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EDT 321
Emerging Technology
Research Group Project– Emerging Technology
What will Technology be like in the future?
1. Define the term emerging technology. Where do emerging
technologies come from?
2. Name and describe at least three common technologies in
use today that were considered to be emerging technologies
one to three years ago?
3. Identify and describe at least three new technologies and
discuss how they might impact our lives in three to five
4. Define artificial intelligence and describe ways that artificial
intelligence is currently being used or might be used in the
5. Describe e-learning and discuss ways it is being used in
schools and business today.
Explore the world of Emerging Technologies using search engines to locate answers to the
research questions. The following URLs will get you started.
Wireless Internet and Mobile Computing
IBM AlphaWorks
Learning & Training Innovations
Emerging Technologies Knowledge Base
Use the Discussion Board feature in BlackBoard to share information with your team.
Answer the Research Questions carefully – there will be questions on the course final
exam about each of the Research Topics.
Begin your research now (Week 3). A group summary is due on Week 7, which will be
posted on BlackBoard for the entire class.
You will use this information to prepare a Jeopardy game for your PowerPoint project
(assigned Week 7 and due Week 9).
You will be viewing your classmates PowerPoint projects about each of the research
questions. This will provide you with the opportunity to learn about all the research
topics and prepare for the final examination questions.
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