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Biology 1 Exam Review
Semester 2
1. Key terms: natural selection, genotype, phenotype, speciation, heritable variation, gene flow, genetic
drift, founder effect, bipedalism, vestigial structures, homologous structures,
2. What is the theory of evolution by natural selection?
3. Under what conditions does natural selection occur?
4. How does a universal genetic code lend support to the theory of evolution by natural selection?
5. Explain how the scientific theory of evolution is supported by the following: Fossil Record, Comparative
Anatomy & Embryology, Homologous structures, Vestigial structures, Biogeography, and Molecular
6. How do mutation and genetic recombination increase genetic variation?
7. What are the 3 main sources of genetic variation?
8. How does resistance to antibiotics in humans and pesticides in insects exemplify the process of
evolution by natural selection?
9. What are some personal and societal consequences of not completing a course of antibiotics as
10. How do new species form?
11. How do genetic drift and gene flow contribute to changes in the gene pool?
12. What are three scientific hypotheses about how and where life began on earth?
13. What characteristics do most primates share?
14. What role did increasing brain size, bipedalism, the development of language and the manufacture of
tools play in the evolution of our species?
15. Trace the history of the major species in the genus Homo.
16. What is the taxonomy of man?
1. Explain the Linnaeus system of classifying organisms from the most general taxa to the most specific.
2. Explain how to determine whether 2 species are more closely or more distantly related using Linnaeus
system of classifying.
3. List the distinguishing characteristics of each of the kingdoms in the 6 Kingdom classification system:
A. Animalia –
B. Plantae –
C. Fungi –
D. Protista –
E. Archaebacteria –
F. Eubacteria 4. Explain the basis of the Domain system of classification.
5. Correlate each Domain with its corresponding classification in the 6 Kingdom system of classification.
6. Why is the Kingdom Protista the hardest to classify?
7. What is binomial nomenclature?
Biology 1 Exam Review
Semester 2
1. Key terms: Vascular tissue, Ground Tissue, Dermal Tissue, Xylem, Phloem, Root, Leaves, Stem, Seed,
Fruit, Pollen, Stomata, Guard Cells, Meristematic tissue, Epidermal Tissue, Taproot, Fibrous Roots,
Blade, Angiosperm, Sepal, Petal, Stamen, Filament, Carpel, Ovary, Style, Stigma, Anther
2. Identify 2 adaptations that help seed plant reproduce on land.
3. What adaptations help make flowering plants so successful?
4. Name the 2 different types of vascular tissue and their functions.
5. What is the function of stomata?
6. Describe the primary function of most leaves.
7. What is a guard cell and how does it regulate the size of a stoma?
8. The tissue that makes up the protective covering of a plant is __________tissue.
9. Where is pollen produced in a flower?
10. Compare and contrast sepals and petals.
11. ____________ is the ripened ovary of a flowering plant.
12. The three tissue systems in the plant are __________, ___________, and ___________.
13. Compare and contrast taproots and fibrous roots.
14. Through what structure does transpiration occur?
15. What is the collection of “tube” cells that transport food through all vascular plants?
16. Name the female parts of a flower.
17. Name the male parts of a flower.
18. Meristematic tissue has what occurring in it?
Human Body
1. Key terms: thalamus, hypothalamus, brain stem, limbic system, cerebellum, cerebrum, corpus
callosum, parietal, frontal, temporal and occipital lobes, atrium, ventricle, arteries, veins, capillaries,
hypertension, menstruation, fertilization, ovulation, placenta, inflammatory response, immunity,
macrophage, t-cell, b-cell, antibodies, pathogen, specific and nonspecific immune functions,
2. Identify the structure and function of parts of the brain identified in the following diagram:
3. Trace the path of blood flow throughout the body.
4. Identify how the following factors affect blood flow through the cardiovascular system: biology,
genetics and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, drugs, alcohol, obesity, sodium and sugar
5. What are the structures and functions of the male reproductive system?
6. What are the structures and functions of the female reproductive system?
Biology 1 Exam Review
Semester 2
7. Outline the process of human development from fertilization to birth. Identify the milestones pertinent
to each trimester of embryonic development.
8. Trace the path of the egg from ovulation to either implantation or menstruation.
9. What is the function of the placenta?
10. What are the structures of the immune system and their functions?
11. How do people contract infectious diseases?
12. Identify ways that various pathogens (virus, bacteria, fungi, protists) are spread?
13. Outline how the body defends against infection?
14. Identify and define the body’s nonspecific defenses against invading pathogens, including skin,
inflammation, and fever.
15. Identify and define the immune system’s specific functions, including the production of antibodies, the
recognition of self vs. nonself, and processes of humoral and cell-mediated immunity.
16. What are strategies we use to detect, prevent, and treat communicable and chronic diseases?
17. Identify ways that the environment and personal health are interrelated?