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Martin Bendersky, Dept. of Math. & Stat. at Hunter
A braid is what you might imagine it to be - a weaving of some strings between two
posts. E. Artin showed how to endow an algebraic structure on the collection of all
braids with n strings. The structure has some similarities with the usual multiplication
There is an identity (similar to 1), namely, the braid with no weaving. There are also
inverses. There are dissimilarities as well. Multiplication of two braids does not
Artin was able to completely describe the structure (which is now called the Artin Braid
Group) and provide a prime decomposition law for a special class of braids.
The problem of how to tell when two braids (and a related object called a knot) are the
same is one of the important fields in mathematics (specifically, algebra and topology).