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Come out from Babylon to Jerusalem!
Beatification of an apostate meant elevation of the spirit of Assisi – the spirit of antichrist – to the altar
of the Catholic Church. Thus the rule in the Church has been taken over by the spirit of apostasy which
denies the fundamental truths of the Gospel. As from 1st May 2011, the external structure of the Catholic
Church does not represent the Church of Christ any longer. The entire Catholic Church has fallen into
apostasy. A Catholic, who wants to be saved today, must necessarily separate himself from the apostate
Pope as well as from the apostatical structure with the spirit of death (i.e. from the hierarchy, heretical
theologians and priests). This structure tolerates and privileges the gravest crimes against the faith and
morals, all current heresies, homosexuality, paedophilia... This structure appoints heretics and even
ecclesiastical Freemasons are appointed by it to the highest ecclesiastical offices. Only the orthodox are
being reviled, excommunicated and ruthlessly destroyed by it. This apostatical system, which has been
secretly established over the last 50 years, is built on the betrayal of God and deception of the believers. Its
ideologists are false prophets – liberal theologians and liberal lay people in key positions. They comment on
all the destructive manifestations of the apostatical spirit in such a way as to cast a mist before the eyes of
the public and to repress any impetus to repentance, to conversion and to the following of Christ. They are
even able to designate the current apostasy as the greatest success of the Church. They propose false
solutions such as the ordination of women, ordination of homosexuals, false reanimation with the help of
Buddhist and Hindu meditations and total openness to the demoralization and demonization brought about
by the spirit of lie and death and the spirit of the world.
It is not possible to restore the whole corpselike structure. It will never allow whatever life. Therefore,
there is no alternative left but separation. In apostasy there is no salvation.
Annas and Caiaphas would also not voluntarily abandon their positions of power handing them over to
the apostles of Christ. The spirit of Assisi – the spirit of antichrist – which has seized the positions of power
is likewise not going to abandon them voluntarily. It is a spiritual struggle that will be associated with the
bloodless and bloody martyrdom. However, without it the Catholic Church will not see her restoration.
Only when the orthodox structure is established in the Western Church, the new pope may be
elected from among its orthodox bishops. If the current ex-Pope Benedict dies, his successor elected from
among the apostates will continue to maintain this apostatical structure and this apostatical spirit deceiving
the believers and preventing them from salvation. As from 1st May 2011, there is only one way out: radical
separation from the apostatical hierarchy and establishment of the parallel ecclesiastical structure under the
name of Orthodox Catholic Church (OCC). The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) will temporarily
give patronage to all the living cells of this “Orthodox Catholic Church” (OCC) in the whole world.
Sincere Catholics need not to be afraid to leave the apostatical Church structure, because as from 1st May
2011, the Church of Christ exists no longer in this structure! The Catholic Church, however, will continue to
exist, and that in the communities of the rest of the faithful Catholics of the OCC.
Bestowing a blessing on You
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr
+Timothy OSBMr
Secretaries of the Patriarchate
Lvov, 4th May 2011