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Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Table of Contents
Computer Science GRE Study Guide ............................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 1
Document Organization ............................................................................................................................. 1
Comments? ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Study Guide ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Software Systems and Methodology – 40% ................................................................................ 1
Computer Organization and Architecture – 15% ........................................................................ 7
Theory and Mathematical Background – 40% ......................................................................10
Other Topics – 5% .................................................................................................................18
Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................18
Further study ........................................................................................................................................18
Greek letters .........................................................................................................................................18
Mathematics .........................................................................................................................................19
Index .........................................................................................................................................................20
Begging Copyright....................................................................................................................................22
Sources .....................................................................................................................................................22
Version and Updates ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Document Organization
I have organized the information using the topics listed on the insert dated July 2003 that comes with the
test registration booklet. The website lists slightly different topics. I refer to the practice test and its instructions on multiple
occasions. I highly encourage you to have a copy of the practice test available.
A few topics that do not fit into this hierarchy are appended (e.g. Greek letters).
Bolded items are in place to allow you to skim the study guide. I have not had time to bold everything that
I think is important.
Some topics are presented in a less than ideal order. For example, we talk about NP-completeness and
reference Turing machines before we explain what a Turing machine is. I do not plan to cross-reference the
sections. I suggest using the index or find feature.
You may find the index at the end useful. On the other hand, I stopped adding new entries to the index
recently. I suspect that it includes 90% of all terms.
Please send me your comments. [email protected]
Study Guide
I. Software Systems and Methodology – 40%
A. Data organization
1. Data types
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Definition: Data types are assigned to blocks of information. The type tells the program how
to handle the specific information. For example, an integer data type can be multiplied, but a
Boolean data type cannot.
b. In C, we have a data type called a struct that allows us to create records with fields. Declare a
struct variable using the form
struct node { int age;
char gender;}
To access a field in the record use the form “node->age;”.
c. A pointer is an unusual type. The value that it holds is a memory address. We then use the
memory address to manipulate the data held at that memory address. In Pascal, to declare a
pointer use:
type Link = type-name;
If you want to manipulate the memory address, then use the  before the variable name. For
example, H means, “points to H”. If you want to manipulate the data, then use the  after the
variable name. So, H means “H points at this data”. Remember that we read English left to
right; this might help you remember what the  operator does in which position. In C, to
declare a pointer, use the * operator: int *p;. To store the address of a variable v in the pointer
p use the statement p = &v; The ampersand (&) is the operator that returns the address instead
of the value. Finally, to store a value in the pointer use the * operator again; for example, *p =
v; will store the value of v at the location of p.
Data structures and implementation techniques
a. Definition: A data structure is a way of organizing one or more data types into groups. For
example, many languages do not have a string data type. To manipulate a string, you actually
create a data structure that organizes multiple character data types into one string data type.
b. There are times when we place items somewhere and then retrieve them later. If you always
retrieve the first item you stored then we call it First-in/First-out or FIFO. If you always
retrieve the last item stored, then we call it Last-in/First-out or LIFO.
c. A linked list is a simple data structure that uses cells (or elements). Each cell has at least two
data fields. At least one field holds the information that you want stored in the list. The other
field holds a pointer to the next cell. We often call this simple linked list a singly linked list.
A doubly linked list has two pointers - one pointer points to the next cell, the other points to
the previous cell. If the last cell points to the first cell, then we call it a circularly linked list.
Interesting and important properties of lists include:
i. You cannot move backwards on a singly linked list
ii. In a singly linked list, to see any given cell you must move through all previous cells
iii. The first and last cells present unique problems and you must deal with them to avoid
d. In Pascal, we declare linked lists like this:
type Link = Cell;
Cell = record
Info : integer;
Next : Link
The Link type is a pointer. The Cell is a record that has two parts - an information field and a
pointer (field) to the next cell. To use linked lists, use the rules for pointers. If the list is
sorted, then we call it a sorted list.
e. We use a hash table to store elements so that we can search them in a constant average time.
We do not sort hash tables like binary search trees. The table consists of an array of locations.
To store an element, we hash the value of the element using a hash function.
f. Hash functions use some property of the element to figure out where to store it in the hash
table. For example, we could take the numerical value of the element (remember that all data
in a computer is ultimately a binary number) and divide by the size of the table (the number of
locations in the array). We then discard the dividend and keep the remainder as the result (also
called modulo). We also may hash on the memory address of the element.
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
When programming hash functions, remember that strings are very large numbers and will
likely overflow at the modulo operator. You must take care to use a function and execution
order that will produce valid and distributed results. The result of the hash function is an index
to our array. We place the element in that location (i.e. Array[hash index value]). It is possible
that more than one element will hash to the same location (a collision). To avoid this, we try
to make the hash table sufficiently large. When two values do hash to the same location, we
have many choices. The easiest choice is to place the second element in the next available
space (linear probing). Quadratic probing is more complicated and yields better results by
distributing the elements into more unique locations.
h. Data structures that are dynamically allocated memory (e.g. linked lists) are given memory
from the heap. From time-to-time, the memory area referenced by the pointer will become
unreachable. When this happens, we would like the memory to be deallocated, but we have no
way to make that happen (i.e. with code). The process of garbage collection is run by the
system to deallocate this memory.
i. Binary trees are hierarchal graphs that have exactly one root and no more than two branches
per node. The height or depth of a tree is the number of nodes from the root to the leaf that is
farthest away. The breadth of the tree refers to dealing with the nodes that are the same
distance from the root. The top level of the tree is considered level 0. The maximum number
of nodes you can have at level n is 2n.
j. If a node has no sub nodes, then we call it a leaf.
k. A strictly binary tree is a tree where all non-leaf nodes have two sub nodes.
l. A complete binary tree is a strictly binary tree of height h where all of the leaf nodes are at
level h.
m. A binary tree is a binary search tree if all of the keys (values of the nodes) on the left side of
a node are less than the node and all of the keys on the right side of the node are greater than
the node.
n. Three common methods for traversing the nodes of the tree are preorder, inorder, and
postorder. The practice test lists the precise order of traversal for each in the instructions. It is
useful to recognize that inorder traversal will properly order the values for a binary search
tree. Preorder traversal starts at the top and ends in the lower right. Postorder traversal starts
in the lower left and ends at the top.
o. A balanced binary search tree is a search tree that has a maximum height of log n, where n
is the number of nodes in the tree.
p. An AVL tree is a balanced binary tree with an additional rule. From any node, the height of
the left and right sub trees can differ by no more than 1.
q. A priority queue is any data structure that is only concerned with the highest priority item. It
only provides 3 operations: insert, locate the highest priority item, and remove the highest
priority item.
r. Since you do not need to organize all of the elements to make a priority queue, it makes no
sense to use highly ordered data structures like binary search trees. A binary heap is a tree
where the highest priority node is placed at the top of the tree. You can think of this as
throwing the highest priority item on the top of the heap. Without going into painful detail, it
is easy to implement a tree like this using an array. The elements in the array start at the root,
then the first level, then the second level, etc. When you remove the highest priority item, you
do not have to reorder all of the elements, just some of them.
B. Program control and structure
1. Iteration and recursion
a. Definition: Iteration is the process of performing the same actions multiple times. Loops are
the best examples of iteration.
b. Definition: Any function that calls itself is recursive. It looks a lot like iteration, but iteration
always has a way to end (i.e. a conditional check). Poorly constructed recursive functions
could potentially exclude a conditional check of some sort.
c. We use loops or iteration to perform the same sequence of actions repeatedly.
d. There are 3 basic loops in C and Pascal: fixed repetition, pretest, and posttest.
i. Fixed repetition uses the form for <assignment> to <value> do <statement>. The
statement is the set of actions that the program repeats. The for/to section controls the
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
loop. Since this loop does not do any conditional check, it will repeat a fixed number of
ii. The pretest style loop will perform a conditional check before it executes the statement.
Pascal uses the form while <conditional check> do <statement>.
iii. The posttest loop performs the conditional check at the end of the statement. This has a
major implication: this loop will always perform one iteration. The Pascal form of the
posttest loop is repeat <statement> until <conditional check>.
e. Recursive functions are functions that call themselves. We use them because they are often
easy to code because they translate very easily from a recursive mathematical function. There
are four rules to remember when implementing recursive functions. 1 1) Always have a base
case that is solved without calling itself, 2) Progress towards that base case, 3) Have faith
(believe that the recursive call will work), and 4) avoid duplication of work – do not solve the
same instance of a case more than once. If you leave out the base case, then you will have
problems. If you break rule 4, then you will probably have an exponentially time complex
algorithm. Remember that loops are sometimes more efficient and easier than recursive
f. Each call to a recursive function uses a process called an activation record. The major issue
with having the same function called more than once is that each instance of the function
needs to keep its local variables separate from the other calls. When the function is called, the
activation record details certain conditions for the call. When the function ends, the computer
needs to know the memory location to execute next (the return address). In a stack-based
programming language, the computer keeps track of recursive calls by placing each activation
record on a stack. More specifically, the stack holds pointers to each of the activation records
(which hold the information about how to access the function and related non-local variables
and types).
g. Since recursive functions require activation records and other resources, they are usually
slower than the equivalent iteration.
Procedures, functions, methods, and exception handlers
a. Definition: A procedure and a function are very similar animals. They both allow the
programmer to call them from multiple places in the program. If the called subroutine returns
a value, then we typically call it a function.
b. Definition: In object-oriented programming, we have a special type of subroutine called a
method. A method is defined in a class to work only on objects in that same class.
c. Definition: From time-to-time, the software or hardware may want or need to change the
normal execution of the program. To do this, an exception is generated. Your program or
operating system must have some way to deal with the exception; the code that processes the
exception is called the exception handler.
d. A macro is very similar to a function or procedure. Originally, when you used a macro, the
compiler literally substituted the text of the macro for the name of the macro. Therefore, if
your program called the macro twice then the compiler inserted the code into the program
twice. Compare this to a function call; if you call a function twice, the compiler still only
inserts the code once into the program.
Concurrency, communication, and synchronization
a. Definition: Concurrency refers to the capability of a system to run multiple programs at the
same time. This is commonly referred to as multi-tasking. This is very different from multiple
b. Definition: Coordinating multiple sub-routines that may pass information to each other can
be a tricky task. There are many techniques for communication and synchronization.
c. We often produce data with one function and then use it in another function. We say that
these two functions have a producer-consumer relationship. This relationship can generate
problems if they operate at different rates. To solve this, we implement a buffer. The
producing function places the data in the buffer and the consuming function takes the oldest
data out of the buffer. (The buffer is FIFO.) Unfortunately, the buffer itself generates new
issues that we must deal with. There are four basic implementation techniques for the buffer.
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Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
The most basic is that both functions have direct access to the buffer. This is poor design. This
means that any function that produces must make sure that the buffer is not full. When it is
full, there might be multiple functions waiting to place data in the buffer. Since all functions
are independent of each other, there are no rules of precedence. Furthermore, it is relatively
difficult to make sure that the buffer stays FIFO when both the producer and consumer could
be accessing the buffer at the same time. The second way to implement the buffer is to use a
semaphore. The semaphore acts as a synchronizer and does not allow simultaneous access to
the buffer. Semaphores can force something called busy-waiting. Now, when the buffer is
full or empty the semaphore forces the appropriate function to loop in place waiting for a
change. This looping consumes processor cycles and is inefficient. Monitors are the third
implementation technique. Monitors also allow only one function to have access to the buffer,
but they do so in a more stringent way. The problem is that with this extra security, if one
function gets control of the monitor and cannot continue (e.g. a producer function when the
buffer is full), then the process has to abort and the next process is offered control. Remember
that monitors suck and are inefficient. The most modern method for buffers is to make the
buffer a totally separate function. With this technique, the producer does not even attempt to
produce if the buffer is full and the consumer does not attempt to take something off the
buffer when the buffer is empty. This is the most efficient technique we currently have.
d. There are times when two (or more) functions are in deadlock. For example, imagine two
functions that send information to each other, but cannot because all buffers are full. Neither
function will attempt to empty a buffer, because they want to place something in a buffer.
There are many ways to deal with deadlock. You could require that a process request
exclusive access to the resources necessary to complete the operation before beginning the
operation. If the resources are not available, the process waits. You can prioritize the
resources and require that all processes request the resources in order. You can have processes
time out and restart if they wait too long. You can have the operating system restart processes
if the wait queues back up.
C. Programming languages and notation
1. Constructs for data organization and program control
a. Definition: In this section, data organization is not referring to anything like data structures.
There are many ways to think about information and programming. Object-oriented
programming has come to dominate the way we organize data and our programs. Older
languages used imperative programming or functional programming. Prolog was a niche
language that depended on a logical programming organization. The test seems to focus on
imperative languages like C and Pascal, with a few questions about object-oriented design and
b. Website: A great Pascal tutorial can be found here.
c. Website: A decent C tutorial can be found here. (If
you know of a better one, please email me.)
2. Scope, binding, and parameter passing
a. Definition: All data and procedures in a program have a name. The scope of that name refers
to which parts of the program can access the name. For example, if a variable is local to a
function, then it can only be used in that function.
b. Definition: When a name is attached to a specific piece of data or function then we say they
are bound together.
c. Definition: If you call a procedure and provide values for the called procedure to use, then we
call it parameter passing. The values are the parameters.
d. We use names to identify variables, types, functions, etc. Lexical scope (or static binding) is
done at compile time. Dynamic Scope is done at the time the call is made to the name.
e. There are three ways to pass parameters between functions (procedures). Call-by-value
passes only the value of the parameter. In call-by-value, the original variable and its value
become disconnected. Call-by-reference passes the memory location of the original variable.
So, the new variable (in the called function) holds a memory location and not a value. The
value can be changed by using the memory location appropriately. Call-by-value-result (also
known as copy-in/copy-out) also changes the original variable, but it only changes the
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Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
variable at the end of the called function. In call-by-reference, if we change the new variable,
then the original variable is also changed. Call-by-name passes the name of the argument.
This differs from call-by-reference, because it does not pass a memory location. Arguments to
macros are a good example of call-by-name.
3. Expression evaluation
a. Definition: Any set of code that returns a value when it terminates is an expression.
Mathematical formulas are the best example of this (e.g. 3+4). The order of operations of a
mathematical expression is an example of expression evaluation in a programming language.
D. Software engineering
1. Formal specifications and assertions
a. Definition: Whatever. (If you think I should put something here, email me.)
2. Verification techniques
a. Definition: Whatever. (If you think I should put something here, email me.)
3. Software development models, patterns, and tools
a. Definition: Whatever. (If you think I should put something here, email me.)
E. Systems
1. Compilers, interpreters, and run-time systems
a. Definition: Programming languages are for the convenience of the programmer, not the
computer. A compiler converts the code of the programming language into either assembly
language or machine code.
b. Definition: It is possible to directly execute the code of a programming language without
compiling it, just use an interpreter. Think of the command line in an operating system; it is
often called the command interpreter because the code is executed without compiling it first.
c. Definition: Most programs are designed to run in a specific operating system on a specific
platform. When this is the case, the programmer (and compiler) do not have to worry about
certain things like memory allocation and program startup – the run-time system will handle
these and other general issues.
2. Operating systems, including resource management and protection/security
a. Definition: An operating system is the software that provides an environment for other
programs to run in. Through various run-time systems, applications gain access to other
hardware and software resources.
b. Some operating systems allow multiple users to use the computer resources at the same time
(e.g. mainframes). Requiring each program to have its own memory space for each user that is
executing the program is inefficient. If the program never modifies itself then we call it
reentrant. Reentrant programs are more efficient because all users can use the exact same set
of instructions, thereby saving memory.
c. Memory-mapped I/O is a method of communicating with I/O devices using the same bus as
the main memory. The alternative to using the same bus is to have a separate bus and
instruction set for devices. To access one of the devices, you may need to use registers, but
often the address is still the primary concept. We often say that the memory address used to
access the I/O device is the I/O port.
3. Networking, Internet, and distributed systems
a. Definition: If you connect multiple computers together, then we say they are networked. The
Internet is the largest and most well known network.
b. Definition: There are certain programs that are actually running on multiple computers at the
same time. I do not mean 10,000 different people playing 10,000 different games of
minesweeper. I mean 10,000 computers running what amounts to one program. The best and
most well known example of this is the DNS (domain name system) service used on the
Internet. Thousands of computers work together to provide what amounts to one massive
program called DNS. This is an example of a distributed system.
4. Databases
a. Definition: A database is a bunch of data structures in one place. We usually refer to
something as a database if it organizes the data is some efficient manner and provides a way
to view and update the data.
5. System analysis and development tools
a. Definition: Whatever. (If you think I should put something here, email me.)
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Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
II. Computer Organization and Architecture – 15%
A. Digital logic design
1. Implementation of combination and sequential circuits
a. Definition: Sequential circuits have memory, and the output depends on the input and the
memory. Combinational circuits do not have memory and the output is based only on the
b. A flip-flop (or latch) is a simple memory element that we use to store a value. The flip-flop
has two inputs and one output. (One of the inputs is usually the clock.) When the clock is
asserted, then you can change the stored value of the flip-flop (the latch is said to be open).
2. Optimization and analysis
a. Definition: Whatever. (If you think I should put something here, email me.)
B. Processors and control units
1. Instruction sets
a. Definition: An instruction set is all of the machine instructions that a processor understands.
b. An instruction set is all of the machine language instructions that the designers of a processor
provide for computation. For a general-purpose computer, the instruction set should include
instructions to perform arithmetic, logical operations, data transfers, conditional branches, and
unconditional jumps. An individual instruction is literally made up of a certain number of bits
in a specific order. The Intel x86 architecture has a huge set of instructions and the
instructions can have variable bit lengths. Other instruction sets keep the instruction length the
same for all instructions to keep the hardware simple and fast. When the processor first
receives an instruction, it must first decide what type of instruction it is. This can be based on
the length of the instruction and/or certain flag bits in the instruction.
2. Computer arithmetic and number representation
a. Definition: Since computers use binary and cannot perform arithmetic on infinite numbers, it
is important to understand the limitations and processes of a system.
b. When humans write numbers, the smallest digit is the rightmost digit. Since computers do not
need to represent numbers from right to left, we use the terms least significant bit and most
significant bit instead.
c. There are multiple methods to represent the sign of a given number. Sign and magnitude is
the most obvious to use; we simply use a bit to represent positive or negative. This system has
major problems; modern computers do not use it. Now imagine a computer that did not use
any sign, and you try to subtract a large number from a small one. The result is that you will
borrow from a string of zeros leaving a string of ones. This makes it natural to represent
positive numbers with a bunch of leading zeros and negative numbers with a bunch of leading
ones. We call this system two’s complement. Complementing a binary number means
changing a 0 to a 1 and a 1 to a 0.
d. One’s complement is not used very often. To use all negative numbers start with the positive
version and then complement the entire number. This system causes some unusual problems
like operating on negative zero.
e. Computer addition works a lot like addition with pen and paper. The amount that is carried to
the next operation is called the carry out. The amount carried from the previous operation is
called the carry in. We use an end-around carry when performing some addition functions
on one’s complement numbers, but not two’s complement numbers.
f. If you add two positive numbers together and get a negative number, then overflow has
3. Register and ALU organization
a. Definition: Registers are extremely fast memory in the processor that are used during
calculations performed by the instruction set.
b. Definition: The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is the part of the processor that actually performs
addition, multiplication, and Boolean operations.
c. Caveat: I am weak in the area of ALU and processor architecture. I find it boring and plan to
skip any questions about this on the test. I am guessing that as many as three questions will
relate to an understanding of exactly how instructions are processed. I recommend you look
over your computer architecture texts.
4. Data paths and control sequencing
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Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Definition: A processor has two general parts: the data path and the control. The data path
moves the information around the processor and performs calculations; the control directs the
actions of the data path.
b. We implement job-scheduling queues at many levels in the machine. The simplest and most
obvious is FIFO (first in/first out); this processes the oldest job first. LIFO is the opposite; it
processes the youngest job first. Priority queuing processes the job with the highest priority
first. You can also process the shortest job first. Shortest job first produces the smallest
average turnaround time. Lastly, you can force the jobs to share the system resources by using
round-robin. Round-robin uses an interval timer to force processing of a program to suspend
and allow others to run.
C. Memories and their hierarchies
1. Performance, implementation, and management
a. Definition: Because fast memory is significantly more expensive that slow memory, you
cannot load up your system with fast memory. So, you must have different speeds of memory.
Managing that memory is a sophisticated operation.
2. Cache, main, and secondary storage
a. Definition: In older systems, the processor would only talk directly to main memory. This
memory was too small and lost data when it lost power, so we created secondary storage like
hard drives.
b. Definition: Main memory is often so slow and so large (which makes it slower to find
anything), that system performance is horrible. Cache memory is smaller and faster. It helps
speed up transfers between main memory and the processor.
c. We use cache to speed up access to instructions and data by the processor. Cache is usually
very fast, low capacity memory that is between the processor and the main physical memory.
Modern processors have level 1 cache that is very small and on the same die as the processor,
and level 2 cache that is in the same package as the processor but larger than the level 1
cache. Since cache cannot typically hold all of the data and instructions that we want access
to, we try to make sure that the ones we will want next are in the cache. When the processor
makes a memory request, it should first make sure that the requested information is not in
cache. Addressing for cache is usually rather simple. Since main memory is a binary multiple
of the cache memory, we can use a system called direct mapping. For example, if the address
of the information in memory is 101011010101, then the address location in cache might be
0101. In this system, when we put information from memory into cache, then we only place it
into the cache location that has the same ending address as the original location. Each cache
location has an additional field that appends the suffix of the original memory location to
what is currently stored in the cache location. The advantage to this system is processor
accesses to cache are extremely fast. If the processor first had to lookup the cache location,
then it would add overhead to every memory access. The disadvantage is that multiple
memory locations can only be mapped to one cache location. If it impossible to have two
conflicting locations in cache at the same time. So, when the processor performs a memory
access, it first looks in cache. It starts by looking at the cache location that corresponds with
the memory location. If the information is not in cache (a cache miss), then the information is
read from memory and placed into cache. Why place it into cache? As programs execute,
when a piece of data or instruction is used it is often reused very soon afterwards (think of
loops). We call this temporal locality. The processor might also copy the information near
the requested memory address into cache. Why copy information that has not been explicitly
requested? Programs are largely linear, meaning that most programs run an instruction and
then run the very next instruction (instead of jumping to a different location in the program).
So, we often copy the next memory address to cache to take advantage of this spatial locality.
d. An alternative to direct mapping is set-associative cache. Instead of forcing the information to
only one cache location, we allow it to go to any of a set of locations. However, we still do
not let the information be placed in any location at all (that is fully associative cache). Since
the location of the information in cache is still related to the location of the information in
physical memory, we gain a performance advantage over a fully associative cache.
3. Virtual memory, paging, and segmentation
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Definition: Virtual memory is secondary storage that is logically treated as main memory.
Performance can be terrible, but it is often necessary to present the illusion of a very large
main memory space. Since the processor cannot talk directly to secondary storage, it is
necessary to move information between the main memory and the virtual memory (on the
secondary storage). If you move a fixed amount of information each time, it is called paging.
Segmentation allows you to move variable amounts.
b. Virtual memory is the system that allows us to have memory space on secondary storage (the
hard drive). In most situations, it is not possible to fit all instructions and data into physical
memory. Especially, when we are running multiple programs or manipulating large data
structures (databases). Virtual memory uses almost identical technology and techniques as
caching. However, we have developed a different vernacular for describing virtual memory.
c. We move instructions and data to the disk in units called pages. We tend to make pages large
to take advantage of spatial locality (Think KB instead of bytes). When a requested page is
not in main (physical) memory, and we must retrieve it from the disk (virtual memory), then
we call it a page fault. Keep in mind that a disk access can take up to one million instruction
cycles. This fact creates a massive penalty for page faults.
d. Since page faults are very expensive, we use a fully associative paging table, we sometimes
track the least recently used (LRU) pages in physical memory, and we mark unchanged
pages so that we do not have to write them back to disk.
e. We might also track the frequency of use of each page and page the least frequently used
(LFU) pages back to disk first. In a fully associative page table system, we store the actual
location for every possible virtual page. In the page table, we only store the base address of
the page in memory. When a program wants to access a location in memory, it will construct
the call using the virtual page and the offset from the base of that page. Look at question #18
on the practice test. The job makes the call [0, 514]. The 0 refers to the virtual page, not the
actual page. The virtual memory system translates the 0 into 3 using the page table. Since
each page has 1024 locations, the actual base address is 3072. Now add the offset (514). The
actual address is 3586.
D. Networking and communications
1. Interconnect structures (e.g. buses, switches, routers)
a. Caveat: I do not have time to put any information in this section. According to people that
took the test in November 2003, there are networking questions on the test.
2. I/O systems and protocols
a. Caveat: I do not have time to put any information in this section. According to people that
took the test in November 2003, there are networking questions on the test.
3. Synchronization
a. Caveat: I do not have time to put any information in this section. According to people that
took the test in November 2003, there are networking questions on the test.
E. High-performance architectures
1. Pipelining superscalar and out-of-order execution processors
a. Definition: If tasks must be executed in a specific order, then we say they are scalar.
However, when trying to complete the same task multiple times, it may be possible to perform
one step from each of the iterations at the same time.
b. Most modern processors use pipelining - performing multiple instructions at the same time.
2. Parallel and distributed architectures
a. Definition: Many programs lend themselves to multiple calculations being performed
simultaneously. If we have multiple processors accessing the same main memory, then we
tend to say they are parallel. If each processor has its own main memory, then we tend to say
the system is distributed.
b. It is possible and often beneficial to have multiple processors in the same computer. This
parallel processing often improves throughput but it does not affect the speed of computing a
single instruction. Furthermore, because certain instructions are dependent on other
instructions, many functions do not benefit from the additional processors.
c. Throughput is the measure of how much work is done in a certain time. We use execution
time (or response time) to measure how long it takes to perform a specific instruction or set of
instructions. The contrast is subtle. Think of a public laundry. The execution time measures
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how long it takes to get your dirty clothes clean and folded. The throughput is the measure of
how many loads of dirty clothes were cleaned and folded in a given time.
d. In a computer, designing the processor to handle multiple instructions simultaneously requires
the processor to spend instruction cycles organizing the parallel processing; we call this
III. Theory and Mathematical Background – 40%
A. Algorithms and complexity
1. Exact and asymptotic analysis of specific algorithms
a. Definition: When looking at an algorithm and evaluating it, we might want to precisely
define how long it will take the program to run (exact analysis), but we usually just
approximate the time (asymptotic analysis).
b. The worst-case analysis of an algorithm is not the same as the upper bound. Upper bound is a
property of the equations that represent the algorithm. The worst-case analysis finds the
worst-case scenario and expresses the time or space to solve. On the other hand, the concepts
are so closely related that we often use the terms interchangeably.
c. Sorting methods
ii. Insertion sort
 Simple to code
 Good for a small number of elements
 Starts with one element, then inserts the next element in the correct position by
scanning until the successor is found (or the end of the list)
 O(n2)
 If the information is already sorted, then it runs at O(n)
iii. Shellsort
 Named after Donald Shell
 Also known as diminishing gap sort
 Simple to code
 Sorts elements that are not next to each other – this is what makes it possible to
perform better than O(n2)
 Elements are sorted only relative to items that are k elements away. So at the 6-sort,
all of the elements that are 6 away from each other are treated as a set and sorted
using insertion sort
 The rate and method for diminishing the gap (the size of the k-sort) is important to
the performance of the sort. Empirically, it appears that the best way to decrement
the gap is to divide the size of the set by 2.2
 Using the best known design we can get O(n5/4)
iv. Merge sort
 Divide-and-conquer
 O(n log n) because of the O(n) overhead
 The array is divided into two sub arrays, then the first element in each array is
compared (e and f), the smaller element (e) is copied to the new third sorted array.
Repeat using e+1 and f until everything has been sorted.
 Rarely used because of the large amounts of memory and copying necessary
v. Quicksort
 Divide-and-conquer
 Fastest algorithm known
 Average case O(n log n)
 Worst case O(n2) (If you choose the smallest element every time.)
 Uses recursion
1. If the number of elements in the set is 0 or 1, then return
2. Choose any element in the set to be a pivot
3. The remaining elements are divided into two groups: left and right
4. Perform the recursion on the two groups left and right
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The elements are sorted into left and right based on if they are smaller or larger
than the pivot
 The choice of pivot is important to running time – try to choose the middle element
 Not great for small arrays
vi. Selection sort
 Finds the smallest item and puts it in the correct place
 Not efficient as it must look at all remaining items
 O(n2)
vii. Heapsort
 O(n log n)
 Place all of the items into a heap
 Grab the largest one and put it in place
 Time efficient, but space can be a problem
viii. Bubble sort
 Compare two items and swap if necessary; repeat through all items
 O(n2)
 But, if the list is sorted, then O(n)
Algorithmic design techniques (e.g. greedy, dynamic programming, divide and conquer)
a. Definition: Since we really do not know how to make algorithms, we have created artistic
b. Divide-and-conquer is an effective algorithmic technique that requires recursion. First
recursively divide the problem into multiple sub-problems until you get to the base case), then
add all of the sub-problems together to find the answer.
c. Dynamic programming is something like being spontaneous on a tour of England. When
making any decision, you do not think about what you did in the past, you only think about
what you want to do right this second and what you want to do later.
d. A greedy algorithm always makes the choice that is best for that moment and does not
consider the future consequences.
Upper and lower bounds on the complexity of specific problems
a. Definition: Complexity refers to how much time or memory (space) it takes to solve a
b. The time complexity of an algorithm talks about how long it takes to solve problems using
that algorithm. The space complexity of an algorithm talks about how much memory it takes
to solve a problem using that algorithm.
c. We typically measure the upper bound of time complexity with Big-O notation.
d. The formal definition for Big-O notation is: given two functions f and g (that have their
domain in natural numbers and their range in real numbers), then f(n) = O(g(n)) if we can find
a positive integer constant c and a case of n (n0) where f(n) ≤ c (g(n)). In other words, there
exists a multiple of g(n) that is greater than or equal to all f(n). Keep in mind that the constant
c is not important when we express complexity (i.e. drop all constants in the expression).
e. We measure the least case of time complexity with the notation f(n) = (g(n)). This means
that the function f will take at least as long as some multiple of g(n).
f. We measure the average case of time complexity with the notation f(n) = (g(n)). This
means that, on average, the function f will take as long as some multiple of g(n).
g. For space complexity, we use the same notation, but we usually explicitly let the reader know
that we are talking about space complexity and not time complexity. For example, we might
write something like “f(n) = O(log n) space” means that it take logarithmic space to solve the
h. Let us order different complexities.
Constant time
O(log n)
Logarithmic time
Linear Time
O(n log n)
n log n time
Quadratic time
Polynomial time
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O(xn) (n > 1)
Exponential time
Factorial time
i. Imagine you have a sorted array of 1000 numbers. How would you find a specific element in
that array? A sequential search of that array is an easy choice. On average, this will take
(n) time. The worst case is O(n) time (to find the last element, you have to examine all
elements). A binary search starts with the middle element. If the middle element is bigger
than the element you are looking for, then you go to the element that is half way between the
first element and the middle element. If the middle element is smaller than the element you
are looking for, then you go to the element that is half way between the last element and the
middle element. Repeat until you find the element you are looking for. Result: (log n) and
O(log n).
4. Computational complexity, including NP-completeness
a. Definition: Computability refers to whether or not a certain type of machine can solve a
certain problem.
b. Definition: NP-complete problems are special problems in modern computing. The name
comes from the fact that you can use a Nondeterministic Polynomial-time Turing machine to
solve these problems.
c. If any problem can be solved in polynomial time, then it is part of the class P. All CFL are in
P. The complement of a P language is also in P.
d. If a problem is not known to be solvable in polynomial time, but can be verified in
polynomial time, then we say it is in class NP. We say NP because we know how to make
nondeterministic polynomial time Turing machines to represent the problems.
e. There exist problems in NP that all other NP problems are reducible to. We say that these
problems are NP-complete. Classic NP-complete problems include:
i. The Hamiltonian path problem (does a directed graph have a path that travels each node
exactly once?)
ii. Composites (is a number a composite?)
iii. Clique (does a graph have a clique of a given size?)
iv. Subset-sum (given a set of numbers and target number, does the set have a subset that
will add up to the target?)
v. Satisfiabilty (is a given Boolean expression satisfiable?)
vi. Vertex cover (given a graph, is there a set of k nodes that all edges touch?)
f. The compliment of an NP language is in coNP. We do not know much about this group of
languages; it is not obvious if they are different from NP.
g. Other problems are not known to be in NP, but that all NP are polynomial time reducible to.
We say these problems are NP-hard.
B. Automata and language theory
1. Models of computation (finite automata, Turing machines)
a. Definition: Before we made computers from sand, people designed models on paper that
could calculate. These hypothetical machines are the basis for all modern computers.
b. A deterministic finite automaton (DFA) is a model of a machine that has a finite number of
states and inputs. Some DFA also have output. Question #11 in the practice test shows an
output-producing DFA. The arrows between the states show the input and output of the
transition between the states. The number on the left of the slash is input, the other number is
output. (Memory tip: English is read left-to-right; the input happens before the output, so it is
on the left.) If a set of input ends on an accept state, then we say that the machine recognizes
the input. The start state is the state that the machine begins to process the input from. The set
of all inputs that the machine recognizes is the language of the machine.
c. A nondeterministic finite automata (NDFA) (or NFA) is a DFA that can transition to and
from multiple states at one time. We can convert any NDFA into a DFA.
d. A Pushdown automaton (PDA) has states and transitions like a DFA, but it also has a
feature called a stack. The stack can hold information in a LIFO order. The stack allows a
PDA to recognize a wider range of languages than a DFA.
e. A Turing machine is the most powerful model of computation that we have discovered that
actually represents a real world device. It has transitions states like a PDA or a DFA, but it
uses a tape as both input and as working memory. The tape is of infinite length and can be
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accessed by the machine in any order. We have discovered that these two features are the key
to this model’s power. Modern computers are based on the Turing machine.
f. A nondeterministic Turing machine is a Turing machine that can branch into multiple states
(like a NDFA). We do not know of any way to convert all nondeterministic Turing machines
into Turing machines. As such, there is no real world example of a nondeterministic Turing
g. The Church-Turing thesis says that there are certain problems that can be solved using
“effective functions.” For a function to be effective, it must be possible to solve the function
in a finite number of steps with only paper and pencil. We sometimes say that this is a
mechanical function. Think about calculating the first 100,000 digits of PI. It is possible for
humans with paper, pencil, and the formula to accomplish this. (It would take a long time, but
it is possible.) If there were not functions like this, then computers would not be possible.
Unfortunately, this is more philosophy than math and cannot be proven using mathematical
Formal languages and grammars (regular and context free)
a. Definition: The users manual for the computational machines (see III.B.1.a) consist of the
things you are allowed to do to them. To say it another way, all of the inputs you are allowed
to use on a machine are said to be the machine’s language.
b. We studied context free grammars (CFG) originally to describe human languages, but they
are useful for understanding computer operations that need to parse (e.g. compilers). A CFG
is a series of statements in the form  | t. We call this statement a production.  and  are
variables and t is terminal. Given the starting variable, the CFG parses the string until all
elements have been reduced to only the terminal statements. Here is a very simple example.
A -> Aa | B
B -> BB | b
This CFG can produce a string that has any number of “a” preceded by at least one “b”. Note
that it is common to represent variables as capital letters and terminals as lower case. We also
often call the first variable on the first line the start variable.
c. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a very common metasyntax for CFGs. We enclose nonterminals in angle brackets < > (See question #12). We read the series of symbols ::= as “can
be”, and the pipe symbol | as “or”. We use the normal meaning for ellipse (…); in question
#12, it represents a series of letters and numbers.
d. Strings are also elements of a grammar or a language. When expressing strings in languages
we sometimes use regular expressions. Boolean operators are legal in regular expressions
and they have the typical meaning. To concatenate two sides of an expression we can use the
symbol ° or we can use the same shorthand as multiplication. For example, we can write (0 
1) ° 0 or we can just use the shorthand (0  1)0. The star operator * means that we can repeat
that section of the expression infinite times. For example, 0 *1 means as many zeros as we
want (including none) followed by exactly one 1. We can also use it in complex situations: (0
 1)*0 means any number of 0 or 1 followed by exactly one 0.
e. Regular languages  Context-free languages  Decidable languages  Recursively
enumerable languages.
f. A regular language is a language that can be expressed by a regular expression and
recognized by a DFA. We can use the pumping lemma to prove that a language is regular.
Regular languages are closed under union, concatenation, and the star operation. The
compliment of any regular language is also regular.
g. A Context-free language (CFL) is any language that can be expressed using a pushdown
automata (PDA).
h. We use a different pumping lemma to show that a language is a CFL or is not a CFL. CFL are
closed under concatenation and union. The compliment of a CFL is not necessarily a CFL.
a. Definition: A machine cannot solve some problems. If the machine can solve it, then we say
it is decidable on that machine.
b. Some problems cannot be solved by an algorithm. For example, it is impossible to create a
program that will always know whether all programs will always halt on all inputs. On the
other hand, some problems (languages) are decidable.
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All CFL are decidable. And some languages used on Turing machines are decidable.
A language is decidable if and only if it and its complement are recursively enumerable
e. Some important undecidable problems
i. Accepting Turing machine: We cannot calculate if a certain Turing machine will accept a
given input.
ii. The halting problem: It is impossible to decide if a given Turing machine will halt on a
certain input.
iii. Empty Turing machines: It is impossible to decide if a certain Turing machine will accept
any input at all.
iv. DFA equivalent: It is impossible to compute if a given Turing machine has a DFA
v. Equivalent Turing machines: We cannot calculate if two Turing machines recognize
equivalent languages.
C. Discrete structures
1. Mathematical logic
a. Definition: Mathematical logic is based on formulas that are always true or false.
b. Three Americans (a scientist, a mathematician, and a logician) are traveling on a train in
China. The scientist sees a green cow in the middle of a field. He says, “Wow, a green cow,
the cows in China must be green.” The mathematician corrects him, “No, all we know is that
there is one cow in China that is green.” The logician wakes up from his nap and corrects
them both, “All we know is that there exists at least one side of one cow that is green in
China.” The symbol  is used to mean “there exists”. We use the symbol  to mean “for
all”. An example of using these symbols is n (2n). Read: For all n, there exists a number
that is 2n.
c. Boolean logic is based on T/F (true/false) statements. Truth tables are the most basic way to
interpret Boolean functions. There are many basic operators in Boolean
OR (Inclusive or)
Exclusive OR (XOR)
Bidirectional Implication (IFF)
One, the other, both are true
Both must be true
One or the other, not both
If P then Q
P if and only if Q
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We may express all Boolean operators using other operators. Said differently, there are logical
equivalents for each Boolean operator using other operators. The result is that one does not
really need all of the Boolean operators to express Boolean functions. It is possible to use just
a subset of the operators. Any subset of Boolean operators that can express all Boolean
functions is complete. You will note that it is impossible to have a complete set of operators
without including at least one negating operator. Here are some examples of logical
i. P  Q = (P  Q)
ii. P  Q = P  Q
iii. P  Q = (P  Q)  (Q  P) (of course!)
iv. P  Q = (P  Q)
If you have a statement that always evaluates to true, then it is a tautology (or is valid). If you
create a statement that always evaluates as false, then it is a contradiction. We say that two
statements p and q are logically equivalent, written p  q, if p  q. If a statement has at least
one way to evaluate to true, then we say it satisfiable.
p ^ True  p
p  False  p
p  True  True
p ^ False  False
¬ (¬p)  p
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Logical Equivalences
Idempotent (unchanged)
Double negation
Sipser, p. 15
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p ^ (q ^ z)  (p ^ q) ^ z
p  (q  z)  (p  q)  z
p  (q ^ z)  (p  q) ^ (p  z)
p ^ (q  z)  (p ^ q)  (p ^ z)
De Morgan’s Laws
¬(p ^ q)  ¬p  ¬q
¬(p  q)  ¬p ^ ¬q
p  (p ^ q)  p
p ^ (p  q)  p
p  ¬p  True
p ^ ¬p  False
f. Logic gates are graphical representations of Boolean logic. The symbols are in the
instructions for the test. They include graphical representations for AND, OR, XOR, NOT,
NAND, and NOR. NAND is an AND followed by a NOT. NOR is an OR followed by a
NOT. A circuit is a bunch of logic gates connected together. We can represent any circuit
using a Boolean statement (although it may be very complex statement).
Elementary combinatorics and graph theory
a. Definition: Combinatorics is the study of counting and of sets.
b. Definition: Graphs help us to study various types of problems. In this case, a graph is set of
lines and vertices.
c. Prefix notation (also called Polish notation) is a way of writing mathematical formulas that
accurately show how a computer parses and executes the expression. Prefix notation does not
use parentheses or rules of precedence. The order of execution is entirely dependent on the
order of the expression. When evaluating a prefix expression, imagine that the values and
operators of the expression are nodes in a binary tree. To evaluate the expression, traverse the
tree in preorder. Alternatively, once the expression is in prefix notation, you can evaluate it by
finding the rightmost operator. Evaluate the expression that uses that operator and the two
values immediately to the right of the operator. For example
6 + 7 = 13
* + + 2 3 4 * * 5 + 13 8 9
13 + 8 = 21
* + + 2 3 4 * * 5 21 9
5 * 21 = 105
* + + 2 3 4 * 105 9
d. Postfix notation (also called reverse Polish notation) traverses the tree in postorder.
Alternatively, evaluate the expression starting with the leftmost operator and the two values
immediately to the left of that operator.
e. There are two basic rules when counting. We call the first the product rule. If a task P can be
divided into two parts P1 and P2, if P1 happens x times and P2 happens y times, then the task P
happens xy times. The sum rule says that if a task Q can be broken into two tasks that have no
impact on each other, then Q = Q1 + Q2.
f. The most basic type of graph consists of nodes (or vertices) and edges. An edge connects two
nodes together. If the edges point from one node to another, then they are directed, and we say
it is a directed graph.
g. A clique is a graph where all of the nodes are connected directly to each other.
h. A path in a graph is the set of nodes and edges you travel to get from one node to another
i. The degree of a node is the number of edges that connect to it.
Discrete probability, recurrence relations, and number theory
a. Definition: Discrete means that it can be separated from other things. Digital clocks are
discrete because 9 o’clock is a very specific state. Analog (face) clocks are not discrete
because there is a range of states that are considered to be 9 o’clock.
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Definition: For thousands of years, geeks and nerds all over the world have looked and found
patterns in numbers. Before computers, most of these patterns had little value, so we called it
number theory.
Sets are unordered collections of elements. We need to know how to describe the members of
the set and we need to know operators on sets.
We list the members of a set B inside of a pair of braces{}. If an element is a member of the
set, we write x  B. If an element is not a member of the set, we write x  B. If the elements
of a set follow from some sort of function, then we write {x | f(x)} (read this as all x such that
f(x). If two sets have the same elements, then B = D. If a set has no elements, then it is the
empty set or null set written . If all of the elements in B are also in D, then B is a subset of
D written B  D. If B  D and there is at least one element in D that is not in B, then B is a
proper subset of D written B  D. The power set of a given set is the set of all possible
subsets of the original set. For example, the power set of {0,1} is [{}, {0}, {1}. {0,1}]. You
should note that that the number of elements (which are actually subsets) in the power set
with n elements is 2n. When counting the number of elements in a set, we often say it has
cardinality of n if there are n elements in the set. We say sets are cardinal, because the order
of the elements is not important. If the order of the elements is important, we usually call it an
ordered set or a sequence.
The compliment of B written B has all of the elements that are not in B, but are in the set
that is made up of B and B . The union of two sets S and T, written S  T is a new set that
has all of the elements from S and T. The intersection of S and T, written S  T is a new set
that has only the elements that are in both S and T. The Cartesian product (or cross product)
of A and B, written A X B is {(a, b) | a A ^ b  B}. Meaning the new set has all of the
ordered pairs with one element from A and one element from B.
Strings are elements in a specific order. Again, we need to know how to express them and
operate on them.
A string that has no elements is called the empty string written  or . Strings are often
constructed using summation notation.
Two strings S and T are concatenated, written ST, if the elements in S are followed
immediately by the elements in T. Sn means that the string S has n elements; also called the
length of S. T* creates a new set that includes the empty set and a bunch of new strings made
up of elements from T. Each of these new strings is of varying length. We could write T * = {
 + T1 + T2 + T3 + …}. T+ is similar to T* except it does not include the empty set. The
reversal of a string B, written BR, is the same elements but in the opposite order.
A matrix is a set of numbers arranged in two dimensions.
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We calculate the product AB of two matrices A and B by producing a new matrix that has the
height of the first matrix (A) and the width of the second matrix (B). We can only perform
this calculation on matrices where the first matrix’s width is equal to the second matrix’s
height. Each value in the new matrix is the sum of the products of each set of values in the
first matrix’s row and the second matrix’s column. For example, take two matrices A and B.
1 4
1 
B 1 1
 3 0
2 
The value in the upper left hand corner of the new matrix is 1x1 + 0x1 + 4x3 = 13. The new
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matrix is
13 4 
 8 11
AB 
 4 13
8 2
We use the modulo (mod) operator to find the remainder of a division operation. For
example, 17 mod 5 is 2. When you divide 17 by 5 you get 3 remainder 2. All by itself, this is
a silly operation, but it turns out that there are many applications in things like cryptography
and hash tables. So, we need to know some of the special properties of modulo arithmetic.
Take two integers A and B and a positive integer M. If (A-B)/M is an integer, then we say that
A is congruent to B modulo M, written A  B (mod M). Furthermore, A  B (mod M)  A
mod M = B mod M. Meaning that the remainder after dividing A/M will equal the remainder
of B/M. Also, A  B (mod M)  A = B + kM, for some integer k. This is intuitive if you look
closely. We already know that A  B (mod M)  (A-B)/M. There must be some multiple of
M that we can add to B to get A. Just like there are an infinite set of numbers that are divisible
by M, there are an infinite set of numbers that are mod M. All of the integers that are
congruent to A modulo M are in the congruence class of A modulo M. We also have some
very interesting properties when we deal with congruence classes. If A  B (mod M) and C 
D (mod M), then A + C  B + D (mod M) and AC  BD (mod M). The multiplication of AC
and BD being congruent is intuitive. Since each factor is congruent, then the product should
be congruent (remember that modulo is just weird division, and that division is just
multiplication having a bad-hair day). I do not consider the addition property very intuitive.
You should try a couple of problems just to see that it works. Also, here is a little proof. If A
 B (mod M) then A = B + kM for some integer k. If C  D (mod M) then C = D + jM for
some integer j. Therefore, B + D = (A + kM) + (C + jM). Rearrange stuff a little and you get
B + D = (A + C) + (k + j)M. Remember that A  B (mod M)  A = B + kM; treat B + D as
the A, (A + C) as the B, and the (k + j) and the k, and you will see that A + C  B + D (mod
IV. Other Topics – 5%
A. Example areas include numerical analysis, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, cryptography,
security, and social issues.
1. Cryptography is the study of using encrypting information. Integer factorization has an average
case time complexity that is very long.
Note: Students are assumed to have mathematical background in the areas of calculus and linear algebra as
applied to computer science.
Further study
No study guide can cover all topics. I highly recommend taking time to break down blocks of code that you
have not seen before. Being able to see how a piece of code works will help you on the exam.
I would also study more algorithms than I presented here. There were at least 4 algorithms on the test that I
was not expecting to see.
Study your math. I know I say it 3 times in this document, but those questions can be easy if you take the
time to refresh your math skills.
Greek letters
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Member of a set or an empty string
Empty string
Average case of complexity
Worst case of complexity, usually just called Big-O
Least case of complexity
I am of the opinion that many of the questions on the sample test are really a test of mathematical
skills. For example, practice questions 17, 31, and 32 do not really require computer knowledge to
solve - they mostly involve mathematical skills. I recommend reviewing your discrete
mathematics text as preparation for this test.
There are three types of equivalence relations.
a. A reflexive relation (R) on x means that xRx.
b. A symmetric relation R for x and y means that xRy  yRx.
c. A transitive relation R for x, y and, z means that (xRy and yRz)  xRz.
Binary is the language and number system of the computer. Binary uses base 2 instead of Base
10. The easiest decimal numbers to represent using binary are some power of 2. Practice test
question #2 requires you to realize that 0.5 = 2 -1. I highly recommend looking at this website that
describes how to do basic binary counting on your fingers. Furthermore, in the real world, there are certain
numbers that appear regularly. It is useful to memorize this table:
2 Bytes
~16.7 million
3 Bytes
4 Bytes
! is the factorial function. The notation x! (read as x factorial) represents a number whose factors
are all the integers from 1 to x. For example, 6! = 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 720
x is a unary function called the floor function. We apply this function to real numbers and
always create an integer. It is almost like forcing the real number to round down. We will see this
most often when trying to find a minimum integer value for a function. For example, log2 10 = 3
because it takes at least 23 to get to 10.
x is a unary function called the ceiling function. We apply this function to real numbers and
always create an integer. It is almost like forcing the real number to round up. We will see this
most often when trying to find a maximum integer value for a function. For example, log2 10 = 4
because it takes at least 24 to get to 10.
We often use hexadecimal (base 16) to make it easier to write long binary numbers. Base 16
converts easily to base 2 (binary).
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Activation record, 5
ALU, 10
Ampersand, 2
AND, 19, 20, 21
Arithmetic logic unit, 10
Asymptotic, 13
Backus-Naur Form, 18
Balanced binary search tree, 4
Bidirectional Implication, 19
Big-O notation, 15, 25
Binary, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 25, 26
Binary heap, 4
Binary search, 3, 4, 16
Binary search tree, 3, 4
Binding, 7
BNF, 18
Boolean, 2, 10, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21
Bubble sort, 15
Busy-waiting, 6
C, 2, 4, 7, 11, 13, 15, 24, 26
Cache, 11
Cache miss, 11
Call-by-name, 7
Call-by-reference, 7
Call-by-value, 7
Call-by-value-result, 7
Cardinality, 23
Carry in, 10
Carry out, 10
Cartesian product, 23
Ceiling function, 26
Cells, 2, 3
CFG (Context free grammars), 18
CFL, 16, 18, 19
Church-Turing thesis, 17
Circularly linked list, 2
class NP, 16
Class P, 16
Collision, 3
Compliment, 10, 16, 18, 23
Concatenate, 18
Concatenated, 23
Concurrency, 5, 6
Congruence class, 24
Context free grammars, 18
Context-free language, 18
Context-free languages, 18
Contradiction, 21
Copy-in/copy-out, 7
Data path, 10
Deadlock, 6
Decidability, 18
Decidable language, 18
Deterministic finite automaton, 17
DFA, 17, 18, 19
Diminishing gap sort, 14
Direct mapped cache, 11
Doubly linked list, 2
Element, 2, 3, 9, 14, 16, 23
Elements, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 16, 18, 22, 23
Empty set, 23
Empty string, 23, 25
End-around carry, 10
Equivalence relations, 25
Exception, 5
Exception handler, 5
Exclusive OR, 19
Execution time, 13
FIFO, 2, 6, 10
First-in/First-out, 2
Fixed repetition loops, 4
Flip-flop, 9
Floor function, 26
Garbage collection, 3
Greek letters, 1, 25
Hash table, 3, 24
Heap, 3, 4, 15
Heapsort, 15
I/O port, 8
IFF, 19, 20
Implies, 19, 20
Inorder, 4
Insertion sort, 13, 14
Instruction set, 8, 9, 10
Intersection, 23
Iteration, 4, 5
Job scheduling, 10
Keys, 4
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Language, 5, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25
Last-in/First-out, 2
Latch, 9
Least significant bit, 9
Lexical scope, 7
LIFO, 2, 10, 17
Linear probing, 3
linked list, 2
Linked list, 2, 3
Logic gates, 21
Logically equivalent, 21
Loop, 4, 5, 6, 11
Loops, 4, 5, 11
Macro, 5
Matrix, 23
Member, 23, 25
Memory-mapped I/O, 8
Merge sort, 14
Method, 5, 6, 8, 14
Mod, 24
Modulo, 3, 24
Monitors, 6
Most significant bit, 9
Multi-tasking, 6
Name, 2, 5, 7, 8, 16, 25
NAND, 21
NDFA, 17
Nodes, 3, 4, 16, 22
Nondeterministic finite automata, 17
NOR, 21
NOT, 19, 20, 21
NP, 1, 16, 17
NP-complete, 1, 16
NP-hard, 17
Null set, 23
o, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 18, 22
O, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 22, 25
Offset, 12
OR, 19, 20, 21
Overflow, 3, 10
Overhead, 11, 13, 14
P, 16, 19, 21, 22
Page, 12, 29
Page fault, 12
Paging tables, 12
Parallel processing, 13
Parameter passing, 7
Pascal, 2, 3, 4, 7
PDA, 17, 18
Pipelining, 13
Pointer, 2, 3, 5
Polish notation, 22
Postfix notation, 22
Postorder, 4, 22
Posttest loops, 4
Power set, 23
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Prefix notation, 22
Preorder, 4, 22
Pretest loops, 4
Priority queue, 4
Priority queuing, 10
Producer-consumer relationship, 6
Product rule, 22
Production, 18
Proper subset, 23
Pumping lemma, 18
pushdown automata, 18
Quadratic probing, 3
Quicksort, 14
Recognizes, 17
Recursive functions, 4, 5
Recursively enumerable, 18
Reentrant, 8
Reflexive relation, 25
Regular expressions, 18
Regular language, 18
Return address, 5
Round-robin, 10
Satisfiable, 16, 21
Scope, 7
Selection sort, 14
Semaphore, 6
Sequential search, 16
Sets, 9, 21, 22, 23
Shellsort, 14
Shortest job first, 10
Sign and magnitude, 9
Singly linked list, 2
Sorted list, 3
Space complexity, 15
Spatial locality, 11, 12
Star operator, 18
State, 17, 22
String, 18, 23
Strings, 3, 18, 23
Subset, 16, 21, 23
Sum rule, 22
Symmetric relation, 25
Tautology, 21
Temporal locality, 11
Terminal, 18
Throughput, 13
Time complexity, 15, 16, 24
Transitive relation, 25
Turing-recognizable language, 18
Union, 18, 23
Valid, 3, 21
Variables, 5, 7, 18
Virtual memory, 11, 12
XOR, 19, 20, 21
Youngest job first, 10
Page 21 of 22
© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.
Computer Science GRE Study Guide
Version 1.02
Hunter Hogan
Begging Copyright
No one has to pay to use this for his or her own personal use. You cannot resell this or use it to teach a class
without buying it from me. If you reprint any part of this, please provide a citation and a link to my
website. Finally, if you find this study guide useful, I encourage you to donate $3 to me. or take a look on my website for the donation
box. All other rights are reserved.
For each question in the practice exam (, I have tried to provide all of
the information necessary to answer it and questions that may be like it. As of now, I have skipped
instruction #13, and questions #51, #58, and #60. I have also tried to provide enough information to answer
most of the questions on the old practice test. (You may have to join the yahoo
group.) I did skip #24, #30, #31, #32, and #35.
Some books that I have read and used for reference:
1. Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser, 1997 PWS Publishing Company
2. Discrete Mathematics and it Applications, 5th edition by Kenneth H. Rosen, 2003 McGraw Hill
3. Computer Organization and Design, 2nd edition by Hennessy and Patterson, 1998 Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers, Inc
4. Programming Languages, 2nd edition by Ravi Sethi, 1996 Addison-Wesley
5. Data Structures and Problem Solving using JAVA, 2nd edition by Mark Allen Weiss, 2002
Thanks to Jack for being the first to subscribe to the email list.
Thanks to Kristi for her support.
Thank you to the person that donated $20 (wow!) to help me pay for the website.
Thanks to Xin for sending the first email comments.
Thanks to Richard Conlan for many great suggestions.
Thanks to Joni Laserson for your suggestion.
Thanks to Wood for his many great suggestions.
Thanks to everyone that has donated any amount.
Thanks to Matt Minerd for the correction in my CFG example.
I am not an authority on computer science; I am a student. However, I do have experience in the computer
industry and experience as an educator of computer concepts. My credentials include MCSE, MCSA, A+,
Network+, 2 years of teaching those certifications, and many years in technical support, web design, and
general debauchery. However, if your professor and this document disagree, I suggest you believe your
I did not do as well on the exam as I had hoped. I took the exam December 2003. Out of 70 questions, they
discarded 2. Of the remaining 68, I got 34 correct, 28 incorrect, and omitted 5. My formula score was a 27.
The scaled score was a 730. That amounted to the 51 st percentile.
Overall, that score was good enough to meet my goals. I was not taking the exam to get into graduate
school; I was taking the exam in lieu of taking the classes. The college I attended (Excelsior College) gave
me 24 credit hours for my score on the GRE. I have only taken 1 computer science course (C programming
in Fall 1992). I think that most people that have taken the classes could use this study guide to get 60% or
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© 2004 Hunter Hogan. Usage rights are detailed in this document.