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Holdorf PhD, MPA, RDMS (Ob/Gyn, Ab, BR), RVT, LRT(AS)
Module 5 Sonography
Breast Sonography
 Sonography has been shown to be highly valuable in
the diagnosis and management of breast disease. The
use of breast sonography as a screening tool for breast
cancer, especially for younger patients, continues to
gain popularity. Using sonography as a screening tool
for all patients is highly debated.
 There are several approaches for using Breast
Sonography or Breast Ultrasound (BUS) in the
diagnosis of disease: Targeted Examination and Whole
Breast Examination.
Targeted Exam
 Sonography is used to evaluate a specific area of breast
only. Usually performed as a follow-up to
mammography. The entire breast and opposite breast
are not evaluated.
Whole Breast Exam
 Sonography is used to survey the entire breast for the
presence of disease, often with attention to a specific
 Sonography
also plays a crucial role in the
management of breast disease. Real-time visualization
of the needle’s path using 2D or 3D/4D technique
allows sonography to guide interventional procedures.
Indications for Breast Sonography
 Characterize masses as cystic or solid
 Follow-up to Mammography
 Evaluate palpable masses in young women (less than 30) avoiding
Evaluate masses in pregnant and lactating women.
Evaluate dense breast tissue
Evaluate a mass seen in only one view on mammography
Evaluate inflammation
Evaluate the irradiated breast
Evaluate the augmented breast
Evaluate axillary lymph nodes
Evaluate nipple discharge
Evaluate patients when mammography is not possible
Serial evaluation of a benign mass
Evaluate the male breast
Guide interventional procedures
Patient History
 The sonographic examination begins with a through
patient history. Sonographers should use a questioning
technique to obtain as much personal history that the
patient can provide.
 Patient history should include:
Patient’s name
Personal history of breast disease
Personal history of cancer
Family history of breast disease
Medications: especially hormones
Previous breast surgeries and findings
Breast pain and location
Findings from monthly breast self-examinations (BSE)
Findings from clinical breast examination (CBE)
 The sonographer should also make a visual inspection of
the breast for:
 Size, shape, contour, and symmetry
 Skin redness, edema, dimpling or retraction, protrusions, and
 Nipple retraction and discharge
 Surgical scars
 If palpable lump is noted, the sonographer should
Shape (round, oval, lobulated, or irregular)
Consistency of lump (soft, rubbery, firm, hard, gritty)
Mobility (movable or fixed)
Distanced from the nipple
Date when it was first discovered and has it changed over
 If
a previous Mammogram or BUS has been
performed, the prior examination should be reviewed
by the sonographer for comparison.
 It
density/echogenicity of a mass are consistent from one
exam to the next.
Skin dimpling
Positioning (all is underlined)
 The patient is examined in a supine or supine-oblique
position with the ipsilateral (same) arm raised above
the head.
 A sponge or pillow may be used to support the
patient’s back. This maneuver allows a more even
distribution of the breast tissue over the chest wall
with the nipple centered.
 The thickness of the breast is minimized and allows
adequate penetration by the sound beam. This is also
identical to the position used during open excisional
 The right breast is best evaluated with the patient in
the LPO (left posterior oblique) position. The left
breast is best evaluated in the RPO (right posterior
oblique) position.
 The medial aspect of the breast is effectively evaluated
with the patient lying in the supine position.
 For larger breasted patients, lateral lesions may require
a steep oblique or decubitus position. A sitting or
upright position may be used as an alternative patient
position to simulate the cranio-caudal (CC)
mammographic view.
Transducer Pressure
 Moderate transducer pressure should be applied
during scanning.
 This will:
 Improve sound transmission
 Improve detail or resolution
 Decrease the tissue depth for better penetration
 May eliminate some artifacts
Scan Planes (all underlined)
 Sagittal and transverse scan planes may be used in
breast imaging. Sagittal and transverse scan planes
correspond to conventional sagittal and transverse to
the body.
 Radial and Anti-radial scan planes may also be used.
Radial and Anti-radial scan planes correlate with the
direction of the ductal system of the breast. Radial is
longitudinal or parallel with the ducts and anti-radial
is transverse or perpendicular to the ducts.
 Radial is the AIUM recommended scan plane for
breast imaging.
 Important note:
 If a solid lesion is found, the sonographer should scan
the lesion in the radial and anti-radial planes.
 This allows visualization of tumor or ductal extensions
branching toward or toward the nipple.
 These extensions could be missed in the sagittal and
transverse planes.
 Labeling your images can be very time consuming, yet
very helpful for precise location of a lesion and followup studies. Most sonography departments use the
standard clock method for identifying the location of
lesions. This provides a more detailed description than
the quadrant method.
 SA may denote the subareolar region, and AX may
refer to the axillary region.
 In addition to the clock method, some Sonographers
also use the 123 and ABC methods of providing more
exact location.
123 Method
 The 123 method describes the location of a lesion in
comparison to its distance from the nipple.
 Location 1 is near the nipple.
 Location 2 is mid distance from the nipple.
 Location 3 is in the periphery of the breast.
123 Method
ABC Method
 The ABC method describes the depth of a lesion.
 Location A is superficial
 Location B is at mid depth (likely within the mammary
 Location C is near the chest wall.
Stand-off Pad
 A stand-off pad creates distance between the face of
the probe and the skin surface. Therefore, the fixed
elevation plane focus is moved more superficially.
 This allows improved focusing and greater detail in the
superficial layers of the breast.
 A stand-off pad improves imaging of:
 Superficial tumors of cysts
 Superficial vessels
 Superficial ducts
 Skin lesions
 Skin thickening
 Scanning surgical specimens
 Types of Stand-off Techniques include:
 Commercially produced gel pads
 Water bag
 Large “glob” of gel (used for imaging the nipple)
 Stand-off transducer attachments
 The ideal stand-off pad thickness for breast imaging is
 This places the elevation plane focus of a 10MHz
transducer at approximately 0.5cm depth within the
Normal Sonographic Appearance
 The echogenicity of breast tissue will vary with the amount
and location of fat and fibrous tissue due to patient age,
functional state of the breasts, and body habitus.
For example, young women will tend to have more dense
fibroglandular tissue that appears HYPERECHOIC.
Older women tend to have more fatty replacement that
appears ISOECHOIC.
The lactating patient will have greater density appearing
The obese patient will have more fat appearing
ISOECHOIC and the extremely thin patient will appear to
have more dense tissue appearing HYPERECHOIC.
 The breast is composed of three major tissue types
seen on sonography:
 Fat (superficial, intraparenchymal, and retromammary)
 Epithelium (TDLU and Acini)
 Stromal Tissue
Loose stromal tissue (intralobular and periductal)
Dense stromal tissue (interlobular and Cooper’s ligaments.
 Thickness of 0.5 to 2mm. May see slight increase in
echogenicity at the gel/skin interface (sound beam entrance)
and the skin/superficial fat interface (exit).
 Found within the superficial layer, parenchymal layer, and
retromammary layer.
 All structures are compared to the mid-level echogenicity of
 Cooper’s Ligaments – HYPERECHOIC
 Considered part of the dense connective tissue. Best seen in
the subcutaneous fat layer as a thin, wavy linear structure.
May produce shadowing artifact- try changing the angle of
the transducer.
Cooper’s ligament
Echogenicity continued…
 Glandular Epithelium - ISOECHOIC TO MILDLY
 Consists
of TDLUs and acini found within the
parenchymal layer
 Dense Fibroglandular Tissue – HYPERECHOIC
 Fibroglandular tissues are a combination of glandular
epithelium and both loose and dense connective tissue
in the parenchymal layer.
 Lactiferous Ducts – HYPOECHOIC
 If dilated and fluid-filled, ducts may appear anechoic.
Use Doppler technique to distinguish ducts from vessels.
 Pectoralis
 Found deep to the retromammary layer
 Ribs
 Found deep to the retromammary layer.
 Oval or kidney (reniform) shaped.
 Simple cysts will appear anechoic and complicated or
debris-filled cysts will appear hypoechoic
 Benign
 In general, benign lesions are similar to the echogenicity
of fat and epithelium.
 Malignant
 In general, malignant lesions are less echogenic than
benign lesions.
 Due to the overlap in echogenicities between benign and
malignant tissues, BUS is not capable of distinguishing
benign from malignant. Other characteristics must also
be considered.
Fibrous Planes
 The normal adult female breast has distinct fibrous
tissue planes from skin surface to chest wall.
 These anatomic layers or fibrous planes were described
 Skin
 Subcutaneous (premammary) layer
 Mammary Layer
 Retromammary Space
 Muscle Layers
 Chest Wall
 Sonography has the ability to visualize and evaluate
these fibrous planes. The integrity of the plane is
important to note with breast disease. In general ,
benign diseases will not cross fibrous planes. They are
more likely to deviate the planes.
 Malignant diseases may cross fibrous planes and have
a tendency to grow toward the skin. This is due to a
cancer’s invasive or infiltrative ability.
Dynamic Imaging Opportunities
 Compression
 Echo-Palpation
 Fremitus
Dynamic Examination
 Sonography is a dynamic examination. It offers the ability
to visualize structures in real-time as they move, change
shape, react to gravity, and demonstrate flow. Therefore,
the sonographer has the ability to interrogate tissues using
a variety of dynamic techniques.
 In addition to improving quality and eliminating artifacts,
compression can be used to evaluate effects on a mass. When
compression or transducer pressure is applied directly over a
Cysts will change shape
Soft, benign lesions tend to change shape (Lipoma)
Hard, malignant lesions will not change shape
Internal echoes within a benign lesion may become more uniform
Debris within cysts or ducts may be better visualized.
Echo- Palpation
 Echo-Palpation or sono-palpation is a technique used
to isolate a palpable mass. The sonographer
immobilizes a mass between two fingers while
scanning with the opposite hand. This assures
visualization of the correct structure. It also allows the
examiner to palpate the lesion during real-time
 This technique can also be used to assess the mobility
of a lesion by attempting to move the mass with two
fingers while scanning simultaneously.
 Benign masses may move slightly within the tissues.
 Malignant masses tend to be fixed.
 Fremitus is also know as Vibration Doppler Imaging
(VDI). It is the vibration of tissues (usually in the
chest) during speech. A fremitus maneuver or
technique can be used to evaluate breast tissue during
real-time scanning.
 Used in combination with power Doppler, normal
breast tissues vibrate creating motion, thus producing
a Doppler signal. A Foreign tissue will not vibrate and
will not demonstrate a signal.
Fremitus Technique:
 Isolate tissue in question
 Turn on power Doppler (use a decreased Doppler gain setting
– color saturation could FILL-IN a true tumor
 Have the patient hum or say EEEEE
 Normal breast tissues vibrate creating a Doppler signal.
 Tumors will not vibrate demonstrating no signal.
 The Fremitus maneuver can be helpful when evaluating:
 Normal fat lobules
 Normal tissue versus isoechoic tumor
 Ill-defined borders
 Non-visualized posterior margin
 Benign versus malignant characteristics
3D/4D Breast Sonography
 Three-dimensional (3D) technology offers imaging in
three orthogonal planes, including the routinely nonvisualized coronal plane.
 It is significant for identifying spiculation.
 3D scanning can also offer tomographic image display.
 Four-dimensional (4D) technology offers real-time 3D
imaging and can significantly improve ultrasoundguided interventional techniques.
3D of breast cancer
Sonographic Features of Benign
Shape and orientation
 Round
Characteristic of tense cysts and small, solid, benign tumors
 Oval or Ellipsoid
Typical of non-tense cysts and most benign tumors
 Horizontal orientation
Also known as WIDER-THAN TALL, Length > AP, or Width >
Long axis of the tumor is parallel to chest wall
Benign tumors tend to grow within or along the tissue plane
(not crossing)
 Smooth, well-defined, or circumscribed
Indicates the tumor is displacing adjacent tissues rather than
 Macrolobulation
Gentle, large lobulations
Border Thickness
 Thin, echogenic pseudocapsule
 Caused by compression or rimming of adjacent tissues
around the lesion (Opposite of Invasion)
 Anechoic
Simple cyst
 Hyperechoic
Indicates a fibroglandular pseudomass or lipoma
 Mildly hypoechoic, isoechoic, or mildly hyperechoic
Solid, benign tumors
Contradiction: some malignant tumors have same
 Homogeneous
Internal echoes are a consistent, single shade of gray
Contradiction: some highly cellular malignant lesions may
appear homogeneous
 Acoustic Enhancement
 Caused by an increase in sound energy while passing through
 Most are cysts
 Solid, benign tumors may also display enhancement. This is
due to more uniform travel through the tumor than through
the surrounding tissue
 Enhancement artifact offers good visualization of the
posterior tumor wall.
 Contradiction: some highly cellular malignant tumors may
have A.E.
 Edge Shadowing
 Attenuation of the sound beam at the lateral margins of a
mass due to refraction.
 Cysts have no internal flow
 Benign, solid masses demonstrate no flow or are hypovascular
(little Doppler signal)
Fibrous Planes
 Benign lesions tend to grow within or along fibrous planes,
compressing or displacing adjacent tissues
 Ducts generally measure less than 3mm and increase in size
as they run toward the nipple
 Dilation or Duct Ectasia may occur due to a variety of normal
conditions: Lactation, 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and perimenopausal changes
 Duct dilatation may also be due to mastitis and fibrocystic
change or be seen with papillomas
 Contradiction: some duct dilatation may be associated with
ductal carcinoma or papillary carcinoma.
Dilated Ducts of a lactating patient
Ductal Ectasia
 Large calcifications causing shadowing artifact are
typically a benign characteristic
Usually have a diffuse pattern
May arise from scarring, necrosis, hemorrhage, cysts or
Small curvilnear calcifications in the gravity-dependent
portion of a cyst, likely represent milk of calcium
common with breast cancer.
Large benign calcification of the
Lymph Nodes
 See normal appearance of fatty hilum and cortex
 Less than 2cm in size (although size not reliable)
 Low resistive Doppler waveform
 As a lymph node becomes more fatty, the cortex thins
and the hilum is more prominent on sonography
Sonographic Features of Malignant
Shape and orientation
 Irregular shape
 Most common malignant shape
 Usually with angles and straight lines
 Spiculated
 Most specific feature of a malignancy on Sonography and
 Straight lines which radiate from the center of the tumor
 Vertical Orientation
Also known as TALLER-THAN-WIDE, AP>Length, Depth>Width
Long axis of tumor is perpendicular to chest wall
Demonstrates invasion into other tissue planes
 Microlobulation
Multiple small lobulations (usually 2mm)
 Ill-defined
Obscured or indistinct margins that are poorly defined
Usually indicates tumor invasion into surrounding tissues
 Angular
Irregular, jagged margins
Highly sensitive for malignancy
 Spiculated
Straight lines which radiate from the center of a tumor
Radial Extensions
 Duct extension – extension of tumor into a duct
coursing toward the nipple
 Branch pattern – extension of tumor into a duct
coursing away from the nipple (usually involves multiple
 Must be scanning in radial plane.
Border Thickness
 Thick, echogenic halo
Usually indicates tumor invasion with fibrotic host response
(Desmoplasia = the growth of fibrous or connective tissue)
Mildly to Markedly hypoechoic
 Also described as ALMOST ECHOGENIC
 Highly suspicious for malignancy
 Internal echoes are not consistent having many gray shades
 Contradiction: benign complex cysts and benign tumors with
internal fibrosis, degeneration or calcifications may appear
 Shadowing
Most solid, malignant tumors demonstrate some degree of
Shadowing may cause limited or lack of visualization of the
posterior tumor wall.
Shadowing may arise from only part of the lesion.
Contradiction: Cooper’s ligaments may cause shadowing due
to refraction.
Contradiction: Some benign lesions such as calcified
fibroadenoma, radial scar, and fat necrosis may cause
 Angiogenesis is the ability of a malignancy to develop
new blood vessels (tumor vessels)
 Malignant lesions tend to demonstrate more peripheral
and internal blood flow with increased Doppler signal
 Contradiction: Inflammation may demonstrate
hypervascularity with an increased Doppler signal.
 Conventional or power Doppler are not reliable in
distinguishing benign from malignant lesions.
 Tumor vessels (formed from angiogenesis) have only two
layers of their walls. They lack a basement membrane of
Fibrous planes
 Malignant lesions tend to invade tissue planes and
disrupt adjacent tissues.
Some tumors may invade the superficial fascia allowing
spread to the superficial structures
May see skin dimpling, skin thickening, nipple
retraction, or retraction of Cooper’s ligaments.
Tumors may also invade the deep fascia and pectoral
fascia planes
Contradiction: some benign processes such as
inflammation or trauma may interrupt planes
Crossing fibrous planes:
Invasive ductal carcinoma
 Malignant
lesions may invade the ducts causing
dilatation, internal echoes or debris, and irregular tumor
extension within the duct.
 Radial scanning should be performed to assess duct
extension and branch pattern.
 Small, micorcalcifications are often associated with
 These clustered micorcalcifications may be visualized
within a tumor on BUS (mammography is superior,
however, in detecting calcifications)
Lymph Nodes
 Loss of definition of fatty hilum
 Enlargement > 2cm
 Micorcalcifications
 High resistive Doppler waveform
 As a lymph node becomes cancerous, it generally
enlarges and loses definition of the fatty hilum
Automated Breast Ultrasound
Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) systems may be approved
for breast cancer screening as an adjunct to mammography for
asymptomatic women with dense breast tissue. The ABUS system
previously received approval for this indication in Canada and
Europe. In the U.S., the device was earlier only approved for use in
these women for diagnostic purposes.