Download Questions and Tasks (article) 1. According to legend, what did the

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Questions and Tasks (article)
1. According to legend, what did the city of Olomouc derive its name from?
An interesting legend about the founding of the town, however, has to be dated at around 57
BC, when a group of Roman soldiers under the leadership of Gaius Julius Caesar stopped
here. He was so enchanted that he fortified this place and in his honor it was then called
Julimons or Julimontium.
2. How many fountains belong to the Baroque set and which gods and heroes do they
6+1; Neptune, Hercules, Jupiter, The Triton, Caesar, Mercury + Arion
3. In which year did the collection of Baroque fountains become a national monument?
Since 1995 the collection of Baroque fountains with scenes from ancient mythology,
together with the Holy Trinity Column and the Plague Column of the Virgin Mary were
classified as national cultural monuments.
4. What ancient principles are reflected in the Baroque architecture in Olomouc?
Metrological system, golden rule, magic numbers
Questions and Tasks (Ovid)
1. The text is full of animals; name them all in Latin, English and your native language.
delphina/-us, m.: a dolphin
agna, -ae, f.: a ewe lamb
lupus, -i, m.: a wolf;
lepus, -oris, m.: a hare
cerva, -ae, f.: a hind
lea, -ae, f.: a lionem
canis, -is, m., f.: a dog
ales, -itis, m., f.: a bird, fowl, bird of pray; Palladis alite (i.e. owl)
cornix, -icis, f.: a crow
accipiter, -tris, m.: a hawk; a fish
columba, -ae, f.: a dove, pigeon
olor, -oris, m.: a swan
2. There are two mythological stories connected with a dolphin. Find and retell them.
Delphinus is associated with two stories from Greek mythology. According to the first one,
the Greek god Poseidon wanted to marry Amphitrite, a beautiful nereid. She, however,
wanting to protect her virginity, fled to the Atlas mountains. Her suitor then sent out several
searchers, among them a certain Delphinus. Delphinus accidentally stumbled upon her and
was able to persuade Amphitrite to accept Poseidon's wooing. Out of gratitude the god
placed the image of a dolphin among the stars.
The second story tells of the Greek poet Arion of Lesbos (7th century BC), who was saved by
a dolphin. He was a court musician at the palace of Periander, ruler of Corinth. Arion had
amassed a fortune during his travels to Sicily and Italy. On his way home from Tarentum his
wealth caused the crew of his ship to conspire against him. Threatened with death, Arion
asked to be granted a last wish which the crew granted: he wanted to sing a dirge. This he
did, and while doing so, flung himself into the sea. There, he was rescued by a dolphin which
had been charmed by Arion's music. The dolphin carried Arion to the coast of Greece and
3. How and where did Arion become so famous?
Arion was an excellent musician and became famous in Sicily.
4. How did Arion survive?
He was allowed to sing his last song and after he plunged into the waves, the dolphin carried
him to Greece.
5. By whom and how is Dolphinus rewarded?
Dolphinus was rewarded by Jupiter placed the image of a dolphin among the stars.