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AP World History
Final Exam Study Guide
The study guide for AP World History is only to be used as a tool to help study. The following questions
are intended for review only, not a guaranteed “good grade” on the exam. Some of the following
questions may or may not be on the Final Exam. The Final Exam is cumulative, and may have any
concept from the AP World History textbook.
1. What does the Paleolithic Age refer to?
2. What is a characteristic of the human species before the advent of civilization?
3. Where did the Neolithic revolution occur first in?
4. A society is almost certainly a civilization if ___.
5. What would an early development of writing explain?
6. The earliest known writing in a civilization first developed in ___.
7. Sumerian civilization produced the first___________.
8. What did Jewish monotheism emphasize?
9. One difference between classical civilizations and river valley civilizations was that in classical
civilizations ______.
10. A ʺdynastyʺ in Chinese history was ____.
11. The Qin dynasty differed from the Zhou in that ______.
12. What are Confucian beliefs in the family and society?
13. A famous example of ʺcultural diffusionʺ in early Chinese history was what?
14. What did the Aryan conquerors bring to India?
15. Hinduism urged that ____.
16. How did Buddhism differ from Hinduism?
17. What two Mediterranean powers fought in the Punic Wars?
18. Who did the Senate of republican Rome particularly represent?
19. The Socratic method emphasized the importance of _____.
20. Japan developed a religion called ____.
21. The word “Islam” means ____.
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22. The Arabic camel nomads were referred to as____.
23. Identify the regions affected by Islam during its early history (prior to 750 C.E.).
24. When did Muhammad receive the first revelations that were eventually written down in the
25. The office of the political and religious successor of Muhammad was called ____.
26. Who was the Muslim leader responsible for the reconquest of most of the territories belonging to
the Christian crusaders?
27. What region of Africa was first converted to Islam by 700 C.E.?
28. The study of population is referred to as ______.
29. What is the most correctly seen empire as a direct continuation of the Roman Empire?
30. The capital of the Byzantine Empire and its commercial center was located at ________.
31. What eastern emperor was responsible for the attempted restoration of a united Roman Empire
after 533?
32. What was the technological innovation that aided the Byzantine Empire in withstanding the
Muslim siege of Constantinople in 717?
33. Following the fall of Rome, where was the center of the post-classical West?
34. Who were the Scandinavian invaders who disrupted the development of durable political
institutions in the medieval West until the 10th century?
35. The system that described economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant
laborers was called:
36. Who were the people who succeeded the Toltecs as the rulers of central Mexico?
37. The Inca ruler associated with the first creation of the Inca empire in 1438 was ___.
38. The religious practice most closely associated with the state and the person of the Inca in Andean
civilization was the cult of ____.
39. What was the primary reform enacted during the reign of the first Sui emperor?
40. In Japan, mounted troops owing loyalty to the military elite were called ______.
41. What region of the world became the dominant culture in the period after 1450?
42. The initiative for Western exploration and conquest came from the kingdom of ______.
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43. What noble was responsible for initiating a series of expeditions along the African coast and
outward to the Azores in the 15th century?
44. What was the purpose of the early English voyages to North America?
45. What British commercial institution ruled India for much of the 18th century?
46. As part of the ʺColombian Exchange,ʺ what was a European contribution to the Americas?
47. Johannes Gutenberg was responsible for ______.
48. What are some of the religious propositions advanced by Martin Luther?
49. What was the church established by Henry VIII in England?
50. What most accurately summarizes the view of Deists?
51. Ivan the Great declared that the Russian empire was the successor to which great empire?
52. Peter the Great established a new capital for Russia at______.
53. The first Spanish colony in the New World was established on _____.
54. The man responsible for the conquest of the Aztec empire in Mexico was ___.
55. What accounted for the majority of the population loss suffered by Native Americans after the
European arrival?
56. The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 divided the world into spheres of influence belonging to ___.
57. What region in the Americas received more slaves than any other between 1550 and 1850?
58. What was the term utilized for the commercial arrangement by which African slaves were
shipped to the Americas, sugar and tobacco were carried to Europe, and European manufactured
goods were transported to Africa?
59. What European nation first threatened the Ottoman monopoly of trade with east Africa and India?
60. What peoples had preceded the Portuguese in entering the markets of South and Southeast Asia?
61. How did Enlightenment thinkers challenge authority?
62. How did the French Revolution impact the rest of Europe?
63. What German conservative was responsible for the unification of Germany in 1871?
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64. American exceptionalism suggests that the United States…
65. How did the Dutch and the British interact with the social systems of Java and India?
66. What English religious movement was critical to the social reform movement in the British
Empire by the beginning of the 19th century?
67. In what way was Latin America different from the other regions that remained outside the direct
control of Western imperialism?
68. Why did the creole elite reject the French model of revolution?
69. Who initiated the movement for independence in Mexico by calling on the mestizos and Indians
to rebel in 1810?
70. Where was Simon Bolivar responsible for the independence movements?
71. In what way was the experience of the Napoleonic wars different for Portugal than for Spain?
72. How was Brazilian independence achieved?
73. What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
74. What European nation supported the Ottoman Empire in order to prevent other European powers
from gaining access to the Mediterranean?
75. What nation’s invasion of Egypt in 1798 signaled the beginning of European penetration of the
Islamic heartland?
76. What was the impact of the British opium trade on China?
77. What was the Russian Duma?
78. What were Russian radicals who sought the abolition of all formal government called?
79. What was the chief political method used by the anarchists to achieve reform?
80. What events led to the outbreak of World War I?
81. What did the sea warfare during World War I consisted largely of?
82. Where was the series of treaties that ended World War I signed?
83. At the end of World War I, what nation emerged as the dominant foreign power in Latin
84. The Russian revolutionary political regimes were based on councils of workers also called what?
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85. What was Leninʹs solution to Russian participation in World War I?
86. What early Communist leader emphasized the role of the peasantry in revolutionary solutions to
Chinese problems?
87. What event historically triggered the Great Depression?
88. What type of government did Hitler establish in Germany?
89. Who was the leader of the National Socialist Party in Germany?
90. Which country did Hitler sign a nonaggression pact with in 1939?
91. What was Hitlerʹs last-ditch effort to repel the Allied armies?
92. Which battle effectively put out of commission the Japanese fleet during WWII?
93. What caused Japanʹs surrender in the Pacific?
94. What institution was created as a result of WWII?
95. What phrase did Winston Churchill coin to describe the division between free and repressed
societies after World War II?
96. What was the Marshall Plan?
97. Immediately after Stalinʹs death in 1953, what form of government was established?
98. What distinguishes those regions referred to as the ʺthird worldʺ from other societies?
99. The fragmentation of Pakistan resulted in the creation in 1972 of the independent nation of ___.
100. What are the problems found in the rural environment of third world countries?