Download Section 14.2: Climate - Trimble County Schools

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Section 14.2: Climate ______________
Describe the criteria used to _____________ climates.
Compare and contrast ______________ climates.
Explain and give examples of ____________________.
Main Idea
Climates are categorized according to the _________________ temperatures and
_____________________ amounts.
Köppen Classification System
*The Köppen classification system is a classification system for climates that is based on the
average ______________ values of __________________ and ____________________.
*Developed by German climatologist __________________ Köppen, the system also takes into
account the distinct ___________________ found in different climates.
*Köppen’s classification system is made up of ________ main _______________ based on
temperature and precipitation.
1. _____________________ climates
*Year-round _________ temperatures characterize tropical climates. In tropical wet climates,
high temperatures are accompanied by up to _________ cm of rain each year.
*Tropical regions are almost continually under the influence of ______________ tropical air.
*The areas that border the rainy tropics to the north and south of the equator are
_______________ zones, known as the ___________________ wet and dry zones.
*These areas have distinct dry ______________ seasons as a result of the occasional influx of
dry continental air __________________.
2. ______________ climates
*Dry climates, which cover about ________ percent of Earth’s land area, make up the largest
_____________ zone.
In these climates, continental tropical air _________________, precipitation is __________,
and vegetation is _______________.
*There are two subtypes of dry climates: __________ regions, called ____________, and
________________ regions, called _____________________.
Semideserts are usually more humid than _____________. They generally _____________ arid
regions from bordering ____________ climates.
3. _______________ climates
*Mild climates can be classified into three subtypes: _________________ subtropical climates,
marine ____________-coast climates, and ___________________ climates.
*Humid subtropical climates are influenced by the subtropical ____________-pressure
systems that are normally found over ______________ in the summer.
*The marine west-coast climates are dominated by the _______________ inland flow of
___________ off the ___________________.
*Summers in Mediterranean climates are generally warm and ___________ because of their
nearness to the dry midlatitude climates from the _______________. Winters are cool and
______________ as a result of the midlatitude weather systems that bring storm systems from
the ______________.
4. Continental climates
*Continental climates are classified into three subtypes: warm ______________ climates, cool
__________________ climates, and __________________ climates.
*________________ and _________________ air masses often form fronts where they meet
in ______________________ climates.
*Thus, these zones experience _______________ and sometimes _________________
changes in weather, including severe thunderstorms or __________________.
5. ________________ climates
*To the north of the subarctic climate lies one of the polar climates—the _____________.
*The tundra is known for its _________ temperatures. There are no trees in the tundra and
precipitation is generally ___________.
*The ______________ polar climate, found at the highest latitudes in both hemispheres, does
not have a single _____________ in which average temperatures rise above ___°C.
*A variation of the polar climate, called a ________________ climate, is found at __________
*A _____________________ climate that differs from the main __________________ climate
is called a microclimate.
Example: _______________ islands
*Many __________________ buildings and large expanses of ______________ can create a
heat island, where the climate is ______________ than in surrounding ____________ areas.