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Ahmad Taha, Kochubiei O, Ashcheulova T.
Kharkiv National Medical University, Department of
Propedeutics to Internal medicine №1, Basis of Bioethics and Biosafety
There are a lot of old ways and modern ways which are still being or newly
administered in diagnosing the cardiac diseases. The following are just a few of the
diagnostic tests: Electrocardiogram (ECG), Stress test (also called treadmill or
exercise ECG), Echocardiogram (also known as echo), Transesophageal
echocardiogram (TEE), Positron emission tomography (PET) scan, PET F-18 FDG
(fluorodeoxyglucose) scan. Thallium scans or myocardial perfusion scans, Resting
SPECT thallium scan or myocardial perfusion scan, Exercise thallium scan or
myocardial perfusion scan, Adenosine or persantine thallium scan or myocardial
perfusion scan, MUGA scans/radionuclide angiography (RNA) scans, Resting
gated blood pool scan (RGBPS),(resting MUGA, or resting radionuclide
angiography), Exercise gated blood pool scan(exercise MUGA, or exercise
radionuclide angiography), Holter monitor, Event recorder, Loop recorder, Tilt
table test, Electrophysiology study, Cardiac catheterization (also called coronary
angiogram), Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart, Magnetic resonance
angiography (MRA) of the heart, Cardiac CT scan.
Electrocardiogram (ECG). A test that records the electrical activity of the
heart, shows abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), and can sometimes detect heart
muscle damage.
Stress test ( also called treadmill or exercise ECG). A test that is given while
a person walks on a treadmill or pedals a stationary bike to monitor the heart
during exercise. Breathing and blood pressure rates are also monitored. A stress
test may be used to detect coronary artery disease, and/or to determine safe levels
of exercise following a heart attack or heart surgery.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan. A nuclear scan that gives
information about the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the heart