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Class 3: Neurons  BOLD
2012 spring fMRI: theory & practice
Stimulus to BOLD
Source: Arthurs & Boniface, 2002, Trends in Neurosciences
BOLD signal
Source: Doug Noll’s primer
Neuron  BOLD?
Raichle, 2001, Nature
Source: Menon & Kim, TICS
Figure 6.8 Blood supply to the human cerebrum
Macro- vs. micro- vasculature
vessels > 25 m radius
(cortical and pial veins)
 linear and oriented
 cause both magnitude
and phase changes
Capillary beds within the cortex.
vessels < 25 m radius
(venuoles and capillaries)
 randomly oriented
 cause only magnitude
Neural Networks
Post-Synaptic Potentials
• The inputs to a neuron (post-synaptic potentials) increase (excitatory PSPs) or
decrease (inhibitory PSPs) the membrane voltage
• If the summed PSPs at the axon hillock push the voltage above the threshold, the
neuron will fire an action potential
Even Simple Circuits Aren’t Simple
gray matter
(dendrites, cell bodies
& synapses)
Lower tier area
(e.g., thalamus)
white matter
Will BOLD activation from the blue voxel reflect:
Middle tier area
(e.g., V1, primary
visual cortex)
• output of the black neuron (action potentials)?
• excitatory input (green synapses)?
• inhibitory input (red synapses)?
Higher tier area
(e.g., V2, secondary
visual cortex)
• inputs from the same layer (which constitute ~80% of
• feedforward projections (from lower-tier areas)?
• feedback projections (from higher-tier areas)?
Figure 6.15 The change in diameter of arterioles following sciatic stimulation
Figure 6.16 Change in arteriole dilation as a function of distance from active neurons
Figure 7.12 Relative changes in cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume following
neuronal activity
BOLD Correlations
Local Field Potentials (LFP)
• reflect post-synaptic potentials
• similar to what EEG (ERPs) and MEG
Multi-Unit Activity (MUA)
• reflects action potentials
• similar to what most electrophysiology
Source: Logothetis et al., 2001, Nature
Logothetis et al. (2001)
• combined BOLD fMRI and
electrophysiological recordings
• found that BOLD activity is more closely
related to LFPs than MUA
So there are still a lot to explore !!
Deoxygenated Blood  Signal Loss
Oxygenated blood?
No signal loss…
Deoxygenated blood?
Signal loss!!!
Images from Huettel, Song & McCarthy, 2004, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Figure 7.4 Changes in oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin following neuronal
Summary of BOLD signal generation
(A) under normal conditions,
oxygenated hemoglobin (Hb) is
hemoglobin at a constant rate
within the capillary bed. (B) But
when neurons become active, the
vascular system supplies more
oxygenated hemoglobin than is
needed by the neurons, through
an over-compensatory increase in
blood flow. This results in a
decrease in the amount of
deoxygenated hemoglobin and a
corresponding decrease in the
signal loss due to T2* effects,
leading to a brighter MR image
Figure Source, Huettel, Song & McCarthy, 2004,
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Figure 7.11 Schematic representations of the BOLD hemodynamic response
Hemodynamic Response Function
% signal change
= (point – baseline)/baseline
usually 0.5-3%
time to rise
signal begins to rise soon after stimulus begins
time to peak
initial dip
signal peaks 4-6 sec after stimulus begins
-more focal and potentially a better
post stimulus undershoot
-somewhat elusive so far, not
signal suppressed after stimulation ends
everyone can find it
fMRI Measures the Population Activity
• population activity depends on
– how active the neurons are
– how many neurons are active
• manipulations that change the activity of many neurons a little have a
show bigger activation differences than manipulations that change the
activation of a few neurons a lot
– attention
•  activity
– learning
Verb generation
Verb generation after
15 min practice
•  activity
• fMRI may not
match single neuron
physiology results
Ideas from: Scannell & Young, 1999,
Proc Biol Sci
Raichle & Posner, Images of Mind cover image
Comparing Electrophysiolgy and BOLD
Data Source: Disbrow et al., 2000, PNAS
Figure Source, Huettel, Song & McCarthy, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Concise Summary
We sort of understand this
(e.g., psychophysics,
We’re *&^%$#@ clueless here!
We sort of understand this (MR
Bottom Line
• Despite all the caveats, questions and concerns, BOLD
imaging is well-correlated with results from other
• BOLD imaging can resolve activation at a fairly small
scale (e.g., retinotopic mapping)
• PSPs and action potentials are correlated so either way,
it’s getting at something meaningful
• even if BOLD activation doesn’t correlate completely
with electrophysiology, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong
– may be picking up other processing info (e.g., PSPs,
PET vs. fMRI
• fMRI does not require exposure to radiation
– fMRI can be repeated
• fMRI has better spatial and temporal resolution
– requires less averaging
– can resolve brief single events
• MRI is becoming very common; PET is specialized
• MRI can obtain anatomical and functional images within same session
• PET can resolve some areas of the brain better
• in PET, isotopes can tagged to many possible tracers (e.g., glucose or
• PET can provide more direct measures about metabolic processes