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China Unit Study Guide
The student will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the life in ancient
The Emperor is the leader of China
Beijing is the capital of China
An important celebration in China is the Chinese New Year.
SS.2.3.1 Describe the location and physical features of ancient China. (SOL 2.4)
 China is located on the Continent of Asia
 The Huang He River (Yellow River) is located in China
 Gobi Desert is located in northern China
 Hills and mountains
 Mount Everest –Located in China. It is the tallest mountain in the world.
 China has many forests
 China’s Climate- (Climate is the weather over a long period of time.) China has
four distinct seasons. It is the same climate zone as Virginia Beach along the coast
SS.2.3.2 Describe the how the people of ancient China used their environment. (SOL 2.4)
 Settled along the Huang He River
 Fished, farmed and irrigated the
Terraced Farming
Much of the land in China is
too hilly or too dry for
growing large amounts of
food. Ancient Chinese farmers
learned to make the most of
the good land near the river by
building terraces. Terraces are
ledges cut into hillsides. In
dry areas farmers build canals
to bring water from the rivers
to fields.(irrigated)
SS.2.3.3 Describe the relationship between resources and the economic activities of
ancient China. (SOL 2.4, 2.7)
 Resources
o natural resources-water from the Huang He, soil, rice, grain,
wood from the forests, bamboo
o human resources-people, farmers, reapers, sailors, fishermen
o capital resources-tools, pottery tiles, boats, ships, baskets,
 Economic Activities in China
o Farming, harvesting,
o trading
o Silk was very important to the Ancient Chinese. It is a soft cloth
made from the cocoons of silkworms. The Ancient Chinese traded
silk to other parts of Asia and Europe. The route that was used to
trade the silk is known as "The Silk Road."
o The Silk Road was a long route that linked China with the rest of
Asia and Europe. It began at the northeast edge of China and
wound across deserts and past mountains. Almonds, glass, spices,
and gold were also traded along this route. The Silk Road also
allowed for ancient Chinese ideas and inventions to be passed
SS.2.3.4 Describe the contributions of the people of ancient China. (SOL 2.1)
 Contributions - the act of giving or doing something
 Architecture - the design of buildings
Great Wall – is an example of Chinese Architecture. It was built to keep their
enemies out. Watch towers were built every 100-200 feet apart. These towers were
built so guards could signal if the empire was under attack. The signal was the
waving of a flag or smoke from a fire. At one point, 3 million guards were
watching over China daily.
o Writing:Chinese writing is called characters and symbols.
 Inventions
o kite, silk cloth, compass, fireworks, bronze, wheelbarrow,
abacus, umbrella, lunar calendar
SS.2.0.5 Identify the location of the continents, oceans, and other physical features on
maps and globes. (SOL 2.5)
o China is located on the continent of Asia,
o Huang He (Yellow) River
o Pacific Ocean
SS.2.0.6 Identify the location of the equator. (SOL 2.5)
 Equator-imaginary line around the middle of the Earth
 Asia is located north of the equator
Continent of Asia
Pacific Ocean
The Huang He River is also
called the Yellow River
Great Wall of China