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Java Graphics
Learn Java Applet and User Interface
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Creating a Java Applet.
Java Applet is a different (from application) type of a
program. Java Applet is a part of a web page, pretty much
like an image on this page. A web browser is the main
program that reads web page, renders images, and also
can use its Java library to play Java Applet code.
This is why Java Applet does not have the main() method.
The browser starts applet with the init() method. In the
example below a very simple Java Applet paints its part of a
web page with an image and several lines of Java Poetry.
The paint() method is also called by the browser
automatically whenever there is a need to refresh the
screen. You can see that all programmer needs to do for
this simple applet is to fill the init() and paint() methods with
several lines of code.
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Applet Skills
URL getDocumentBase() - Gets the URL of the document in
which this applet is embedded.
Image getImage(URL url) - Returns an Image object that can
then be painted on the screen.
String getParameter(String name) - Returns the value of the
named parameter in the HTML tag.
void init() - Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform
this applet that it has been loaded into the system.
void play(URL url) - Plays the audio clip at the specified URL
void start() - Called by the browser or applet viewer after init()
void stop() - Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform
this applet that it should stop its execution.
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Applet and AppletContext
Applet can get access to browser’s resources
AppletContext getAppletContext() - Determines this
applet's context, which allows the applet to query and affect
the environment in which it runs.
Enumeration getApplets() - Finds all the applets in the
document represented by this applet context.
AudioClip getAudioClip(URL url) - Creates an audio clip.
void showDocument(URL url) - Replaces the Web page
currently being viewed with the given URL.
void showStatus(String status) - Requests that the argument
string be displayed in the "status window".
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Applet Example
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AppletExample.class at Work
The Java applet uses its network capabilities to load an image from the
network and draws this image along with several lines of Java poetry.
A web browser invokes the init() method as soon as the applet is loaded.
Then the browser will refresh the screen by calling the paint() method of the
applet. More precisely the browser will call the invisible update() method
that in its turn will schedule execution of the paint() method. This is the
mechanics of painting Java components.
An applet or an application can draw different items on the
java.awt.Component using the paint(Graphics) method.
Images, lines, circles, polygons or any other graphical items are drawn on a
Graphics instance. The system (In the applet case it is the browser) passes
the graphics instance to the paint(Graphics) method.
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The paint(Graphics) method
The paint method might be called multiple times throughout the life of an
applet or an application. The system allocates a thread and gives to this
thread a specific time to accomplish its painting job.
If the drawing is heavy this time is not necessary enough and the paint()
method can be called several times for a single screen refresh that can
often cause a flickering effect.
When the system calls the paint() method?
If an applet changes location on the screen or any time it needs to be
refreshed (redrawn), paint(Graphics) is called. Programmers do not
directly call paint(Graphics).
To have java.awt.Component paint itself programmers call repaint();
repaint() will call update(Graphics) that in its turn calls paint(Graphics).
Be aware that update(Graphics) assumes that the component
background is not cleared and clears background first. If you don't want
to waste time to clear the background each time you want to paint, it's a
good idea to override the update(Graphics) method.© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Applet Deployment
It is relatively easy to deploy the applet. You can place the
compiled AppletExample.class file on the web server in the
same folder where you have your web page.
You can also put the web page as well as your applet class
on your local machine for testing.
Your web page must have the applet tag, in a very similar
way as you would do this for an image.
<applet code="AppletExample.class" width=200 height=300>
Save html file with the applet tag as MyApplet.html
Java Applet will be loaded and running in the web browser
as soon as a user will point the browser to your web page.
Try to modify this code and create another applet.
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Applet Parameters
Applet tag can include parameters.
<!– some html code -->
<applet code=“ArtApplet.class" width=600 height=400>
<param name=“image1” value=“jar.gif”>
<param name=“image2” value=“itsLogo.gif”>
<!-- more html … -->
Java Applet program, like the ArtApplet, can pick up
these parameters with the getParameter() method.
String imageName = getParameter(“image1”);
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The ArtApplet Uses Parameters
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* The ArtApplet draws a gallery of images
* with their names
public class ArtApplet extends Applet {
// we'll use applet parameters to pass gallery of images
private ArrayList images = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList imageNames = new ArrayList();
// parameters names are “image1”, “image2”, etc…
public void init() {
for(int i=0; true; i++) {
String paramName = "image" + (i+1);
String imageName = getParameter(paramName);
if(imageName == null) {
break; // end of images - end of the loop
Image image = getImage(getCodeBase(),imageName);
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The ArtApplet Draws a Gallery
* The paint() method uses the for-loop
* to draw each image with its name below
* Images are collected in the ArrayList images
* Image names are collected in the ArrayList imageNames
* @param g
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 12) ); // text font
int y = 40; // initial Y coordinate; the Y will increase in the loop
for(int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) {
Image image = (Image) images.get(i);
String imageName = (String)imageNames.get(i);
if(image != null) {
g.drawImage(image, 10, y, this);
y += image.getHeight(this) + 12; // adjust Y for image size
g.drawString(imageName, 10, y);
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Programming GUI in Java
The Java GUI is based on the Abstract Window Toolkit (java.awt) package
that provides basic graphic abstractions and primitives.
The java.awt package makes a unified GUI for all platforms and serves as a
base for rich graphic components built with the set of Swing (javax.swing)
packages, also called Java Foundation Classes (JFC). Most of Java
programmers use Swing to create rich graphics applications.
An alternative GUI is provided in Java with the Standard Widget Toolkit
(SWT). SWT uses a Java native interface (JNI) to C to invoke the native
operating system graphics widgets from Java code. SWT enforces one-toone mapping between Java native methods and operating system calls,
which makes a very significant difference in the appearance and
performance of graphics.
SWT is a pure Java code (although not from Sun Microsystems) widely
accepted by the Java development community and supported by IBM and
other organizations under the umbrella.
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The AWT package.
Abstract Windowing Toolkit. java.awt.*
Graphics abstractions, Components, and Layout Managers
Graphics abstractions are defined by colors, fonts, images, etc.
java.awt.Color, java.awt.Font, java.awt.Image
Components, like buttons, panels, lists, checkboxes, and other widgets
are defined with their attributes.
Layout Managers are the objects that are used to control the layout of
Three most commonly used Layout Managers are:
- the FlowLayout,
- the BorderLayout, and
- the GridLayout.
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Commonly used Layout Managers
Java Applet serves two roles: as a networking service and as a
graphical component.
The Java Applet class graphically represents java.awt.Panel.
The default layout for the Panel is the FlowLayout.The FlowLayout
is the default layout manager for the simplest Java Container, the
Panel class.
The FlowLayout with Center justification is used by default. There
are FlowLayout.CENTER, FlowLayout.LEFT and
FlowLayout.RIGHT justifications.
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The BorderLayout
The BorderLayout (default for the Frame and the Dialog classes) has 5 regions:
North, South, East, West and Center.
When a user resizes the window with the BorderLayout the North and South
regions grow horizontally while the East and West Regions grow vertically. The
Center region grows in both directions.
It is not a requirement to fill all 5 fields of the BorderLayout (see example).
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
The GridLayout
The buttons are placed into the frame with the GridLayout. The number of
regions for a GridLayout is specified in the constructor by rows and
columns. In this case we specified 3 rows with two columns for the layout.
The GridLayout makes all regions the same size, equals to the largest cell.
Creating a frame makes this applet less dependable on the web browser.
The frame will stay on the screen while a user can continue browsing
different pages.
The Tickets class (see the next slide) definition includes the promise to
implement the ActionListener interface. This simply means that
ActionEvent handling happens in this class and this class must provide the
actionPerformed() method implementation.
When any of destination buttons is pressed a button label is changed to
show a corresponding fixed price.
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GridLayout Code Example
// Tickets (in the GridLayout)
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
This example greatly simplifies backend
operations required for such search. The
code focuses on the graphics and event
handling instead.
* The Tickets applet demonstrates Grid Layout and event handling
public class Tickets extends Applet implements ActionListener {
private String[] price = {
private String[] city = {
"Phoenix", "Chicago", "Los Angeles", "New York", "London", "Moskow"};
private Button[] buttons;
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GridLayout Code Example (2)
* The init() method will be called by browser as soon as applet loaded
public void init() {
Frame f = new Frame("Best air fair from Denver");
f.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2, 2,2));
buttons = new Button[city.length];
for (int i = 0; i < city.length; i++) {
buttons[i] = new Button(city[i]);
f.add (buttons[i]);
// delegate event handling to THIS object
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GridLayout Code Example (3)
* The actionPerformed() method is the event handler
* It sets the price label for a selected city
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
String command = e.getActionCommand();
for(int i=0; i < city.length; i++) {
if(city[i].equals(command) ) {
} else {
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Handling Events in Java
Listeners and the Observer Design Pattern
Delegation Model allows you to separate GUI from event processing.
A specific listener object has to be added to each component that expect
Listeners are interfaces. They must be implemented in your code.
For example, each ActionListener object must implement the method
actionPerformed() reacting to the button press. Note that every button has its
own ActionListener ...
MouseListener object has
to be added to implement
specific methods of reacting
to mouse click:
mouseExited() ...
KeyListener object
has to be added to
implement specific
methods reacting to
the keyboard press:
object can be
added to a button
or menu item and
must implement the
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From hard-coded GUI to a flexible Scenario
// WebContainer
import java.applet.Applet;
* WebContainer is an applet
* The init() method provides access to XML-based application scenario
* @author [email protected]
public class WebContainer extends Applet {
* init() method is called by a web browser when applet just started
* The method uses applet.getParameter() method to read urlToScenario *
public void init() {
String urlToScenario = getParameter("scenario");
// Applet can only access URL to its own server host
String scenario = JavaIOExample.fetchURL(urlToScenario );
ServiceFrame frame = new ServiceFrame(scenario);
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JBuilder Supports Applets
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Exploring Applets with JBuilder
Applets and Swing components
Most browsers do not support Swing components and other new JDK features.
For best results, write your applet using the same JDK that the browser uses
and use AWT components instead of Swing.
Use Sun's Java Plug-in for applets if you're writing your applets with the newer
Different ways to run your applet
Right-click the applet HTML file in the project pane to run your applet in Sun's
Choose Run|Run Project to run your applet in JBuilder's applet viewer,
Quickly create applets with the Applet wizard. Choose File|New|Web, and
double-click the Applet icon.
Debug applets from Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator using the Java
Plug-in and JBuilder's debugger.
Reference: JBuilder X "Working with applets"
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Applet Wizard
How to start:
File - New - Web - Applet icon to open the Applet wizard.
Do not change the suggested package name.
Type a new name for the applet class.
Select the base class: java.applet.Applet or java.swing.JApplet.
Generate Header Comments - Uses information from the project file as
header comments at the top of the applet class file.
Can Run Standalone - Creates a main() method so you can test the
applet without its being called from an HTML page.
Generate Standard Methods
Creates stubs for the standard applet methods: init(), start(), stop(),
destroy(), getAppletInfo(), and getParameterInfo().
Use JBuilder Tutorial: Building an applet
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Use JBuilder Help to Navigate
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Java Applet
AWT basics
Handling Events
JBuilder Supports Applets
From Hard-Coded to Flexible Interface
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Swing or JFC
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* The SwingExample class shows an example of Swing-based GUI
public class SwingExample implements ActionListener {
private JFrame jFrame;
private JLabel jLabel;
private JPanel jPanel;
private JButton jButton;
private AccessibleContext accContext;
private String labelPrefix = "Number of button clicks: ";
private int numClicks = 0;
// The actionPerformed() method handles the button press
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
jLabel.setText(labelPrefix + numClicks);
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SwingExample (2)
// The go() method builds the GUI
public void go() {
// Here is how you can set up “lookAndFeel”
try {
} catch (UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
System.err.println("Couldn't use the default look and feel " + e);
jFrame = new JFrame("HelloSwing");
jLabel = new JLabel(labelPrefix + "0");
jButton = new JButton("I am a Swing button!");
// Create a shortcut: make ALT-i be equivalent
// to pressing mouse over button.
// Add support for accessibility.
accContext = jButton.getAccessibleContext();
accContext.setAccessibleDescription("Pressing this button increments
the number of button clicks");
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SwingExample (3)
jPanel = new JPanel();
jPanel.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(30,30,10,30));
jPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 1)); // all components in one column
// Put compts in pane, not in JFrame directly.
jFrame.setContentPane(jPanel); // set the Pane as a component holder
// Set up a WindowListener inner class to handle window's quit button.
WindowListener wl = new WindowAdapter() { // anonymous
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // inner class
} // end of the windowClosing() method that handles this event
}; // end of anonymous inner class created on-the-fly
} // end of go() method
public static void main(String[] args) { // The main() method is for testing
SwingExample example = new SwingExample();
} // end of the main() method
} // end of the SwingExample class
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Swing Basic Steps and Hints
General Hints: Import Swing packages
• Choosing the look and feel
– getLookAndFeel()
• Setting up a Window container
– JFrame is similar to Frame
– You cannot add components directly to JFrame
– A content pane contains all of the Frame's visible components
except menu bar
Hints of Building a Swing GUI
• Start with top-level containers (JFrame, JApplet, JDialog, and
• Create lightweight components (such as JButton, JPanel, and JMenu)
• Add lightweight components to a content pane associated with a toplevel container
Swing components are subclasses of the JComponent Class that
• Borders
• Double buffering
• Tool tips
• Keyboard navigation
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
• Application-wide pluggable look and feel
Java GUI with Swing Classes:
The ServiceBrowser Example
Java Swing classes offer a big set of rich graphical widgets with very powerful
functionality. I provide only one example to demonstrate some of these
The JEditorPane class is the focus of the following example. The JEditorPane
is a Web browser emulator. Yes! This single class is as capable of loading and
showing Web pages as almost any real browser. The JEditorPane does not
perform JavaScript functions, and it is very picky about HTML code
correctness, unlike most browsers, which forgive Web designers for small
The JEditorPane class can also display documents with rich text format (RTF)
prepared by Microsoft Word, Open Office, or Adobe tools.
The next page code example loads the Web page with images, text, and
hyperlinks that look like regular HTML links. Some of these links are not usual.
A regular Web browser cannot interpret them, but our code will exceed the
browser’s capacities. We write the link handler method, and we can greatly
extend the browser’s functionality.
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
ServiceBrowser with JEditorPane
// ServiceBrowser;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.html.*;
* ServiceBrowser class is an example from the book
* "Integration-Ready Architecture and Design"
* [email protected]
public class ServiceBrowser extends JFrame implements HyperlinkListener {
public static boolean debug = true;
protected JEditorPane display = new JEditorPane(); // main browser frame
protected JScrollPane displayPane = new JScrollPane(display); // scrollable
protected JEditorPane controls = new JEditorPane(); // browser controls
* The constructor sets the initial urls and creates several HTML frames
* Each HTML frame is represented by the JEditorPane
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
ServiceBrowser with JEditorPane (2)
public ServiceBrowser(String initialURL, String controlsURL, String imageURL) {
// set display pane (main frame)
display.setEditable(false); // first browsing not editing, can change it later on
display.setContentType("text/html"); // can change it later on
// set controls pane (top frame)
controls.setEditable(false); // can change it later on
controls.setContentType("text/html"); // can change it later on
// contentPane is the main holder for JFrame components
Container contentPane = getContentPane();
contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
// place frames in the content pane
contentPane.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, displayPane);
contentPane.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, controls);
// set size of the window as 5/6 of the screen
int w = (int)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth();
int h = (int)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight();
w = (int)(w*5)/6;
h = (int)(h*5)/6;
// set size of the main and control frames
displayPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w-8, h-150));
controls.setSize((new Dimension(w-8, h-100));
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ServiceBrowser with JEditorPane (3)
// get the logo image
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(imageURL);
setIconImage(image); // place icon on the frame
setTitle(initialURL); // set initial url on the frame title
// enable hyperllink handler
// load the initial web page and control page
* The hyperlinkUpdate() method handles HTML events
* @param e
public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
if (e instanceof HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) { // just an event notification
HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent evt = (HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent)e;
// retrieve a document (web page)
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)display.getDocument();
} else { // click on the link
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ServiceBrowser with JEditorPane (4)
// handling a click on the link
try {
String url = e.getURL().toString();
// check if this your custm service instruction
if(url.startsWith("service://”)) {
// provide your own custom service that is not a part of any browser
} else if(docOrURL.startsWith("http://") || docOrURL.startsWith("file://") {
url = documentOrURL; // will open a page with the URL
} else { // plain text
display.setContentType("text/plain"); // can change it later on
// Load and display a web page in the JEditorPane
display.setPage(url); // the display is the JEditorPane component
} catch (Throwable t) {
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
ServiceBrowser at Work
The ServiceBrowser class is an example of the javax.swing.JEditorPane in
action. Like the java.awt.Frame, the javax.swing.JFrame is the main window
in Swing GUI.
The ServiceBrowser class extends the JFrame and implements the
javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener. This means that the class must include
the hyperlinkUpdate() method to handle link events.
Two GUI components cover all our needs: the JEditorPane, in which we plan
to display the documents, and the JScrollPane, which provides scrolling skills
for our browser. We place the JEditorPane into the JScrollPane. Now they
can work together as a team.
We add another JEditorPane component to the top of the window (North).
This component contains a Web page with control-links.
The constructor takes the initial URLs as parameters and creates a GUI in
several lines. We set the JEditorPane objects display and controls. Then we
create a ContentPane object to hold all the JFrame components. We place
the objects in the center and at the top of the content pane, respectively.
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
ServiceBrowser at Work (2)
There are several lines of calculations in which we set the component sizes
based on the client screen resolution surveyed by the
Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize() method.
The constructor uses the image URL to load the logo icon and set the icon on
the frame, to the left of the frame title. The program sets the title of the frame to
the initial URL of the page that will be displayed first. The link event handler will
continue this tradition, providing the current URL as the frame title each time a
new link is activated.
The constructor finishes its GUI work by enabling the link handler, setting the
display and controls pages, and finally, making the window visible. Note that the
single setPage() method of the JEditorPane loads the page from the Internet or
a local computer and displays the page.
The ServiceBrowser can also provide custom services that are not provided by
any browser. We can request such services with URL - instructions that begins
with the “service://” protocol instead of standard “http://” or “ftp//” or “file://”
protocols. The link with this instruction will look like this:
<a href=service://[service instruction for execution]>Service request name</a>
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ServiceBrowser at Work (3)
The hyperlinkUpdate() method is the required implementation of the HyperlinkListener
interface that is responsible for handling link events. The method considers the type of
event first. The HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent is a notification about the link action. We
can use this notification to retrieve the document for some analysis, but this is not the
primary function of this method.
The primary function of the handleEvent() method is as a regular HyperlinkEvent that
happens when a user clicks on a link. The program tries to retrieve a link URL and act
upon the URL instructions. If this is a regular link that points to some web of local files,
the program loads such a file and shows its content in the display window.
The most important case is when the instruction starts with the service:// string. This
means that this is not a regular URL schema like http://, file://, or ftp://.
The service:// is the beginning of our service instruction that can be interpreted and
performed in our own custom way. This extends ServiceBrowser’s functionality beyond
by the functions embedded in the source code of this class. Unlike a lot of applications
and browsers, the ServiceBrowser is just an engine able to perform any integrationready service. The presentation layer of the ServiceBrowser is also not defined by the
source code. The screens and controls are driven by HTML descriptions.
In Chapter 7, of the book “Integration-Ready Architecture and Design”, ISBN
0521525837 I discuss the XML browser driven by XML scenarios. The scenarios would
describe GUI as well as program functionality.
© ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Building a Swing GUI
Start with top-level containers (JFrame, JApplet, JDialog, and
Create lightweight components (such as JButton, JPanel, and JMenu)
Add lightweight components to a content pane associated with a toplevel container
Swing components are subclasses of the JComponent Class that
Double buffering
Tool tips
Keyboard navigation
Application-wide pluggable look and feel
JEditorPane and ServiceBrowser
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