Download IMP 3 POW #3 (On Patrol)

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IMP 3 POW #3 (On Patrol)
Problem Statement – The problem is stated in geometric terms (not in story terms). The problem statement
must provide enough information so that a reader unfamiliar with the textbook can understand and solve
the problem without referring to the text. Be sure to clearly state what you are being asked to do, to solve
or to find. Remember: You may have more than one task! (If this section is missing, the POW grade will
drop 10%.)
Process - This may be a journal or narrative format. You should include all diagrams, equations, tables,
etc. that you used - even if you eventually discarded the idea! Remember: “Mistakes” help us learn!
Solution (conclusions and conjectures) - This section may be included in the Process section. Whether a
separate section or part of the Process section, your Solution must be clearly labeled and clearly stated.
Please label each section. Attach this rubric to the front of your POW
100% - Like a 95% except that the proof is correct.
95% - Like a 90% except that the student also attempts a proof of the answer to question 1. The attempt
shows a reasonable approach and some understanding of logic principles. (Note: A proof is simply a
detailed, rigorous explanation of why, mathematically, the answer works. You may write a paragraph
explanation or use a two-column proof.)
90% - Like an 85 % except that the student also addresses what situations will not allow a patrol station
equidistant from the 4 or more highways. The student may have attempted a proof of the answer to
question #1, but the proof is not logical.
85% - (Procedural understanding is solid. Conceptual understanding is in progress.) The student was able
to apply the information gathered from the in class Geometer’s Sketchpad investigation and correctly
answer question 1 and 2. The student addresses the categories of highway placements in question 2. The
student is thorough in their explanation of question 1 and 2 although a correct proof of the answer to
question 1 is not included. The student may have attempted a proof of the answer to question #1, but the
proof is not logical. The student is able to generalize their theories to question 3. The answer to question
three may not be complete. OR Questions 1-3 are answered with minor errors throughout.
75% - (Procedural understanding is solid. Conceptual understanding is beginning.) The student was able
to apply the information gathered from the in class Geometer’s Sketchpad investigation and correctly
answer question 1 and 2. The student addresses the categories of highway placements in question 2.
However, the answers to questions 1 and 2 are not fully explained. The student may attempt to answer
question 3 but is unsuccessful. OR Questions 1-3 are answered with various errors throughout.
70% - (Procedural understanding is in progress.) The student was able to apply the information gathered
from the in class Geometer’s Sketchpad investigation and correctly answer question 1. The student
addresses the categories of highway placements in question 2. The student attempts to answer question 2
but is unsuccessful. The student may attempt to answer question 3 but is unsuccessful. Tutoring is
strongly recommended.
60% - (Procedural understanding is beginning.) The student has shown great effort. The work indicates
serious errors in reasoning. Tutoring is strongly recommended.
51% - Incomplete or incomplete and inaccurate work.
NOTE: Submitting a cover page or a problem statement only will count as a late grade. Some attempt to
address the questions must be made in order to have the opportunity to re-write the POW for up to 90%.