Download Bingo questions- skeletal and muscular system How many bones

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Bingo questions- skeletal and muscular system
1. How many bones make up the skeleton?
2. How many bones make up the backbone?
a. 26 vertebrae make up the backbone
3. How many bones does a baby have?
a. 300
4. An example of an immovable joint is:
a. The skull
5. _____________ are joints that connect bones but show little to no movement.
a. Immovable joints
6. The place where bones meet:
a. Joints
7. _____________ are strong rubber bands that hold joints together.
a. Ligaments
8. One thing bones are made up of:
a. Blood vessels
9. Most joints in the body are ___________, and are held together by ligaments.
a. Movable joints
10. An example of a ball and socket joint:
a. Hips
11. An example of a hinge joint:
a. Toes
12. _____________ are joints with a forward and backward motion.
a. Hinge
13. __________ are joints that allow one bone to rotate around another bone.
a. Pivot joint
14. ______________ is found in the middle of the bone, it stores fat.
a. Yellow bone marrow
15. ________________ fills the spaces in the spongy bone and produces most of the blood cells.
a. Red bone marrow
16. ______________ , found beneath the membrane, is hard and dense but not solid. This contains
minerals that give bones strength.
a. Compact bone
17. ____________ is thin and tough, it covers all of a typical bone except the edges.
a. Outer membrane
18. _____________ is lightweight but still strong.
a. Spongy bone
19. ____________ is a soft connective tissue, and the innermost part of the bone.
a. Marrow
20. ________________ is a soft connective tissue that is more flexible than bone.
a. Cartilage
21. _____________is a disease that causes weak and brittle bones due to a loss of minerals.
a. Osteoporosis
22. How many muscles are there in the body?
a. 600
23. _________________ are muscles under your control.
a. Voluntary
24. _______________ are muscles not under your conscious control.
a. Involuntary muscles
25. An example of a voluntary muscle is:
a. Running
26. An example of an involuntary muscle is:
a. Breathing
27. This type of muscle is voluntary, reacts quickly and tires quickly, is attached to the bones by
tendons. They work in pairs.
a. Skeletal muscles
28. ______________ is a type of muscle that controls the movement of internal organs.
a. Smooth muscle
29. ____________ is a type of muscle that controls the contractions that cause our heartbeat.
a. Cardiac muscle
30. A __________________is a strong connective tissue that attaches the muscle to bone.
a. Tendon
31. What is one of the basic jobs of the bones?
a. Protects organs
32. An example of a gliding joint:
a. Wrist
33. The type of joint with the greatest range of motion:
a. Ball and socket joint
34. ________________ a re types of joints that allow one bone to slide over the other.
a. Gliding
35. A balanced diet and exercise are important for _______________,.
a. Healthy bones
36. Producing blood cells is a function of the: ________________.
a. skeleton