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Cf5Alcohol notes
Drug – any substance taken in to the body that changes the body’s natural chemistry.
Alcohol – drug produced by a chemical reaction of fruits, vegetables and grains. It
impairs judgment and slows the body’s functions.
Depressant – drug that slows the body’s functions specifically the central nervous system
(brain and spinal cord)
Short-term Effects of Alcohol – immediate effects upon consumption
Brain – less able to control body movements, speech and vision
Liver – cannot break down alcohol fast enough resulting in intoxication
(changes alcohol in to CO2)
Lungs – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) passes through the lungs, but since the liver
cannot keep up with the intake of alcohol, CO2 exits slower
Blood Vessels and Heart – hear rate increases (raising blood pressure) and blood
vessels widen which causes increased blood flow to the surface, creating a false
sense of warmth.
Small Intestines – what the liver cannot breakdown ends up in the small intestines
which is where majority of absorption into the bloodstream occurs.
Stomach – 20% passes into blood stream through the stomach. Too much alcohol
present in the stomach can lead to vomiting
Mouth – chemicals affect mucus lining, tongue, taste buds and throat creating
icky smelling beer breath.
Long-term Effects of Alcohol – after years of use
Brain – destroys brains cells which cannot be reproduced
Liver – causes cirrhosis
Heart – causes high blood pressure which can lead to stroke or even heart failure
Stomach – increases gastric juices in stomach which can cause ulcers or sores in
Define Cirrhosis – scarring and destruction of the liver (liver produces bile which breaks
down fats)
What are the 7 factors that influence the effect alcohol has on a person
- speed consumed
-amount consumed
-presence of food in stomach
-weight of the person consuming
-other drugs in system
Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)
-amount of alcohol in a person’s bloodstream as expressed by a percentage
-BAC depends on any or all of the 7 factors listed above
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) – when a mother drinks alcohol the baby drinks
-Alcohol related birth defect that may be both mental and physical
-low birth weight, facial deformities