, Internal CSS, and External CSS?
Cascading of Style Sheet Rules
 Please review lecture 5 carefully which covers Cascading
 When to use Cascading rules?
 Rule cascading: a multistage sorting process that selects a
single declaration that will supply the property value
 For example, li.special{color: red}, *.special{color: green}
 .header1{font-size:50pt}, #header{font-size:30pt}
<p id=“header1” class=“header”>FSU</p>
 When to use inheritance?
 An element inherits a value for one of its properties by
checking to see if its parent element has a value for that
property. If so, inheriting the parent’s value.
Good Luck!