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SUNDAY SERVICES: Morning 11am Evening 5:30pm
Welcome to our Worship Service
N o v e m b e r
2 0 1 4
Every Christians’ prayer: May others see less of me and more
of Jesus.
♪ ♫ Gavin leads this morning’s worship
Musical Prelude by Pastor ♪ ♫
 Call to worship
Worship Hymn:  377
He Lives
Opening Prayer
Worship Hymn:  412
Moment by Moment
Tithes & Free will Offerings
Worship Hymn:  763
Trust Him
 Bible Reading from Romans 3: 23-28
Worship Hymn:  297
Open My Eyes that I may See
Pastoral Prayer
Bible Message
Closing Hymn:  164 Nothing but the Blood
Closing Prayer
If you have been a visitor today, we hope that you will worship with us again
From the Pastor’s Desk
Today our Pastor will continue through his series of messages in “The Letter to the
Romans” and this evening “From now to Eternity”.
Members Lord’s Supper this afternoon at 4:45pm.
No Choir practice this afternoon due to the Lord’s Supper Service.
Ladies Evening @ the church tomorrow evening 3rd November. Jan will bring the
Prayer meeting as usual at 7pm Wednesday 5th November.
Men’s Fellowship 14th November. Activity TBA.
Working Bee at the church this coming Saturday 8th November. Clean up the garden,
spray weeds etc.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast (and boys of course) Saturday 29th November 6:30am. Eric will
bring the devotional.
Village Baptist Church, Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay Pastor Kerry and his wife Anne and
two children Reuben 2 years and Grace 4 years are looking for accommodation in
Christchurch from Saturday 3rd Jan to Saturday 17th January 2015. We are quite happy
to feed animals, mow lawns, collect mail and a cooked meal and dessert put in the
freezer for you when you return. If you can help and are going away and would like
someone to house sit while you are away you can contact Anne on (06) 877 3949 or 021
298 3957
Jason - 6th
Noah – 12th
Sophie - 21st
Happy Anniversay to:
Pastor Ron & Jan
on the 22nd
This month’s memory verse
John 12:37 But though he had done so many miracles
before them, yet they believed not on him:
Song Leading
Morning Tea
Dishes Duty
Next week:
Gavin AM/ Eric PM
Jessie & Fely
Eva & Kim
Williamsons’s - Nov
Eric AM / Johann PM
Krystal & Jamie
Jan & Krystal
Boersma’s - Dec
Tithes and Offerings
Tithes & Offerings
Pledged to the Mortgage
Re build:
News Articles
"In the beginning was only Being, ONE without a
second. Out of Himself He brought forth the cosmos
and entered into everything in it" ("Brahma, Vishnu,
The Hindu TrinityDavid Cloud
2. In Hinduism, it is not necessary to worship God as
any one thing or person. In Hinduism God can be
and Shiva -- is nothing like the lovely Trinitarian God worshiped however the worshiper sees fit, whereas
the God of the Bible reveals Himself precisely and
revealed in Scripture.
must be worshiped according to His own revelation.
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are not three different
persons but are the three different aspects of 3. The Hindu Brahma is not the Creator, because
the one all-ensouling Life of the Universe. They nothing new is ever created. Hinduism does not
are supposed to be the creator, preserver, and teach creation but rather emanation and evolution.
Hinduism says that there is no such thing as
destroyer of the universe.
"creation" since nothing new can ever be made.
1. The Hindu Trimurti is not three eternal Persons in
one Godhead. Instead the Hindu gods are mere "Brahman, 'Infinite Godhead,' is not a Creator, has
manifestations of one impersonal, unknowable god never created anything, and can never create
anything. It simply emanates Itself through Itself,
who is called Brahma and other names.
within Itself, and as Itself. Emanation and evolution
"Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva is not three but is ONE, are realities but creation is not. And it is
manifesting in three different ways at three different Brahma which is the great Evolver" ("Brahma,
times. It is entirely a matter of personal choice and Vishnu, Shiva,"
preference as to whether an individual refers to the
all-ensouling Life of the Universe as Vishnu or as "Brahma is evolutionary energy."
Shiva or as Brahma.
The Trimurti – the Hindu Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu,
4. The Hindu Brahma is not a knowable person who Hindus believe. Hinduism is a bewildering variety of
has revealed himself as such to man.
contradictory beliefs. There are no real absolutes.
"Brahman is the Absolute, the Infinite, the Ultimate,
the Unconditioned and Unmanifested, It is above
and beyond all name, all form, all matter, all
manifestation, and everything finite, conditioned,
and differentiated, although at the same time
everything matching this description is of course
permeated with Brahman since Brahman is all there
Historian A. L. Basham explains the background of
the Trimurti as follows, noting Western interest in the
idea of trinity: "Early western students of Hinduism
were impressed by the parallel between the Hindu
trinity and that of Christianity. In fact the parallel is
not very close, and the Hindu trinity, unlike the Holy
Trinity of Christianity, never really 'caught on.' All
Hindu trinitarianism tended to favor one god of the
three; thus, from the context it is clear that
5. The Hindu Brahma is not separate from the Kālidāsa's hymn to the Trimūrti is really addressed
universe or distinct from creation. The Hindu god is to Brahmā, here looked on as the high god. The
Trimūrti was in fact an artificial growth, and had little
pantheistic. Brahma means the Universe itself.
real influence" (Basham, The Wonder That Was
India, 1954, pp. 310, 311).
6. The Hindu Brahma is not distinct from man.
"Brahman is Who and What we really are, in our
own Real Self and essential nature as pure eternal
Spirit. The Hindu scriptures tell us, 'You are
Brahman; in the highermost part of your being you
are literally one and the same as this Absolute
Infinite Divine Consciousness; Brahman is all
and inall!'"
There is no Trimurti in the Vedas composed of
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Vedic Trimurti was
composed of Surya, Agni, and Vayu.
Sauram sect Hindus worship Surya (the sun) as the
highest god and the Trimurti as manifestations of
Surya. "Surya is Brahma in the morning, Vishnu in
the afternoon and Shiva in the evening."
7. The Hindu Trimurti is not one in mind and
purpose. The Hindus gods war against each other. Vaishnavism Hindus (sects of Dvaita Ramanuja,
They are jealous of one another. They do not work Madhva and Chaitanya, Swaminarayan) generally
together in harmony and unity of mind and purpose. do not accept the Trimurti concept.
8. The Hindu Trimurti is not one in attributes. In practice, Hindus worship god in a multitude of
Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva are not omniscient, forms and any one of these is considered his or her
god. How this god is associated with other gods
omnipotent, immutable.
differs greatly from sect to sect. The gods are
worshipped for selfish purposes, chiefly for good
9. The Hindu Trimurti is not one in holy character.
fortune. Laxmi is the goddess of good luck; Ganesh
Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva are not all holy, morally
supposedly overcomes obstacles and brings
pure, and sinless. Each god has a consort: Brahma
has Saraswati; Vishnu has Lakshmi; Shiva has Kali
or Parvati, but they are not faithful. Shiva was said
to have cut off the head of his own son in a jealous
The Preacher
rage. Shiva worship is morally filthy. The gods and
goddesses commit fornication and adultery. Krishna
who is also supposed to be Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva,
NCE UPON A TIME there was a church. It was
have hundreds of "girlfriends."
only a little church but they loved the Lord. The
pastor preached on subjects such as repentance,
10. The Hindu Trimurti is not the compassionate commitment and holiness. It didn't bother him that
Redeemer. The Hindu gods provide no redemption. the offerings were small and the seats not filled,
There is no literal fall and no compassionate God
because the Bible says:
who works out the plan of redemption. In Hinduism,
redemption is the work of each individual, who must
work out his own karma along the path of
THERE BE THAT FIND IT" Matthew 7: 14
The Trimurti doctrine is not an absolute doctrine of
One day there were some visitors at the church.
Hinduism. It has never been a teaching that all
After the service, one of them went to the pastor.
"listen pastor, the sermon was great, but.. well..
those hymns are so old fashioned. If you want to
attract more people to your church you have to
make the music more appealing, more modern
and up-to-date." He continued - "No-one wants to
hear 'Blessed Assurance' anymore, and as for 'I
Surrender All', you don't want to frighten people
off, do you?" The pastor thought about it, and
even though he wasn't entirely sure, he changed
the music and die congregation enjoyed some
more upbeat music the following Sunday.
A few weeks later there were other visitors to the
church. They enjoyed the service, but were a little
uncomfortable with the message. They spoke to
the pastor afterward and suggested nicely that the
topics he preached on could be a little negative, a
bit depressing (especially that one on persecuted
for Jesus' sake), and that one on dying to self.
Well. it really was a bit morbid, wasn't it? Maybe
he could preach something a bit more.. uplifting..
they said and lent him some tapes by a wellknown televangelist. "I'm sure this is the right
thing to preach" they said. "They have SO MANY
people come to their meetings (and you have so
few), and God just pours finances into their
ministries, so they must be right, and one has a
church of ten thousand people"
The preacher thought about it. There was
something in the back of his mind about the
uncertainty of riches, but he preached the
following Sunday about the blessings of God
(especially in your finances – what could be better
than to give to God? And if God gives you back a
hundred fold, then you have more to give Him)
The Sunday offering was twice as much as usual.
Some of the congregation was unhappy. They
had stayed despite feeling that the new music was
trite, light and worldly; but they disliked the
message strongly enough to leave. The pastor
told himself that there were far more coming than
going, so it must be the right decision.
started to do his study from the modern version so
as not to confuse himself when he preached. The
congregation responded favourably, especially
when he preached on
Romans 8:1 - "There is therefore no
condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
and Matthew 9: 13 "for I have not come to call the
righteous, but sinners"'
They started being much friendlier with the newer
Christians who were starting to come in. They
didn't want to judge poor John Smith who was still
living with his girlfriend (for whom he had left his
wife), or Jane Brown who still smoked, or even
homosexual lifestyle - because they had 'made a
commitment'. They had said a 'Sinner's Prayer' at
one of the meetings, and besides which Romans
8: 1 says 'there is no condemnation'.
The preacher was perplexed. Something was
bothering him. He took out his King James Bible
and looked up
Romans 8:1
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus WHO WALK NOT
"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners
He was concerned and discussed this with his
elders, but they assured him that his preaching
was just right and surely he didn't want to be
considered legalistic or a fanatic? They also
suggested that what the church needed was a
committee to help him with such difficult
decisions. They had several men and some
women in mind. Oh, and it was also high time that
they appointed some female elders because
'there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free..
neither male nor female' so we must accept
women in love .. and allow them to be in
leadership. And we really should give Billy a
position - maybe with the youth. You don't want to
be thought of as narrow-minded, do you? We
have to move with the times.
The visitors were still there and more people
came each week. Some of the newer members of
the congregation enjoyed the new preaching.
The new music was much more to their liking, but
they still had something to say –
"Listen pastor, the sermon was good, and we
loved the music, but can you please try a newer
version of the Bible. All the 'Thees’ and 'thous' are
hard to follow, and who knows what 'propitiation' Soon the church was full to overflowing. The
means anyway?" The pastor thought about it, and messages were positive and the music was
decided it couldn't hurt to try it out. After all, a modern. The extensions that were soon needed
Bible, is a Bible, is a Bible, isn't it? He even
were becoming expensive so the women's group
decided that some fundraising needed to be done.
They sold jam and cakes and pies and held a fete.
The prayer meetings were cancelled because
everyone was too busy with preparations and the
hall was needed for the fete. The Superintendent
came to the opening. He smiled and nodded and
said that since they had spent $50,000 on the new
extensions that maybe they could balance the
budget by holding back a bit on missions giving.
"The old clothes and second hand teabags we've
sent should suffice for a while", he said, "anyway
the prophet for our denomination has told us that
God has lifted the spirit of evangelism from the
church, so this missions stuff is unnecessary". He
looked around a little more. The preacher was a
bit concerned about what he had said, but the
Superintendent patted him on the back and said,
"You have so many people here now that God is
obviously blessing you."
were Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and New-Agers
- no one was uncomfortable here anymore.
After a rousing Christian song, put to the tune of a
currently popular rock song, the preacher took the
pulpit. With tears in his eyes he opened the
meeting in prayer. He prayed and asked God to
forgive him for pleasing others and not his
Heavenly Father, and then preached on holiness,
repentance, commitment, and finished - "take up
your cross and follow me."
The congregation sat silent, dumbfounded. They
quietly filed out after the service (those that had
not walked out already). The following days, the
Superintendent received many calls about the
preacher. They said he was judgmental, fanatical,
legalistic, unteachable, narrow-minded, behindthe-times
Superintendent agreed that something must be
done. The preacher was sent to the mission field
The committee decided that a bigger car park was - to Bolivia.
now needed for all the members, so a decision
was made to cut back on mission giving again, Several months later a revival broke out there, but
and the last two missionaries were no longer the church was unaware of it as they no longer
funded. Who has ever heard of Bolivia, and since had a Missions Board, and the Notice Board was
there is only one Christian per three million too full of 'relevant information' to squeeze
people, they are OBVIOUSLY all heathens and anything else onto it.
would have no need of one anyway.
The Superintendent appointed a new pastor.
The new Youth Group leaders appointed by the Everybody was thrilled with her. The first thing
committee were wonderfully accepted. Their body she did was to change the name of the church, as
piercings and coloured hair made them very too many religious connotations attached to words
culturally relevant among the teenagers. The male like 'church'; and then she removed the name of
leader had an earring and long hair, and the Jesus so as not to offend Buddhists or Muslims female had a purple crew-cut and wore miniskirts. who are just trying to get to God their own way.
When the pastor questioned this with the We don't want them to think that we are the only
committee, he was told :
ones with the truth.... do we?
"That was Old Testament. God has moved on".
"This is the nineties".
It must have been the right decision, as it is now
"God isn't worried about the outside, He sees the the most popular church ... er, Community Faith
Centre ... in the town. And numbers are
"You don't want to be considered narrow-minded, everything .... right?
do you?"
The new Youth Leaders installed drums and a
It could be a fairy tale .....except that all of these
sound system, disco lighting and a smoke
events have happened in various places... or are
machine (that's what youth want.... isn't it?)
happening NOW. Maybe it isn't a fairy tale ... it's a
cautionary tale.
Teenagers were soon pouring in. The preacher
looked around at his congregation. There were
women who looked like men, men who looked like
women, and a few who could definitely be either.
There was hair of many shades and colour
including blue and green. Several were talking on
mobile phones an one was sound asleep. There
Contact Details
027 237 5566
Church address
9 Burwood Rd
Postal Address:
Basics for a
PO Box 19971
New Zealand
Pray to God daily
(Matt 6:5-6)
[email protected]
Obey Christ in baptism
(Acts 2:41)
Web Address:
Witness your faith
(Acts 1:8)
Service Times
Enjoy and join a
Bible believing church (Heb 10:25)
SUNDAY SERVICES: Morning 11am Evening 5:30pm
Read God’s word daily
Sunday of every month.
LADIES EVENING Monday evenings 7pm last Monday of
every second month.
YOUNG MOTHERS MORNING Monday mornings 10am
first Monday of every second month.
(Psalm 119:11)
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of
God.” (Romans 3:23) God’s Word says that we are
ALL sinners. No one is good enough to get into
“For the wages of sin is death...” (Romans 6:23) Just
as there are wages for good , there is punishment
for wrong. The penalty for our sin is eternal death in
a place called Hell.
“But God commended his love toward us, in that,
while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
(Romans 5:8) Christ showed his love when he died
on the cross to pay our debt.
“But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus
Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) “For whosoever
shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
(Romans 10:3) Everlasting life is a gift purchased by
the blood of Jesus and offered freely to those who
can call on him by faith.
Dear Lord Jesus, I realise that you died on the cross to take
my punishment I deserve, please forgive me of my sins. I
believe that you rose from the dead. I ask you now, Lord
8 | PChrist,
a g e to save me from my sins and to be in my life.
Thank you for your gift of eternal life, in Jesus Name, Amen