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1. The drug found in tobacco is nicotine.
2. Drugs that cause a person to see things that
do not exist are classified as hallucinogens.
3. A necessary first step to treating drug
addiction is withdrawal
4. All of the following are stimulants except
5. The most widely abused illegal drug in
Canada is marijuana.
6. Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the
bloodstream from the stomach.
7. Antibiotics are not called over-the-counter
8. Depressents lower the breathing rate.
9. Babies born to mothers who smoke cigarettes
are more likely to be born underweight.
10. Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease caused by
the abuse of alcohol.
11. In humans, fertilization usually occurs in
the oviducts.
12. The ovaries produce progesterone, estrogen,
and eggs.
13. When estrogen reaches the uterus the walls
of the uterus thicken.
14. The oviducts are part of the female
reproductive system.
15. An embryo becomes a fetus when cartilage
is replaced by bones.
16. The amnion is important because it keeps
the embryo from moving about.
17. The release of an egg from a follicle is
called ovulation.
18. Sperm are stored in the epidymis.
19. Newborn babies respond with a startle
reflex to bright lights and loud noises.
20. By seven months, most infants can roll
21. In SI, the basic unit of volume for liquids
and gases is Liter.
22. A statement of an idea or principle that has
been tested and accepted by many scientists
over a period of time is called a theory.
23. All of the following are examples of
biology. Zoology, botany ecology,
24. When a person forms a conclusion based
upon facts and not direct observations they are
25. The first step in problem solving is to
identify the problem.
26. The use of science to solve every day
problems is called biotechnology.
27. A measure of how clear an object appears is
called resolution.
28. Which of the following temperature scales
is part of SI? Kelvin, Celsius.
29. The branch of biology that studies the
structure of living things is called anatomy.
30. One kilogram is equal to 1000 grams.
31. All organisms have the ability to use
32. The growth of a plant towards the sun is
called tropism.
33. The removal of waste products from an
organism is called excretion.
34. The theory that living things could be
produced from nonliving things is called
spontaneous generation.
35. The process of breaking down food into
usable forms is called digestion.
36. In cells, respiration produces energy.
37. Reproduction is not referred to as a life
38. During photosynthesis, plants use sunlight
to produce glucose.
39. Fission and budding are two types of
asexual reproduction.
40. The ability of an organism to keep
conditions inside its body constant is called
41. During chemical digestion, proteins are
broken down into amino acids.
42. In the human digestive system, chemical
digestion does not occur in the esophagus.
43. Important proteins that control chemical
reactions within the body are called enzymes.
44. The mechanical digestion of food begins in
the stomach.
45. The absorption of food into the bloodstream
takes place in the small intestine.
46. By the time food leaves the stomach, it is in
the form of a thick liquid called chyme.
47. When peristalsis in the large intestine is too
strong, diarrhea occurs.
48. Bile is stored in the gall bladder.
49. Saliva begins the chemical digestion of
food by breaking down starch.
50. Plaque causes tooth decay because it
contains bacteria.
51. The human skeletal system is made up of
206 bones.
52. The appendicular skeleton does not include
the ribcage.
53. New blood cells are made in the red bone
54. Joints that allow movement in only one
direction are called hinge joints.
55. As babies develop, cartilage is replaced by
56. Smooth muscle is found in the walls of
blood vessels.
57. The spaces in spongy bone are filled with
yellow marrow.
58. The cause of muscular dystrophy is
59. Muscles push bones to allow movement.
60. The main function of the skin is to protect
the body.
1. Fetal alcohol syndrome causes physical and
mental disabilities in babies.
2. Villi increases surface area of the small
3. Carbon monoxide decreases oxygen supply
to the body.
4. Over-the-counter drugs can be purchased
without a prescription.
5. Tobacco contains tar.
6. Cocaine is an illegal drug.
7. Cardiac muscle is found in the heart.
8. Indigestion is caused by eating too fast or too
9. An ulcer is a breakdown in the lining of the
10. Tendons connect muscle to bone.
11. Ligaments connect muscle to muscle.
12. Sexual maturity occurs during puberty
13. In old age, sensory receptors become less
14. The liver produces bile.
15. Childhood is the period between 2 and 12
years of age.
16. Pregnancy is also referred to as the
gestation period.
17. Competition is a struggle to acquire
18. In adulthood, physical growth is complete.
19. Chemicals can be used by some organisms
to make food.
20. Life span is the amount of time an organism
Female-ovary, oviduct, cervix, vagina,
Male-penis, vas deferens, urethra, prostate
gland,testes, epididymis, seminal vesicles.
Digestive system-rectum, esophagus, gall
bladder, large intestine, small intestine,
pancreas, liver, stomach.
Short answer:
Question-How is the effect of alcohol dependent
on a person’s body weight and whether the
person drinks on an empty stomach?
How does the long term abuse of tobacco affect
the heart?
Describe two medical procedures that serve as a
method of birth control.
How can a healthy lifestyle during all stages of
a person’s life affect the aging process?
Explain what botanists and zoologists study.
Why do most biologists specialize in only one
branch of biology?
Explain the theory of spontaneous generation
How is the structure of the small intestine
adapted for absorption?
List two functions of the skeletal system.
Explain two functions of blood.