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Chapter 3 Review Questions
1. Three of the following terms are answers to three questions below:
Primary Succession, Secondary Succession, Pioneer Species,
Endangered Species, Introduced Species.
A) The term used to describe the re-growth of an area of forest that
has been flooded by a beaver pond is: Secondary Succession.
B) The first organisms that live in an area that has been damaged are
referred to as: Pioneer Species.
C) The name given to species of organisms that have spread to new
locations as a result of human activities is: Introduced Species.
2. Three examples of natural resources are: a) Trees, b) Fish, c)
3. Three examples of pollutants are: a) Garbage, b) Oil spills,
c) Pesticides
4. Three causes that led to overharvesting of cod on the Grand Banks
a) New Fishing Technology
b) Greater demand for protein
c) Lack of Conservation
* A fourth one would be: Unsustainable Harvesting
5. Are the following statements true or false? If the statement is false,
rewrite it to make it a true statement.
a) Sustainable rates of harvesting occur when resources are being
used faster than they can be renewed. False. Unsustainable
b) If an ecosystem is not disturbed, it eventually produces a climax
community. True.
c) A field of potatoes is an example of a monoculture. True.
d) A pine tree is an example of a pioneer species. False. Lichen
6. An example of how an introduced species might affect an
ecosystem is: An introduced species, such as purple loosestrife, can
affect an ecosystem by out-competing native species in wetlands and
removing much of the water from these areas over time, making them
unsustainable for the hundreds of species of plants and animals that
depend on wetlands to survive.
7. a) If the water sample is acidic, you would expect the its pH level to
be lower.
b) If the water sample has a pH of 7 then it is neither acidic or basic.
c) A pH of 2 is more acidic than a pH of 5.
d) A pH of 11 is more basic than a pH of 9.
e) The pH of normal rainwater is 5.6.
8. a) The events in photo A happened first.
b) The process that is occurring in photo B is; secondary succession
c) If you take a photo of this in 20 years you will a forest of trees and a
much shadier area.
9. The garden, which was originally cleared and maintained in this
state, was abandoned and has begun changing as wildflowers, small
bushes, and shrubs started establishing themselves as a
consequence of secondary succession.
12. An endangered species in NL is Long's Braya. It is endangered
because of excavation of the barrens for limestone and gravel. Also, it
is used as a racetrack for all-terrain vehicles.
13. A natural event that can change a lake ecosystem is; drought,
landslide, flood etc.
A human activity that can change a lake ecosystem is; logging,
recreational use, pollution etc.