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World History
Semester Two Final Exam Review
Unit 7—African & American Societies; Age of Exploration
1. How did the Sahara Desert impact the early history & development of Africa?
2. Africa’s earliest inhabitants had what way of life to get food?
3. Identify the region and countries making up Mesoamerica.
4. The Maya were known for what accomplishments?
5. Name the capital of the Aztecs, built in the middle of a lake for protection.
6. The Incas built their empire along what geographic feature?
7. Identify the phrase explaining the motives of European exploration.
8. Why did Europeans look for alternate routes to India?
9. Which country started the Age of Exploration?
10. Spanish conquerors in the New World were called…
11. First permanent English settlement in the New World.
12. England’s first permanent settlement was successful because of trading what product?
13. Define the Columbian Exchange.
14. What was the name of the voyage taken by enslaved Africans to America?
15. Identify the 3 continents and types of products involved in the Triangular Trade route.
16. What economic policy stated that a country’s strength depended on its wealth?
Unit 8—Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, European Absolutism, Revolutions
17. Define Absolutism.
18. Theory justifying absolute power by stating the ruler was chosen by God.
19. Type of govt. in which limits are placed on the monarch.
20. Define Enlightenment.
21. What did the 3rd Estate representatives demand when they took the Tennis Court Oath?
22. Who was the violent leader of the Reign of Terror?
23. Who were the victims of the Reign of Terror?
24. Execution method of the Reign of Terror.
25. What was Napoleon’s connection to the French Revolution?
26. Define Napoleon’s continental system.
27. Napoleon suffered his final defeat at which battle?
Unit 9—Modern Asia
28. The most powerful person in Japanese society
29. Define figurehead.
30. What was Tokugawa Ieyasu’s contribution to Japanese history?
31. What type of policy did Japan institute to control foreign ideas?
32. Who opened trade with Japan?
33. Japan became a world power after defeating which nation in war?
34. What did foreigners have to do to trade in China?
35. What product did the British find to gain more trade in China?
36. The civil war led by a Chinese Christian convert that resulted in the death of 50 million.
37. What was the goal of the Boxer Rebellion?
38. What did the Open Door Policy state?
Unit 10—Causes & Effects of WWI
39. Define Industrial Revolution.
40. Author of The Communist Manifesto.
41. Define Nationalism.
42. Define Imperialism.
43. What event started WWI?
44. The countries in the Triple Alliance
45. Location of the battles of the Eastern Front.
46. Type of warfare fought in the Western Front.
47. Name of ship sunk by Germans in their practice of unrestricted submarine warfare.
48. Name of message sent by Germany to Mexico to attempt to gain another ally.
49. After WWI, Germany was forced to sign what treaty?
50. Radical Marxist communists who supported violence to achieve changes in Russia
Unit 11—World War II
For questions 51-60, match each of the following descriptions to the correct country:
51. Adolph Hitler became the dictator of this country.
52. Catholicism became the official religion of this country.
53. In this country, the totalitarian government owned all factories, businesses, and
54. Joseph Stalin became the dictator of this country.
55. Ruled by Benito Mussolini.
56. Ruled by the Communist Party.
57. Ruled by the Fascist Party.
58. Ruled by the Nazi Party.
59. The totalitarian dictator had millions of people executed in what became known as the
Great Purge.
60. This country suffered from extreme inflation as a result of having to pay reparations after
61. What started WWII?
62. The Allied Powers that did the most of the fighting…
63. The countries that made up the Axis Powers…
64. German military “lightning war”
65. The German air force
66. Which country could Hitler never conquer or gain any land?
67. Name the Battle that was the last German offensive.
68. In warfare, what mistake did both Napoleon and Hitler make?
69. Day of celebration after Germany surrendered
70. Define Holocaust.
71. Largest Nazi concentration camp
72. Why did Japan join WWII?
73. What happened during the Rape of Nanjing?
74. Name the American military strategy in the Pacific.
75. What weapon was used against Hiroshima & Nagaski?
76. Term for Japanese suicide bombers
Unit 12—The Cold War
77. Which two countries faced off during the Cold War?
78. Identify the weapons of the Cold War.
79. What agreement about Germany was made at the Yalta Conference?
80. American plan to provide aid for economic recovery after WWII
81. Rival political/military alliances during the Cold War
82. To what does the “iron curtain” refer?
83. How did the US & western allies rescue citizens in West Berlin when Stalin blockaded
the city?
84. Name the first artificial satellite launched by the USSR.
85. Communist leader of China
86. Most symbolic icon of the division between democracy & communism
87. Single-most dangerous event of the Cold War
88. Gorbachev’s reform for openness
89. Gorbachev’s program for restructuring
Unit 13—Modern World History
90. What product is regulated by OPEC?
91. What was the purpose of the 1960s Green Revolution?
92. The first of 5 pan-African congresses was held in what city?
93. Define Negritude.
94. South African policy of racial separation
95. Black residential neighborhoods in South Africa
96. Location in Beijing where Chinese students mourned a leader’s death and where the
military slaughtered 1000s
97. What happened to anyone who tried to climb over the wall from East Berlin into Wester
98. Term describing a strong-willed female head of state?
99. First female leader of Israel
First female leader of Great Britain