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Theatre Name
Group Members' Names
Powerpoint Requirements
Avoid using complete sentences.
Summarize your information in bullet points
Make sure you fill each slide up with information
Once all of your information is filled in:
Add pictures (minimum of 7)
Make it colorful and eye-catching
Assign a slide to each person
Get familiar with your information, so you can present (not
just read off of the powerpoint!)
**Erase this slide when you are finished**
Give a description of the background of your
Where did it originate?
Who thought of it?
What is it's purpose?
At least four facts about the country where your
theatre is from
Where is your theatre performed at?
(inside, outside, at a specific location, moves
around, etc.)
What would the members of the cast look like at
a performance?
Be descriptive!
Describe the music that accompanies the
Refer to your elements of music!
List and give a brief description of three
instruments that can be found in the music
performed for your theatre.
Interesting Facts
Give three interesting facts about your theatre
(that are not already in this presentation)