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Physical Properties of Matter
Background information
relevant to your study of
biochemistry (you learned it in
your previous science classes)
Properties of Matter
Matter – any substance that has mass and
– Mass - the quantity of matter in an object.
– Volume - the amount of space that the matter takes
Melting Point
Boiling Point
Chemical properties of matter describe a
substance’s ability to change into a NEW
substance as a result of a chemical
 Chemical change - bonds are broken and
new bonds form between atoms.
– Substances display different physical and
chemical properties after the change.
– A chemical change is irreversible!
Signs a chemical change
occurred include…
Properties of Matter
Physical properties of matter can be
observed and measured without changing
the identity of the matter.
 Physical change - can affect size, shape,
or color of a substance but does NOT
affect the composition of the matter.
Chemical Properties of Matter
The more properties we can identify for a
substance, the better we can understand its
Production of light
Production of heat
Color change
Gas production (bubbles)
A substance was created that wasn’t there before!
Examples: burning coal, ripening banana, baking a cake.
Examples: food is metabolized in body, photosynthesis.
Physical vs. Chemical Changes
Physical Change:
 Reversible
Chemical Change:
 Not reversible
– You can “un-freeze
No new substance is
– Water and ice are both
H2O molecules
Chapter 2 - Biochemistry
– You can’t “un-burn”
A new substance is
– Burning wood results
in CO2, ash, etc.
Phases/States of Matter
Phase of matter - physical property of
matter that describes one of a number of
different states of the same substance.
– Greek word “atomos” – unable to cut.
– Atoms are the smallest component of a cell.
Phases/States of Matter
Solid - definite shape, definite volume
Liquid - no definite shape, definite volume
 Gas - no definite shape, no definite
 Plasma - no definite shape, no definite
– highly ionized gas that occurs at high temps
Atom - basic unit of matter.
Atoms compose all living and non living
– Atoms contain subatomic particles: protons
(+), neutrons (neutral), and electrons (-).
– Protons and neutrons are found in the center
of the atom in the atomic nucleus.
– Electrons float around the nucleus in energy
levels and are attracted to the nucleus by the
protons (+’s attract –’s).
The Nature of Atoms
Atoms are electrically neutral because
their proton number and electron number
balance out their charges.
Protons determine the identity of an atom!
– Atomic number – number of protons in the
nucleus of an atom. Each atom has a
different proton number (identity).
Electrons determine how an atom
– Electrons float around the nucleus in energy
levels; most of an atom is empty space.
Atomic Structure
The Nature of Atoms
Mass number is the total number of
protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
– Most of the mass of an atom is in the nucleus!
Atomic Structure
Atomic Number
Atomic Mass (Mass #)
Atomic number equals the number of protons in nucleus.
Atomic mass or mass number equals the number of protons + neutrons.
Atoms have Energy
Electrons in an atom have energy.
 Energy is needed to keep electrons in the
clouds so that they are not pulled into the
– Still have the same number of protons (proton number identifies the substance).
Atoms have Energy
•First level: 2 electrons
•Second level: 8 electrons
•Third level: 8 electrons
•Fourth level: 18 electrons
Radioactive isotopes - are unstable and from
time to time breakdown releasing radiation
from their nucleus.
– Used to study organisms, diagnose disease (as
tracers), treat disease (kill cancer cells), sterilize
food, measure the ages of rocks.
– Radiation is dangerous! It can kill or damage living
things (i.e. Chernobyl’s radioactive fallout).
Elements - substances that are composed
of only one type of atom.
– Cannot be chemically broken down to any
other substances.
– Are represented by chemical symbols on
periodic table.
– More than 100 elements are known, about 25
are found in living organisms.
 6 most abundant include: O, C, H, N, P, S
Isotopes of an element have the same
chemical properties. They differ by the
number of neutrons (a physical property).
Radioactive Isotopes
•Each energy level can
hold a certain number
of electrons.
Isotopes - atoms of the same element that
differ in the number of neutrons.
Chemical Compounds
A chemical compound is a group of atoms
held together by chemical bonds.
 Compounds are represented by chemical
 Examples of chemical formulas:
– NaCl – table salt
– H2O – water
– NH3 – ammonia
– C6H12O6 - glucose
Interactions of Matter
Atoms want to achieve stability – full
outermost energy level.
 In order to achieve stability, atoms will
either gain, lose, or share electrons with
other atoms in a process called chemical
– Atoms will bond with other atoms if the
bonding will give both atoms complete
outermost energy levels.
Covalent bonds
Covalent bonds – chemical bond formed
by the sharing of electrons so that each
atom fills its outermost energy level.
– Most bonds in living organisms are covalent.
– Examples: H2O, CO2, NH3, C6H12O6.
Molecule – smallest particle of a covalently
bonded compound.
Ionic bonds
Ionic bonds – chemical bonds that transfer
electrons from one atom to another
forming charged particles called ions.
Intermolecular Forces
Intermolecular forces - also called
molecular attraction.
 Are forces of attraction between stable
molecules (NOT atoms!)
– Example: hydrogen bonds between water
Example: NaCl is a compound
formed by ionic bonds.
Two types of IM forces:
– Na has 1 electron in its outermost energy level.
 When Na looses an electron, it becomes positively
charged (Na+, or a sodium ion).
Cohesion - intermolecular force of
attraction between LIKE/THE SAME
Adhesion - intermolecular force of
attraction between DIFFERENT
– Cl needs 1 electron to fill its outermost energy
 When Cl gains an electron from Na, it produces a
negatively charged ion, Cl-.
– The two oppositely charged ions are attracted
to one another and form NaCl through
transferring electrons in ionic bonding.
Properties of Water
Intermolecular Forces
Why do they occur?
– Due to differences in charge densities or
uneven distribution of electrons!
– About two thirds of the molecules in our body
are water.
Water provides a medium in which other
molecules can interact.
 Water exists as all three states/phases of
 Water expands when it freezes – this is
why ice floats!
Polar vs. Non-Polar Molecules
Polar - unequal distribution of charge means a great
amount of attraction between molecules.
Non-Polar - equal distribution of charge means a
weak attraction between molecules.
Do Polar and Non-Polar
Solutions Mix?
•Polar solutions mix with other polar solutions!
•Example: Milk and water.
•Non-polar solutions mix with other non-polar
All cells contain water.
Water is Polar
Water is a polar molecule - molecule has
slight charge (+ or -) on each end due to
uneven distribution of electrons.
– Oxygen pulls hydrogen’s electrons closer to it
therefore the oxygen atom is slightly negative
and the hydrogen becomes slightly positive.
– Polarity is the most important property of
 Allows a strong attraction between water
molecules or between water and other polar
Water clings to itself & other
-Cohesion – Intermolecular force of attraction
between like molecules.
 Water molecules cling to other WATER molecules
(hydrogen bonding) – Beading of water on a
smooth surface.
•Example: Oil and grease.
•Polar solutions will NEVER mix with non-polar
•Example: Italian salad dressing.
Water clings to itself & other
Water’s role in solutions
– Solution – small particles are dispersed in mixture,
all components are evenly distributed.
 Solute the substance that is dissolved.
 Solvent the substance that does the dissolving.
 Water acts as a solvent to dissolve solutes (ex.
sugar) forming solutions.
– Adhesion – Intermolecular force of attraction
between different molecules.
 Water molecules cling to other molecules –
Meniscus in a graduated cylinder.
Water has a large heat
capacity/specific heat
Water is good at forming
•Due to slight charge of water molecules.
•Mixture - substance composed of two or more
elements or compounds that are mixed together
but not chemically combined (are not linked by
chemical bonds).
•Examples: salt and pepper stirred together;
– Allows large bodies of water to absorb large amounts
of heat with only a small change in temperature.
– Allows for regulation of cell temperature.
•Two types of mixtures: Solutions & Suspensions
Water has properties of
Water’s role in suspensions
– Suspension – a mixture where the solute does not
fully dissolve.
Heat capacity/specific heat – amount of heat
required to change a substance’s temperature
by a given amount.
Is a result of the multiple hydrogen bonds
between water molecules.
A large amount of heat energy is required to
cause the molecules to move faster (which is
how the temperature of the water is raised).
 Solute will settle out.
 Example blood (plasma and blood cells).
Capillarity/capillary action– the interplay of
cohesion and adhesion to hold a solution in a
thin tube against the force of gravity.
– Draws water out of the roots of plants and up into the stems
and leaves.
– Helps move blood through the body.
Remember, water’s unique properties (the ones that
allow it to sustain life) are ultimately based upon the fact
that is very polar!
Water’s role in solutions
Water dissociates - breaks down forming
charged particles called ions (H+ and OH-) when
its bonds are broken.
+ OH-
Other compounds also dissociate (break down
into their individual ions) when dissolved in
Ex. NaCl
Acids, Bases, and pH
Acid – a substance that releases hydrogen ions
(H+ ) when dissolved in water.
– Example: HCl ---> H+
pH Scale
+ Cl
Base – a substance that releases hydroxide ions
(OH-) when dissolved in water.
pH – measures the amount of hydrogen in a
solution, each measurement of pH represents ten
pH Scale - ranges from 0 to 14.
– Example: NaOH ---> Na+ + OH-
Less than 7 is for acids (more H+ than OH-).
Greater than 7 is for bases (more OH- than H+).
7 is neutral (equal amounts of H+ and OH- in solution).
Most cells have a pH of 6.5-7.5.
 Controlling pH is an example of homeostasis.
Acids, Bases, and pH
Water is a neutral solution - water
separates forming an equal number of
hydrogen and hydroxide ions.
 Neutralization reaction - Hydrogen ions
and hydroxide ions react to form water.
– Occurs when H+ ions from strong acids are
mixed in perfect ratios with OH- ions from
strong bases.
H+ + OH- -----> H2O
pH Scale
Acids - substances that forms hydrogen
ions when dissolved in water.
– The more hydrogen ions (less hydroxide) the
more acidic.
Bases - substances that forms hydroxide
ions when dissolved in water.
– The more hydroxide ions (less hydrogen) the
more basic or alkaline.
pH Scale
What happens when acid is added to a solution?
– As more acid is added the pH will go down, but the
H+ concentration goes up.
What happens when base is added to a
– As more base is added the pH will go up, but the H+
concentration goes down.
Buffers – weak acids or bases that can
react with strong acids or bases to prevent
sharp, sudden changes in pH.
– Are important for maintaining homeostasis in
living organisms.
 Ex. Carbonic acid and sodium bicarbonate buffer
your blood’s pH.