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What is it?
Your body is an electrical conductor and a current will flow through it
when you touch a live conductor and make a connection to earth. Most
electric shocks occur because of earth faults, i.e. the earth conductor on
an appliance is either broken or not connected. So in case of direct contact
between the live conductor and the casing of the appliance the casing will
be live. Anyone touching the casing would become the earth conductor
and will suffer a very severe electric shock.
The severity of an electric shock
The severity of an electric shock depends on three factors: the strength of
the current, which is determined by the voltage, the body’s electrical
resistance and the resistance of the floor covering. The body’s resistance
depends on the state of health, age, dampness of skin etc. It also depends
on the length of time the current flows. The current will flow through the
body and affect the central nervous system, the muscles and the heart. It
may produce muscular spasm, a restriction of breathing, a failing heart
beat or nasty burns where the current enters and leaves the body.
Action to be taken
You should immediately cut off all electricity or if that’s not possible, pull
the casualty clear with a dry insulator, like rubber gloves, a rope, a folded
newspaper etc.
Also, you should stand on a dry, non-conducting surface like a rubber mat
for example.
But you should by no means touch the casualty’s bare skin or use a metal
In case of severe burns you should cool the burn in slow running water.
One mustn’t apply oil or grease on the burns as they will seal off the
Burnt clothing stuck to the flesh mustn’t be removed.
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