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This is a time-line of the main events. Add detail as we go through the ppt; you will fill in the remainder
using a research hand-out that I will give you.
30 Jan 1933
Hitler became Chancellor of Germany.
1 April 1933
7 April 1933
The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service was passed,
which banned Jews from Government jobs.
May 1935
Jews were forbidden to join the army (12,000 German Jews had died
fighting for Germany in WW1).
Summer 1935
Anti-Jewish notices appeared in shops and restaurants.
15 Sep 1935
Nov 1935
Because of the Nuremberg laws it became important to define who was and
who wasn’t Jewish. If you were half-Jewish (a “Mischlinge”) the laws applied
to you.
Fearing international pressure Hitler scaled down his anti-Semitism during
the 1936 Berlin Olympics – even allowing a half-Jewish woman, Helene
Mayer, on the German team (she won a Silver in fencing).
Jews banned from all professional jobs.
Mar 1938
Process of Aryanisation (squeezing Jews out of all business life) continued.
From Mar 1938 Government contracts could no longer be awarded to Jews.
Jewish firms were pressured to “voluntarily” sell to German firms.
Aug 1938
All Jews had to use new names in their signatures: men added the name
‘Israel’ and women the name ‘Sarah’.
Sep 1938
Only Aryan Doctors were allowed to treat Aryan patients.
Oct 1938
Jewish passports had to be stamped with a large red ‘J’.
7-8 Nov 1938
Kristallnacht or the Night of the Broken Glass (add details below and on
next page)
12 Nov. 1938
Insurance companies were forced to hand over money due to Jews from
Kristallnacht to the Government who gave it to “true Germans” instead.
They justified this by blaming the Jews for the events of Kristallnacht. The
Jews were also fined One Billion Reichsmarks!
By 1 April 1939
24 Jan. 1939
Hermann Goering lost interest in the Jews having taken all their money and
passed authority over the Jews to the SS. Himmler, leader of the SS,
wished to eliminate Jews from Germany. This was to be achieved by forced
emigration (making Jews leave Germany).
Sep 1939 (start
Of WW2)
German Jews were subject to a curfew and had their radios taken away.
By March 1940 clothing and food for Jews was reduced.
Sep 1939
The outbreak of war changed Nazi attitudes to the Jews. It meant that
extreme measures could be taken against the Jews without concern for
world opinion. Also it increased the number of Jews under Nazi control.
Ghettos (closed city areas for Jews) were organised in the cities of Poland.
Many died from starvation in these camps. Close to the ghettos were labour
camps where many Jews were worked to death.
June 1941
Germany invaded Russia. Einsatzgruppen (special task forces) moved into
Russia behind the advancing German army to round up and kill Jews and
other “undesirables”. 2.2m Russians and Jews were murdered in this way.
Summer 1941
Decision taken by senior Nazis to seek a permanent and Final Solution to
the ‘Jewish problem’.
Jan 1942
By summer 1943
Jews from all over German-occupied Europe being transported to
extermination camps. It is estimated that 6m people were killed.
Persecution of other groups
Which other groups were persecuted by the Nazis?
Describe (when & what) the 3 main phases of Nazi activity against the Jews
Identification and discrimination:
Why were conditions so favourable for Hitler to emphasise anti-Semitism during the 1920s and
early 1930s?
Does it seem that Hitler had a plan to murder the Jews from the start of his career?
Explain why there was so little apparent opposition to these policies in Nazi Germany?