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Sunday, October 17, 2010: God, Humanity and Creation
Scripture: Genesis 3:8-19
Speaker: Andy Bannister
Sermon Notes:
1. Misconceptions about Islam stem from fear: fear of violence, fear
of opening conversation, fear of offense or embarrassment.
2. Fear makes us afraid to say anything.
3. Christians today face challenges from both vocal atheism and
growing Islam. However, Islam has more staying power.
4. Christians need to be equipped to confidently engage with Islamic
friends and neighbours.
5. We must raise basic questions about Islam: Who is God, who are
we, what's the problem, what's the solution?
6. When Muslims use the same words, they mean something very
different (e.g. God, Revelation, Prophets, Heaven, Hell, Sin).
7. The story of the Fall occurs in the Bible and the Qur'an, but it's
been changed in the Qur'an, leading to radically different
conclusions (Qur'an 7:19-25).
8. Genesis sets up some important Biblical themes, which differ
fundamentally from the Islamic worldview.
9. The biblical God steps into creation, walking and talking with His
creatures. Allah is distant, remote, transcendent and aloof.
10. The God of Scripture seeks out a genuine relationship with His
creatures, modeled after parenthood. This is entirely alien to
11. Our God talked in the Garden, took on flesh in Jesus, and will
once again fellowship with His people in the new heaven and
12. Genesis 1:26-27 teaches that man is made in God's image,
another teaching entirely foreign to the Qur'an.
13. Our basis for ethics and morality is rooted in bearing God's image.
14. Humans are not mere slaves and play things of God the way
Islam portrays it.
15. The fall in the Bible was breaking a relationship, but for Islam
there's no relationship, no original sin, no need for salvation.
16. Qur'an 4:175 teaches Jesus didn't even die on the cross.
17. Every other religion says you can attain salvation only by many
years of hard work. The Christian life by contrast starts with
personal salvation followed by transformation and renewal.
18. Qur'an 7:24 says the Fall led to being “cast down” -- earth is a
place of trial, testing and punishment, not our created home.
19. In Romans 8 the creation itself is groaning for redemption, the
culmination of which is found in Revelation 21.
20. Many conversations with Muslims revolve around the identity of
Jesus and the incarnation.
21. To introduce Muslims to Jesus, we first must make friends with
our Muslim neighbours and colleagues.
22. Most Muslims have lots of misconceptions about Christianity, and
so thinking long-term involves friendship with Muslims, winning
lasting respect.
23. The most powerful apologetic of all with Muslims is seeing the
difference that Christ makes in our lives.
24. In the context of friendship, learn the art of asking questions, find
ways to weave Scripture into your conversations, and know the
important stories.
25. Telling stories of Jesus offers a way in to the gospel with Muslims:
Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son (Luke 15)
26. Muslims need to encounter their heavenly elder brother in Jesus,
who reached out to rescue them in their lost estate.
Application Questions:
1. What are some reasons Christians are fearful to engage in
conversation with Muslim colleagues and neighbours?
2. What are the errors about the Fall taught in Islam, and what are
the consequences to the Islamic view of God, man, sin, salvation?
3. Why does the incarnation of Jesus offend Muslim's view of God so
4. How is the person of Jesus reflective of the character of God's
relationship with man?
5. How would you explain to a Muslim friend the contrast between
the biblical revelation of God and Islamic view of God?
6. Why is asking questions so essential in Muslim evangelism?
7. How can stories be used effectively to convey the gospel truths of
Scripture to a Muslim?