Download NAMING SKELETAL MUSCLES Skeletal muscles are named

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Skeletal muscles are named according to a variety of criteria, each of which describes the
muscle in some way.
1. Location of the muscle
- May indicate the bone or the body region with which the muscle is
- Temporalis muscle – overlies the temporal bone
- Intercostal muscles – run between the ribs
2. Shape of the muscle
- Named according to a distinctive shape
- Deltoid – roughly triangular
- Trapezius – the R and L together form a trapezoid
3. Relative size of the muscle
- Maximus – largest (Gluteus Maximus)
- Minimus – smallest (Gluteus Minimus)
- Longus – long
- Brevis – short
4. Direction of the muscle fibers
- The direction that the muscle fibers run in reference to some imaginary line,
usually midline of the body or the longitudinal axis of a limb
- Rectus – straight, the fibers run parallel to the imaginary line
- Transvers/Oblique – the fibers run at right angles and obliquely
5. Number of origins
- Biceps – 2 origins
- Triceps – 3 origins
- Quadriceps – 4 origins
6. Location of attachments
- Named according to the muscles point of origin and insertion
- Sternocleidomastoid – origins on sternum and clavicle and inserts on the
mastoid process of the temporal bone
7. Action
Named for the action that the muscle performs
Flexor, extensor, abductor
Several criteria are often combines in naming a muscle:
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus