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Nom: _________________________
Classe: ________________________
Professeur(s): __________________
Par Mlle Hewitt
The Definite Article
The Indefinite Article
Singular and Plural
The Partitive Article
The Comparative
The Superlative
Possessive Adjectives
Direct Object Pronouns
Subject Pronouns
The Negative
The Present Tense
Regular –er Verbs
Regular –ir Verbs
Regular –re Verbs
Irregular Verbs – être
Irregular Verbs – avoir
Irregular Verbs – faire
Irregular Verbs – aller
Irregular Verbs – prendre
Modal Verbs
Reflexive Verbs
The Perfect Tense
The Near Future Tense
We use the definite article (“the”) when we want to be specific about the noun we are
talking about:
the house over there is nice / I like the brown bag
In French nouns have genders, meaning that they are masculine or feminine. They therefore
have two words for “the”:
“le” for masculine nouns
“la” for feminine nouns
It is important that you know whether a noun is masculine or feminine. If you are unsure,
you should always check in a dictionary. It will tell you if the noun is masculine (m) or
feminine (f):
boat: bateau (m)
le bateau (the boat)
apple: pomme (f)
la pomme (the apple)
If a word starts with a vowel (or a silent h before a vowel) in French, you must
remember to shorten the “le/la” to “l’”. This is because a vowel at the end of one
word and at the start of the next normally stops the words from flowing together.
le ami
la école
le hôtel
Try saying these words out loud! You will hear how much easier it is when you shorten the le/la!
la église
le avion
la heure
le abricot
la armoire
le horloge
Write whether these nouns are masculine or feminine:
le livre (book): ___________________________
le jardin (garden): ________________________
la cuisine (kitchen): _______________________
la maison (house): ________________________
le chat (cat): ____________________________
la souris (mouse): ________________________
le singe (monkey): ________________________
la table (table): __________________________
la chambre (bedroom): ____________________
le magasin (shop): ________________________
le chien (dog): ___________________________
la fleur (flower): __________________________
le stylo (pen): ___________________________
la chaise (chair): __________________________
le lit (bed): ______________________________
le car (coach): ____________________________
Use a dictionary to look up whether the following nouns are masculine/feminine and write the correct
definite article:
____ rue (street)
____ bras (arm)
____ ours (bear)
____ voiture (car)
____ porte (door)
____ jambe (leg)
____ train (train)
____ chemise (shirt)
____ pull (jumper)
____ herbe (grass)
____ ananas (pineapple)
____ vue (sight)
____ gomme (rubber)
____ serviette (towel)
____ tapis (rug)
Use a dictionary to look up the French equivalents of the following nouns. Write them out
carefully, including the correct definite article:
the station = ________________________
the hand = __________________________
the beach = _________________________
the countryside = _____________________
When looking up a word in the dictionary,
always check that you choose the correct word
for the context. Some words are spelt the
same, yet are different: e.g. book (the object
the window = ________________________
the nose = ___________________________
you read) and book (the action of booking a
the library = __________________________
If you are looking for the noun, you must make
the university = _______________________
sure that you choose the word followed by
the drink = _ __________________________
“noun” / “n”. It will also have next to it
the airport = __________________________
whether it is masculine/feminine.
the face = ___________________________
We use the indefinite article (“a/an”) when we do not want to be specific about a noun:
I would like a bag / She bought an apple
Remember that nouns in French are either masculine or feminine, and they therefore have
two words for “a”:
“un” for masculine nouns
“une” for feminine nouns
Again, looking in the dictionary will tell you whether the noun is masculine or feminine and
then you will know which form of “a” you need to use:
boat: bateau (m)
un bateau (a boat)
apple: pomme (f)
une pomme (an apple)
Even though “une” ends with a vowel, when you use it before a word starting with a
vowel, you do not need to take away the “e”. This is because “une” does not affect
the pronunciation!
Try saying these words out loud! You will hear that you don’t need to shorten the “une” to help them
flow together!
une église
une école
une orange
l’ before a vowel
une armoire
l’ before a vowel
Are these nouns masculine or feminine?
un ordinateur (computer): ________________
une bague (ring): _________________________
un crayon (pencil): ______________________
un sac (bag): _____________________________
une banane (banana): ___________________
une fille (girl): ____________________________
un garçon (boy): ________________________
une bouteille (bottle): _____________________
une tasse (cup): _________________________
un poisson (fish): _________________________
Change these nouns to “a” instead of “the”:
le livre (book): ___________________________
le jardin (garden): ________________________
la cuisine (kitchen): _______________________
la maison (house): ________________________
le chat (cat): ____________________________
la souris (mouse): ________________________
le singe (monkey): ________________________
la table (table): __________________________
la chambre (bedroom): ____________________
le magasin (shop): ________________________
le chien (dog): ___________________________
la fleur (flower): __________________________
le stylo (pen): ___________________________
la chaise (chair): __________________________
le lit (bed): ______________________________
le car (coach): ____________________________
Use a dictionary to look up the French equivalents of the following nouns. Write them out
carefully, including the correct indefinite article:
a street =____________________________
a fork =_ ____________________________
When looking up a word in the dictionary,
a sink =______________________________
always check that you choose the correct word
a box = ______________________________
for the context. Some words are spelt the
same, yet are different: e.g. book (the object
a scarf =_____ ________________________
a nest = _____________________________
you read) and book (the action of booking a
a room = ____________________________
If you are looking for the noun, you must make
a bike = _____________________________
sure that you choose the word followed by
a plate = _____________________________
“noun” / “n”. It will also have next to it
an omelette = ________________________
whether it is masculine/feminine.
a ruler = _____________________________
Nouns can be singular (referring to just one thing or person) or plural (referring to more than one
thing or person).
Most nouns form their plural by adding an –s. This is not usually sounded, so the word may sound
the same when you hear or say it.
The definite article le, la and l’ (the) become les in the plural.
The indefinite article un and une (a) become des (some) in the plural.
le chien
la ville
un livre
une table
the dog
the town
the friend
a book
a table
les chiens
les villes
les amis
des livres
des tables
the dogs
the towns
the friends
some books
some tables
However, a few words have a plural ending in –x. This is not sounded either:
un oiseau
des oiseaux
un jeu
des jeux
un chou
des choux
Words ending in –al change to end in –aux in the plural:
un animal
des animaux
Nouns which already end in –s, -x or –z do not change in the plural:
un repas
le prix
des repas
les prix
Remember that if you are unsure as to how to make a noun plural, all you have to do is to check in
a dictionary! The dictionary will often show you how to make the plural form of words that do not
follow the normal pattern of adding an –s. You normally need to look in the French to English half:
jeu, pl –x , nm game
This shows you that jeu means game in English, that it is a masculine noun (nm) and that you
need to add an –x to make the plural (pl –x).
Circle the words in the box below that are in the plural:
la porte
des animaux
un appartement
les chaises
des chaussures
un chien
les chambres
les maisons
des lits
la cuisine
un pantalon
une radio
une souris
les repas
Change the following words from singular to plural:
la table = …………………………………………
la chambre = ……………………………………
le chien = ……………………………………….
la maison =………………………………………
la fille = ………………………………………….
le jardin = ………………………………………..
l’homme = ………………………………………
le lit = ……………………………………………..
l’école =……………………………………………
l’hôtel = …………………………………………..
Change the following words from singular to plural:
un plan = …………………………………………
une télévision = ………………………………
un téléphone = …………………………………
une fleur =………………………………………
une araignée = ………………………………….
un chat = ………………………………………..
un stylo = …………………………………………
un canapé = …………………………………….
une régle =……………………………………….
une église = ………………………………………
Change the following words from singular to plural:
un crayon = …………………………………………
le jeu = …………………………………………..
la trousse = …………………………………………
un cheval =………………………………………
un oiseau = ………………………………………….
la tortue = ………………………………………..
l’hôpital = …………………………………………….
le repas = ………………………………………..
une boîte =…………………………………………..
le parc = ………………………………………….
le magasin = ………………………………………….
la rue = ……………………………………………
une souris = …………………………………………..
un château = ……………………………………
la montagne = ……………………………………….
le rat = …………………………………………….
We use the partitive article when talking about a quantity of something; it means some/any.
The word for some changes depending on the gender of the noun it is used with:
masculine (le)
feminine (la)
before a vowel (l’)
all forms (les)
du pain
de la viande
de l’ eau
des poires
The partitive article is often used in French even when it is not needed in English:
Veux-tu du pain? = Do you want (some) bread?
ma mère mange de la viande = my mam eats (some) meat
de l’ eau s’il vous plaît! = (some) water please!
j’achète des magazines = I buy (some) magazines
After a negative du, de la, de l’ and des all become de (d’ in front of a vowel):
Je ne veux pas de pain = I do not want (any) bread
je ne mange pas de viande = I do not eat (any) meat
il ne boit pas d’ eau = he does not drink (any) water
je ne lis pas de magazines = I do not read (any) magazines
de (without any changes) is also used after expressions of quantity:
un kilo de pommes = a kilo of apples
beaucoup de devoirs = lots of homework
une tranche de jambon = a slice of ham
une bouteille d’ eau = a bottle of water
un paquet de chips = a packet of crisps
Use the correct form of the partitive article to complete the shopping list. Remember to look up the
gender of any words you are unsure of in a dictionary:
…………………. pain
…………………. pommes
…………………. confiture
…………………. raisins
…………………. salade
…………………. oeufs
…………………. poulet
…………………. chips
…………………. fraises
…………………. eau
…………………. yaourt
…………………. jus d’orange
…………………. beurre
…………………. poisson
…………………. fromage
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the partitive article:
Think carefully and look up any gender or words you do not know!
Je mange …………………. poulet avec …………………. frites, mais je ne mange pas …………………. poisson.
Ma copine boit toujours …………………. eau mais moi je ne bois pas …………………. eau, c’est horrible!
Nous mangeons …………………. fraises avec …………………. yaourt, c’est délicieux.
Aux magasins j’achète …………………. viande, …………………. lait et un kilo …………………. pommes.
Pour le déjeuner ma famille mange beaucoup …………………. légumes.
J’ai acheté un paquet …………………. chips, une bouteille …………………. coca et …………………. oeufs.
Est-ce que tu aimes manger …………………. bananes?
Je ne mange pas …………………. fromage, mais j’adore manger…………………. chocolat.
Au marché nous achetons un kilo …………………. raisins et deux pots …………………. confiture.
On n’achète pas …………………. poisson parce qu’on ne l’aime pas.
Je veux …………………. eau parce que j’ai soif! Avec …………………. glaçons s’il vous plaît.
Je voudrais deux tranches …………………. jambon et un kilo …………………. beurre.
Vous aimez manger…………………. pommes de terre?
Pour le petit déjeuner je bois …………………. thé avec …………………. lait et …………………. sucre.
Je prends …………………. riz et un verre…………………. eau minérale.
Adjectives are describing words, which you use to describe a noun, a person or a thing. You need to
include them in your work to make it both interesting and personal. To use adjectives correctly in
French you must always check that they are in the correct place and that they agree:
1) Position of adjectives
In French the majority of adjectives (and ALL adjectives of colour) come after the noun they
are describing:
j’ai un stylo rouge = I have a red pen
The following adjectives come BEFORE the noun and should be learnt by heart:
grand (big)
jeune (young)
petit (small)
nouveau (new)
haut (high)
vieux (old)
bon (good)
beau (handsome, good-looking)
mauvais (bad)
joli (pretty)
j’ai un grand chien = I have a big dog
nous avons un jeune frère = we have a young brother
2) Agreement of adjectives
In French the adjective must agree in both gender and number to the noun it is describing.
Many adjectives follow this pattern:
add an e
add an s
add an e and an s
un stylo vert
une pomme verte
des stylos verts
des pommes vertes
a green pen
a green apple
some green pens
some green apples
If your adjective already ends in an –e (without an accent!), you don’t need to add
another “e” in the feminine:
Make the adjective in brackets agree if needed! Remember to look up the gender of the noun in the
dictionary if unsure!
une radio ………………. (vert)
le garçon ………………. (bavard)
la mer ………………. (calme)
les tables ………………. (jaune)
les enfants ………………. (poli)
l’ordinateur ………………. (noir)
un livre ………………. (intéressant)
la moquette ………………. (bleu)
les chaises ………………. (brun)
les filles ………………. (intelligent)
Do these adjectives go before or after the noun?
jaune = ________________________
grand = ________________________
petit = ________________________
beau = ________________________
haut = ________________________
noir = ________________________
gentil = ________________________
vert =________________________
intelligent = ________________________
bavard = ________________________
Translate the following sentences, making sure your adjective agrees and is in the
right place:
Remember to look up a word in the dictionary if you do not know what it is!
a green frog = ______________________________________________________________
a small house = ____________________________________________________________
a big white house = __________________________________________________________
an intelligent teacher = ______________________________________________________
a yellow book = _____________________________________________________________
an important job = ___________________________________________________________
a small blue bedroom = _______________________________________________________
a comfortable chair = _________________________________________________________
a black pen = _______________________________________________________________
a pretty girl = _______________________________________________________________
There are however some other adjectives which follow different patterns. Until you know them by
heart, always use the table below to check how to make them agree:
Masc. Sg
Fem. Sg
Masc. Pl
Fem. Pl
ending in “s”
e.g. français
don’t change
add “e”
don’t change
add “es”
ending in “eux”
e.g. heureux
don’t change
change “x” to
don’t change
change “x” to
ending in “f”
e.g. actif
don’t change
change “f” to
add “s”
change “f” to
ending in “ien” or “on”
e.g. bon
don’t change
add “ne”
add “s”
add “nes”
ending in “eil”, “el” or “il”
e.g. cruel
don’t change
add “le”
add “s”
add “les”
ending in “er”
e.g. fier
don’t change
change “er” to
add “s”
change “er” to
ending in “al”
e.g. familial
don’t change
add “e”
change “al” to
add “es”
There are also several common irregular adjectives which must be learnt separately:
Masc. Sg
Fem. Sg
Masc. Pl
Fem. Pl
* before a word beginning with a vowel or a silent “h” the masculine becomes bel, vieil or nouvel
The following adjectives NEVER change:
Remember that if you are ever
unsure as to how to make a certain
the colours marron, orange and noisette
colours made up of two words (e.g. bleu marine, vert clair)
dictionary! There should be
adjectives from other languages (e.g. cool)
examples of how to use it.
adjective agree, look it up in the
Never guess! Always check!
Accuracy is important!
Using the adjective table, change the following adjectives into their feminine form:
ennuyeux = _____________________
mignon = _____________________
sportif = ________________________
génial = _____________________
gentil = _________________________
délicieux = ___________________
cher = __________________________
italien = _____________________
anglais = ________________________
fictif = ______________________
Using the irregular adjectives table, choose the correct form of the adjective needed:
une souris bl……………………
une vi……………………. maison
un be…………………… garçon
un no…………………… hôtel
une no…………………… idée
des be…………………… chiens
des stylos bl…………………….
des vi……………….. monuments
une be……………….. femme
un be…………………. homme
Remember to
check any
genders you are
unsure of in a
Translate the following sentences, making sure your adjective agrees and is in the
right place:
Remember to look up a word in the dictionary if you do not know what it is!
the girl is kind = ______________________________________________________________
I live in a new house = ________________________________________________________
the cats are brown = __________________________________________________________
the mouse is white = ___ ______________________________________________________
a boring idea = ______________________________________________________________
the spiders are cute = ________________________________________________________
my sister is sporty = __________________________________________________________
Brad Pitt is handsome = _______________________________________________________
it is an old hotel = ____________________________________________________________
the meat is expensive = ________________________________________________________
an orange skirt = _______________________________________________________________
the boys are English = __________________________________________________________
The comparative is used to compare two things or people. It is very easy to use in French; all you
need is the following formula:
plus (more)
moins (less)
aussi (as)
Luc est plus grand que sa soeur = Luc is bigger (more big) than his sister
Luc est moins intelligent que sa soeur = Luc is less intelligent than his sister
Luc est aussi gentil que sa soeur = Luc is as kind as his sister
un chat est plus grand qu’une souris = a cat is bigger than a mouse
une souris est plus grande qu’une araignée = a mouse is bigger than a spider
des chats sont plus grands que des souris = cats are bigger than mice
des souris sont plus grandes que des araignées = mice are bigger than spiders
ma soeur est plus gentille que mon frère = my sister is kinder than my brother
ma télévision est plus nouvelle que mon portable = my television is newer than my mobile
There are two irregulars that you must learn by heart!
If you want to say something is better or worse, you do not use plus / moins. All you need is:
meilleur = better
pire = worse
le cinéma est meilleur que le théâtre = the cinema is better than the theatre
le rugby est pire que le foot = rugby is worse than football
Complete the sentences with plus/moins/aussi … que:
un lion est …………… grand …………… une souris
Wayne Rooney est …………… beau …………… David Beckham
les voitures sont …………… rapides …………… avions
le fruit est …………… important …………… les legumes
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective given in brackets:
Watch out for the irregular adjectives!
ma soeur est plus ……………………….. que moi! (intelligent)
mon père est plus ……………………….. que ma mère (fort)
les jupes sont aussi ……………………….. que les robes (joli)
une souris est moins ……………………….. qu’un chat (mignon)
la biologie est plus ……………………….. que la chimie (important)
Jennifer Aniston est aussi ……………………….. qu’Angelina Jolie (beau)
mes cheveux sont plus ……………………….. que tes cheveux (court)
les filles sont plus ……………………….. que les garçons (gentil)
Translate the following sentences into French:
Remember to look up any
words or genders you are
unsure of in a dictionary.
Never guess! Always
Hugo is smaller than Juliet = _______________________________________________________
Newcastle is better than Liverpool = _________________________________________________
My mam is more intelligent than my dad = ____________________________________________
Joey is as funny as Chandler = ______________________________________________________
A taxi is more comfortable than the train = ____________________________________________
EastEnders is worse than Coronation Street = __________________________________________
The theatre is less popular than the cinema = __________________________________________
My parents are kinder than my uncle = ________________________________________________
My jumper is as comfortable as my T-shirt = ____________________________________________
Jennifer Lopez is prettier than Shakira = _______________________________________________
Superlatives are used to compare things or people to say which one is the most… or the least ….
To form them you need to use the following formula after the noun they describe:
le / la / les
(depending on
the noun you are
plus (most)
moins (least)
Dave est l’étudiant le plus intelligent = Dave is the most intelligent student
Mel est l’étudiante la plus intelligente = Mel is the most intelligent student
Dave et Tim sont les étudiants les plus intelligents = Dave and Tim are the most intelligent students
Mel et Jess sont les étudiantes les plus intelligentes = Mel and Jess are the most intelligent students
La biologie est la matière la moins importante = Biology is the least important subject
Le rugby est le sport le moins intéressant = Rugby is the least interesting sport
There are two irregulars that you must learn by heart!
If you want to say something is the best or the worst, you do not use plus / moins. All you need is:
le meilleur = the best
le pire = the worst
Son idée est la meilleure = Her idea is the best
Ses chansons sont les pires = Her songs are the worst
Complete the sentences with plus / moins:
Les lions sont les animaux les ………………….. forts
Les souris sont les animaux les ………………….. grandes
Les appartements sont les domiciles les ………………….. petits
Le noir est la couleur la ………………….. sombre
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective given in brackets:
Watch out for the irregular adjectives!
Katie est la fille la plus …………………………………… (gentil)
Ses chansons sont les …………………………………… (meilleur)
Ma maison est la moins …………………………………… (grand)
Jennifer Aniston est l’actrice la plus …………………………………… (beau)
La chimie est la matière la plus …………………………………… (ennuyeux)
Joey est le garçon le moins …………………………………… (timide)
Notre voiture est la plus …………………………………… (nouveau)
Les giraffes sont les animaux les moins …………………………………… (petit)
Translate the following sentences into French:
Remember to look up any
words or genders you are
unsure of in a dictionary.
Never guess! Always
Simone is the prettiest girl = ________________________________________________________
Dogs are the loudest animals = _______________________________________________________
My pencil case is the best = __________________________________________________________
History is the least interesting subject = ________________________________________________
My brother is the tallest = ___________________________________________________________
My bedroom is the smallest = ________________________________________________________
Jeff is the least intelligent = __________________________________________________________
Chloe and Sammy are the kindest girls = ________________________________________________
Cricket is the least important sport = ___________________________________________________
Girls are the chattiest = ______________________________________________________________
Possessive adjectives are words like “my”, “your”, “his”, “her”, “its”, “our”, “their”. They show who
something belongs to.
before a vowel
(all forms)
Mon chat s’appelle Bob = My cat is called Bob
Ta soeur est gentille = Your sister is kind
Nos amis sont français = Our friends are French
Leurs chiens sont marron = Their dogs are brown
Therefore “sa mère” can mean his mother, her mother or its mother, depending on the context:
Paul écoute sa mère = Paul listens to his mother
Marie aide sa mère = Marie helps her mother
Le chat adore sa mère = the cat adores its mother
As shown in the table above, before a feminine noun beginning with a vowel, you use mon,
ton or son. This makes it easier to say and ensure that the sentence runs smoothly:
Mon amie s’appelle Nicole = My (girl)friend is called Nicole
Où est ton école? = Where is your school?
Son école est fermée aujourd’hui = His/her school is closed today
Complete the table:
un chien
le chien
mon chien
ton chien
………. calculette
la calculette
………. calculette
………. calculette
des cadeaux
………. cadeaux
………. cadeaux
………. cadeaux
………. animaux
les animaux
………. animaux
………. animaux
un anniversaire
………. anniversaire
………. anniversaire
Complete the sentences with his/her/its depending on the context:
Marc met son jean noir. Marc is wearing his black jeans.
Sophie prend son sac. Sophie takes ………………. bag.
Le chat boit son lait. The cat drinks ………………. milk.
Il cherche sa soeur. He is looking for ………………. sister.
Elle met sa veste. She puts on ………………. jacket.
L’oiseau est dans sa cage. The bird is in ………………. cage.
Complete with son/sa/ses. Look up any unknown genders in a dictionary:
Luc aime ………………. chien.
Il prend ………………. argent.
Marie fait ………………. valise.
Elle écoute ………………. parents.
Le poisson est dans ………………. aquarium.
Le chien joue avec ………………. jouet.
Paul ne trouve pas ………………. pull.
Sarah met ………………. gants.
Translate into French. Remember to look up any words you do not know in the dictionary!
our family = ……………………………………………..
their room = ………………………………………………
your (pl) family = ……………………………………..
our sisters = ……………………………………………….
their family = ……………………………………………
your (pl) brother = ……………………………………..
your (pl) cat = …………………………………………..
our book = ………………………………………………….
their birds = ……………………………………………..
their parents = …………………………………………….
our house = ………………………………………………
your (pl) money = ………………………………………..
A preposition is a word like “to”, “at” or “from”. It often tells you where a person or thing is located.
Two of the most common prepositions change depending on the gender of the noun that it is being
used with. You need to be aware of the patterns to be able to use them accurately.
The word à can mean “to” or “at”. When it is used with le, la, l’ and les to mean “to the…” or “at
the…”, it takes the following forms:
masculine (le)
feminine (la)
before a vowel (l’)
all forms (les)
au parc
à la piscine
à l’ épicerie
aux magasins
On va au parc? = Shall we go to the park?
Luc va à la piscine = Luc is going to the swimming pool
Ma mère est à l’ hôtel = My mam is at the hotel
Moi, je vais aux magasins = I am going to the shops
The word de can mean “of” or “from”. When it is used with le, la, l’ and les to mean “of the…” or
“from the…”, it takes the following forms:
masculine (le)
feminine (la)
before a vowel (l’)
all forms (les)
du parc
de la piscine
de l’ épicerie
des magasins
The word de is often used together with other words, e.g. en face de (opposite), près de (near), à
côté de (next to). You must remember to make the necessary changes:
La piscine est près du parc = The swimming pool is near the park
Les magasins sont en face de la piscine = The shops are opposite the swimming pool
J’attends à côté de l’ hôtel = I’m waiting next to the hotel
Le camping est près des magasins = The campsite is near the shops
Use the correct from of à to complete the sentences:
Je suis ………………. carnival
Adolphe est ………………. piscine
Les animaux habitent ………………. ferme
Nous allons ………………. hôtel
Je vais ………………. magasins
Il donne des poissons ………………. animaux
Elles vont ………………. église
J’adore aller ………………. cinéma
Mon oncle adore jouer ………………. golf
Il va ………………. école
Follow the example and ask how to get to the following places:
the station = Pour aller à la gare?
the campsite = __________________________________________
the bank = _____________________________________________
the hospital = ___________________________________________
Remember to use a dictionary
to check any genders and look
up any words that you do not
Never guess! Always check!
the shops = _____________________________________________
the swimming pool = _____________________________________
the church = ____________________________________________
Use the correct form of de to complete the sentences:
Je sors ………………. piscine
Le parc est en face ………………. magasins
J’habite près ………………. camping
Le parking est près ………………. cinéma
Elle est en face ………………. maison
Nous sortons ………………. école
Il sort ………………. lit
L’hôtel est en face ………………. théâtre
La banque est à côté ………………. épicerie
Ils sortent ………………. gare
Translate the following sentences:
The book is next to the television = ____________________________________________________
The bed is near the wardrobe = _______________________________________________________
The shops are next to the bank = ______________________________________________________
I am coming out of the kitchen = ______________________________________________________
The cathedral is opposite the town hall = _______________________________________________
The house is next to the park = _______________________________________________________
The cat is near the mouse = __________________________________________________________
Direct object pronouns are words like “it”, “me”, “him”, “her” etc. You use them to avoid repeating a
noun or a name:
Do you like chocolate? Yes, I like it!
My friend is called Anna and I saw her yesterday.
In French the direct object pronouns are as follows:
him / it
her / it
Remember to shorten me, te, le and la to m’, t’ and l’ in front of a vowel or silent h
You need to choose the correct direct object pronoun for the noun or the person it is to replace.
There are two direct object pronouns for “it”; you need to use “le” if you are replacing a masculine
noun and “la” if you are replacing a feminine noun.
Tu veux le DVD? – Oui, je le veux = Do you want the DVD? – Yes, I want it
Tu regarde la télé? – Oui, je la regarde = Are you watching the TV? – Yes, I am watching it
The direct object pronoun goes in front of the verb:
J’aime les pommes, je les mange tous les jours = I like apples, I eat them everyday
Ton frère se cache mal, je le vois! = Your brother is hiding badly, I can see him!
In a negative sentence, the direct object pronoun goes between ne and the verb:
Non, je ne le regarde pas = No, I’m not watching it
Complete the sentences with the correct direct object pronoun:
Aimez-vous les maths? Oui, je ………………… aime.
Est-ce que vous regardez le match? Oui, je ………………… regarde.
Est-ce que vous prenez le train? Oui, je ………………… prends.
Est-ce que tu fais la vaisselle? Oui, je………………… fais.
Achetez-vous le disque? Oui, je ………………… achète.
Est-ce que vous réparez la voiture? Oui, je ………………… répare.
Suivez-vous la série policière? Oui, je ………………… suis.
Voyez-vous les animaux? Oui, je ………………… vois.
Est-ce que tu aimes le cinéma? Oui, je ………………… aime.
Est-ce que tu me comprends? Oui, je ………………… comprends.
Est-ce que tu regardes le documentaire? Oui, je ………………… regarde.
Aimez-vous la géographie et l’histoire? Oui, je ………………… aime.
Answer the following questions, using a direct object pronoun:
Est-ce que tu aimes les livres?
Est-ce que tu aimes la chimie?
Est-ce que tu aimes mon frère?
Est-ce que tu donnes le cadeau?
Est-ce que tu regardes la série?
Est-ce que tu aimes le magasin?
Est-ce que tu comprends le français?
Est-ce que tu écoutes la chanson?
Est-ce que tu me vois?
Est-ce que tu écoute tes parents?
There are several ways of asking a question in French:
you can just raise your voice in a questioning way (this is called intonation). Make the
sentence go up at the end:
Tu as des animaux? = Do you have pets?
you can turn the verb around and put the verb before the pronoun (remember to link them
with a hyphen). This is called inversion:
Jouez-vous au tennis? = Do you play tennis?
you can add “Est-ce que… “ (literally this means “Is it that…”) to the start of the sentence:
Est-ce que tu as un frère? = Do you have a brother? (Is it that you have a brother?)
you can use “Qu’est-ce que…”, meaning “What…”, (literally “What is it that…”):
Qu’est-ce qu’il fait? = What is he doing? (What is it that he is doing?)
Qu’est-ce que tu prends au petit déjeuner? = What do you have for breakfast? (What is it that you
have for breakfast?)
Qui? = Who?
Qui est là? = Who is there?
Où? = Where?
Où habites-tu? = Where do you live?
Quand? = When?
Quand rentres-tu? = When are you going back?
Pourquoi? = Why?
Pourquoi cries-tu? = Why are you shouting?
Comment? = How?
Comment vas-tu? = How are you?
Combien? = How much?
Combien coûte le livre? = How much does the book cost?
Use a question word from the box to complete each question:
………………………………….. est la salle de bains? Elle est près de ma chambre
Le concert, c’est …………………………………..? C’est le 10 juin
Il y a ………………………………….. de chambres dans ta maison? Il y en a trois
………………………………….. est le jeune homme sur la photo? C’est mon cousin, Joe
………………………………….. t’appelles-tu? Je m’appelle Charlotte
Change the following into questions by adding Est-ce que (qu’):
Tu habites dans une maison = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Vous aimez le sport = …………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Il aime le fromage = ……………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Luc a des frères = ……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………
Il y a un supermarché près d’ici =.………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Vous comprenez = ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Tu as des photos de ta famille = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Ta soeur va au cinéma = ……………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………
Vous avez l’heure = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Use inversion to change these statements into questions:
Vous écoutez le CD = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tu aimes jouer au foot = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tu vas à l’école = ……………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Vous aimez chanter = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Vous écoutez le CD = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Tu prends le train = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....
Vous achetez le pull = ……………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………..
Tu veux aller en ville = ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
The subject of a verb is the person or thing which performs the action of that verb:
Mes parents habitent en Espagne = My parents live in Spain
La voiture ne marche pas = The car is not working
Subject pronouns replace this person or thing:
Ils habitent en Espagne = They live in Spain
Elle ne marche pas = It is not working
When studying French you need to understand subject pronouns before you can begin to learn how
to conjugate verbs because the forms of verbs change for each subject pronoun.
Je (I) becomes j’ in front of a verb beginning with a vowel or silent h
Tu (you) is used when talking to someone younger than you or to someone you know well
Il (he/it) is used when the “it” stands for a masculine noun
Elle (she/it) is used when the “it” stands for a feminine noun
On is very common in spoken French and means “we”, “we-as-a-group”
Nous (we)
Vous (you) is used when talking to more than one person; it is also used when talking to one
person whom you do not know well or who is older than you
Ils (they) is used when there is at least one male in the group
Elles (they) is only used if ALL the people or things being referred to are female
Choose the right subject pronoun:
You are talking…
about yourself = ………………………..
about a girlfriend = ………………………..
about a male friend = ………………………..
about yourself and a friend = ………………………..
to a child = ………………………..
to a stranger = ………………………..
First person means you are talking
about yourself, either alone (I) or
with other people (we)
Second person means you are
talking to someone (you singular)
or to some people (you plural)
Third person means you are talking
about someone or something else
(he/she/it) or about some other
people or some other things (they)
about your parents = ………………………..
about a group of girls = ………………………..
about your dog = ………………………..
to a group of people = ………………………..
about the boys in your class = ………………………..
about your brother and sister = ………………………..
Choose the right subject pronoun for the following people / nouns:
mon frère = ………………………..
mes animaux = ………………………..
John, Robert et Nichola = ………………………..
mon poisson rouge = ………………………..
moi et ma famille = ………………………..
les stylos = ………………………..
la voiture = ………………………..
mes amis et moi = ………………………..
toi et ta famille = ………………………..
le magasin =………………………..
Sarah et Louise = ………………………..
les souris = ………………………..
Verbs are the key part to any sentence and you must be able to use them accurately. Most verbs
describe what people or things are doing or what is happening.
If you look up a verb in a dictionary, it will be listed in its infinitive form. This is the “name” of the
verb, before you make any changes to use it with different people:
parler = to speak
From the infinitive you then have to choose the correct form to go with the person you are talking
The tense of the verb tells you when something is happening. Each verb has several tenses. At KS3 it
is important that you know the following three:
The Present Tense
The present tense describes what is happening now, at the present time or what happens regularly.
There is only one present tense in French, whereas there are two in English.
Therefore “je joue” translates to “I play” and “I am playing”.
There are regular and irregular verbs in the present tense. Regular verbs follow the same patterns
and they can be divided into three groups, which all follow a different ending pattern:
-er verbs, -ir verbs and –re verbs.
Irregular verbs do not follow the normal patterns of regular –er, -ir and –re verbs. They are very
common and you must learn their different parts to use them successfully.
The Near Future Tense
The near future tense is one way of talking about what is going to happen. It is very easy to form and
you need to include this tense alongside the present tense to achieve Level 5.
The Perfect Tense
The perfect tense is used to talk about the past. It is more complex to form, but if you follow the
steps you will be able to use it accurately. You need to include this tense alongside the present and
the near future tenses to achieve Level 6.
Which tense? Write either past, present or future:
I am eating my dinner = ……………………….
This evening I am going to go to the cinema = ……………………….
I played football yesterday = ……………………….
He speaks French = ……………………….
She is going to buy a bag = ……………………….
We went to the theatre = ……………………….
Mark is going to be an actor = ……………………….
My family and I are English =……………………….
He has a hamster =……………………….
They listened to the song = ……………………….
She is going to the shops =……………………….
He lost his wallet = ……………………….
When looking up a verb in the
dictionary, make sure that you
choose the right word. If it is a
verb, there will be a “v” to show that it is a
verb. Also check that it ends in –er, -ir or –re.
drink: boisson (nf); boire (v)
this is the verb “to
Look up the following verbs in the dictionary:
avoir = ……………………….
manger = ……………………….
jouer = ……………………….
aller =……………………….
finir = ……………………….
écouter = ……………………….
écrire = ……………………….
sortir = ……………………….
acheter = ……………………….
boire = ……………………….
prendre =……………………….
courir = ……………………….
Look up the following verbs in the dictionary:
to watch = ……………………….
to sing = ……………………….
to see = ……………………….
to sell =……………………….
to type = ……………………….
to do = ……………………….
to be = ……………………….
to say = ……………………….
to put = ……………………….
to speak = ……………………….
to tidy=……………………….
to visit = ……………………….
to travel = ……………………….
to dance =……………………….
to pay = ……………………….
to print =……………………….
to drive = ……………………….
to paint = ……………………….
To change a sentence into the negative and say what is not happening or what did not happen, you
need to use “ne…pas”.
French negatives have two parts (ne and pas)
you need to put “ne” in front of the verb and “pas” after the verb, making a “sandwich”:
je ne joue pas = I don’t play
remember to change ne to n’ in front of a vowel or silent “h”:
il n’aime pas la musique = he doesn’t like the music
if there are two verbs in a sentence, the negative forms a sandwich around the main verb
and not the infinitive:
il n’aime pas jouer au foot = he doesn’t like playing football
il ne veut pas aller en ville = he doesn’t want to go to town
if there is a direct object pronoun in the sentence, ne comes before it:
il ne le regarde pas = he doesn’t watch it
with a reflexive verb, the ne comes before the reflexive pronoun:
il ne se lève pas tard = he doesn’t get up late
ne…jamais = never
il ne va jamais en ville (he never goes to town)
ne…plus = no longer
elle ne va plus à l’école (she no longer goes to school)
ne…rien = nothing
il ne veut rien (he wants nothing)
ne…que = only
elle n’écoute que sa mère (she only listens to her mam)
Circle the verb in the following sentences:
je regarde la télé
il fait beau
nous jouons au foot
mon père travaille dans le jardin
il écoute le CD
ils veulent aller au cinéma
ils vont à la plage
ma soeur est grande
j’aime jouer au foot
tu es gentil
Change the following sentences into the negative:
je regarde la télé = ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
nous jouons au foot = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
il écoute le CD = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
ils vont à la plage = ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
j’aime jouer au foot = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
il fait beau = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
ils veulent aller au cinéma = …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
ma soeur est grande = ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Translate the following sentences into French, looking up any unknown words in a dictionary:
I don’t understand = _______________________________________________________________
He is not tall = ____________________________________________________________________
We are not going into town = ________________________________________________________
They do not play football = __________________________________________________________
I do not watch TV = ________________________________________________________________
The dog is not brown = _____________________________________________________________
My bedroom is not tidy = ___________________________________________________________
She does not listen = _______________________________________________________________
Sam does not like chocolate = ________________________________________________________
My brother and I do not sing = _______________________________________________________
All –er verbs are regular, except aller (to go).
To conjugate a regular –er verb (change it from the infinitive into its different parts), you take off the
–er so you are left with the stem and then add on the following endings for the different people:
parler = to speak (a regular –er verb)
je parl –e
I speak, I am speaking
tu parl –es
you speak, you are speaking
il/elle/on parl –e
he/she/one speaks, he/she/one is speaking
nous parl –ons
we speak, we are speaking
vous parl –ez
you speak, you are speaking
ils/elles parl –ent
they speak, they are speaking
regarder = to watch (a regular –er verb)
je regarde
I watch, I am watching
tu regardes
you watch, you are watching
il/elle/on regarde
he/she/one watches, he/she/one is watching
nous regardons
we watch, we are watching
vous regardez
you watch, you are watching
ils/elles regardent
they watch, they are watching
Conjugate the following regular –er verb:
travailler = to work
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Conjugate the following regular –er verb:
écouter = to listen
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Complete the phrases:
Nous ……………………… les animaux (aimer)
Je ……………………… du piano (jouer)
Il ……………………… en Belgique (habiter)
Ils ……………………… allemand (parler)
Tu ………………………? (danser)
Elle ……………………… bien (chanter)
Mon frère ……………………… (arriver)
Vous ………………………? (ranger)
Mes parents ……………………… (travailler)
On ……………………… la télé (regarder)
Translate the following into French:
My sister dances = __________________________________________________________
The dogs are playing = _______________________________________________________
My family and I are watching TV = _____________________________________________
He is listening to music = _____________________________________________________
I speak French = ____________________________________________________________
To conjugate a regular –ir verb (change it from the infinitive into its different parts), you take off the
–ir so you are left with the stem and then add on the following endings for the different people:
finir = to finish (a regular –ir verb)
je fin –is
I finish, I am finishing
tu fin –is
you finish, you are finishing
il/elle/on fin –it
he/she/one finishes, he/she/one is finishing
nous fin –issons
we finish, we are finishing
vous fin –issez
you finish, you are finishing
ils/elles fin –issent
they finish, they are finishing
choisir = to choose (a regular –ir verb)
je choisis
I choose, I am choosing
tu choisis
you choose, you are choosing
il/elle/on choisit
he/she/one chooses, he/she/one is choosing
nous choisissons
we choose, we are choosing
vous choisissez
you choose, you are choosing
ils/elles choisissent
they choose, they are choosing
Conjugate the following regular -ir verb:
punir = to punish
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Conjugate the following regular –ir verb:
réussir = to succeed
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Complete the phrases:
Nous ……………………… tard (finir)
Je ……………………… un sandwich (choisir)
Ils ……………………… (réussir)
Susie ……………………… bien (agir)
Mes parents ……………………… (maigrir)
Vous ………………………? (réfléchir)
Ma soeur ……………………… (rougir)
Tu ……………………. le formulaire? (remplir)
Translate the following into French:
Lessons finish late = __________________________________________________________
We are choosing a film = _______________________________________________________
He always succeeds = _________________________________________________________
My parents punish = __________________________________________________________
I blush easily= ________________________________________________________________
To conjugate a regular –re verb (change it from the infinitive into its different parts), you take off the
–re so you are left with the stem and then add on the following endings for the different people:
vendre = to sell (a regular –re verb)
je vend –s
I sell, I am selling
tu vend –s
you sell, you are selling
il/elle/on vend –
he/she/one sells, he/she/one is selling
nous vend –ons
we sell, we are selling
vous vend –ez
you sell, you are selling
ils/elles vend –ent
they sell, they are selling
attendre = to wait (a regular –re verb)
I wait, I am waiting
tu attends
you wait, you are waiting
il/elle/on attend
he/she/one waits, he/she/one is waiting
nous attendons
we wait, we are waiting
vous attendez
you wait, you are waiting
ils/elles attendent
they wait, they are waiting
Conjugate the following regular –re verb:
perdre = to lose
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Conjugate the following regular –re verb:
descendre = to descend
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Complete the phrases:
Ils ……………………… la voiture (vendre)
Tu ………………………? (attendre)
Nous ……………………… du train (descendre)
Je ……………………… le jeu (perdre)
Mes amis m’ ……………………… (attendre)
Vous ………………………? (répondre)
Sophie ……………………… (entendre)
Il ……………………. le fromage (fondre)
Translate the following into French:
We are waiting at the station =__________________________________________________
My team is losing = ___________________________________________________________
The shops sell chocolate = ______________________________________________________
I answer fast = _______________________________________________________________
He hears badly = _____________________________________________________________
The verb être is one of the key irregular verbs and you must learn it by heart.
It means “to be” in many senses that this verb is used in English:
It is used with adjectives, nouns and adverbs to describe a temporary or permanent
state of being:
il est beau = he is handsome / je suis à Paris = I am in Paris / nous sommes français =
we are French / il est là-bas = he is over there
It is used to describe someone’s profession:
mon père est avocat = my father is a lawyer / je suis étudiant = I am a student
It can be used with the preposition à to indicate possession:
c’est à moi = it is mine / à qui est cet argent? = whose money is this?
There are a number of “to be” expressions which are translated in French by “to
have” (avoir)
être = to be
je suis
I am, I am being
tu es
you are, you are being
il/elle/on est
he/she/one is, he/she/one is being
nous sommes
we are, we are being
vous êtes
you are, you are being
ils/elles sont
they are, they are being
Complete the table:
être = to be
je …………………………….
I am
nous …………………………….
we are
tu …………………………….
you are
………… êtes
you are
il …………………………….
he/it is
ils …………………………….
they are
………… sont
they (f) are
………… ……………………………. she/it is
on …………………………….
one is / we are
Complete the sentences:
Je ………………….. gentille
Elle ………………….. jolie
Le stylo ………………….. bleu
Ma famille ………………….. grande
Nous ………………….. anglais
Tu ………………….. drôle!
………………….. – vous intelligents?
Paul et John ………………….. jumeaux
Mes chiens ………………….. mignons
Le chat ………………….. gris
Translate the following sentences into French; look up any unknown words in a
She is my friend = ________________________________________________________
My family and I are happy = ________________________________________________
The school is big = ________________________________________________________
My pencil is black = _______________________________________________________
They are young = _________________________________________________________
My house is small = _______________________________________________________
My sister is old = _________________________________________________________
We are intelligent = _______________________________________________________
John is Scottish = _________________________________________________________
He is in Germany = ________________________________________________________
The verb avoir is one of the key irregular verbs and you must learn it by heart.
It means “to have” in most senses, including having in one’s possession and currently
j’ai deux stylos = I have two pens / il a trois frères = he has three brothers / nous
avons une idée = we have an idea / j’ai mal à la tête = I have a headache
The verb “avoir” is used for certain expressions where the verb “to be”
is used in English:
avoir ……….. ans = to be ………… years old
(j’ai 14 ans = I am 14)
avoir faim = to be hungry
(il a faim = he is hungry)
avoir soif = to be thirsty
(nous avons soif = we are thirsty)
avoir froid = to be cold
(j’ai froid = I am cold)
avoir chaud = to be hot
(elle a chaud = she is hot)
avoir peur = to be scared
(ils ont peur = they are scared)
avoir = to have
I have, I am having
tu as
you have, you are having
il/elle/on a
he/she/one has, he/she/one is having
nous avons
we have, we are having
vous avez
you have, you are having
ils/elles ont
they have, they are having
Complete the table:
avoir = to have
j’ …………………………….
I have
nous …………………………….
we have
tu …………………………….
you have
………… avez
you have
il …………………………….
he/it has
ils …………………………….
they have
elle …………………………….
she/it has
………… ont
………… ……………………………. one has / we have
Complete the sentences:
Nous ………………….. un chien
Elles ………………….. une idée
Il ………………….. 15 ans
………………….. – vous des bananes?
J’ ………………….. froid
Mon père ………………….. une nouvelle voiture
………………….. – tu un animal?
Ils ………………….. faim
Claire ………………….. une soeur
J’ ………………….. peur!
Translate the following sentences into French; look up any unknown words in a
They are 15 = ___________________________________________________________
My parents have a big house = ______________________________________________
We have a hamster = ______________________________________________________
I am hungry = ____________________________________________________________
My friend has a dog =_______________________________________________________
Peter and John are thirsty = _________________________________________________
He has a brother = _________________________________________________________
We are scared = ___________________________________________________________
She has a television in her room = _____________________________________________
She is cold = ______________________________________________________________
The verb faire means “to do” or “to make” in most senses that these verbs are used
in English:
je fais mes devoirs = I am doing my homework
il fait des progrès = he is making progress
It is also used with some weather phrases:
il fait beau = it is nice / il fait froid = it is cold
It is also used to describe some activities and sports:
je fais des courses = I am going shopping / il fait du vélo = he rides his bike / elle fait
de l’équitation = she is going horse-riding / nous faisons la cuisine = we cook
faire = to do / to make
je fais
I do, I am doing / I make , I am making
tu fais
you do, you are doing / you make , you are making
il/elle/on fait
he/she/one does, he/she/one is doing / he/she/one makes,
he/she/one is making
nous faisons
we do, we are doing / we make, we are making
vous faites
you do, you are doing / you make, you are making
ils/elles font
they do, they are doing / they make, they are making
Complete the table:
faire = to do / to make
je …………………………. I do/make
nous …………………….
we do/make
tu …………………………. you do/make
………… faites
you do/make
il ……………………………. he/it does/makes
ils …………………………
they do/make
………… fait
………… font
they (f) do/make
she/it does/makes
on ………………………… one does/makes, we do/make
Complete the sentences:
Il ………………….. du jardinage
Robert ………………….. du théâtre
Je ………………….. mes devoirs
Nous ………………….. des photos
Lucie et sa mère ………………….. un gâteau
Elle ………………….. de la voile
………………….. – tu quelque chose?
Ils ………………….. des courses
Il ………………….. beau
…………………..-vous la cuisine?
Translate the following sentences into French; look up any unknown words in a
I am doing the shopping = __________________________________________________
It is nice weather =__________ ______________________________________________
He is doing his homework = __________________________________________________
My parents are making a cake = ______________________________________________
We are doing the gardening = ________________________________________________
It is cold = ________________________________________________________________
Marie is going horse-riding = __________________________________________________
I go bike riding = ___________________________________________________________
They are cooking = _________________________________________________________
He is making a mistake = _____________________________________________________
The verb aller means “to go” in most senses that this verb is used in English:
je vais à la banque = I am going to the bank
où vas - tu? = where are you going?
ça va bien = it is going well
It is also used in some idiomatic expressions:
je vais à pied = I go on foot
on y va? = shall we go?
ça va sans dire = that goes without saying
aller = to go
je vais
I go, I am going
tu vas
you go, you are going
il/elle/on va
he/she/one goes, he/she/one is going
nous allons
we go, we are going
vous allez
you go, you are going
ils/elles vont
they go, they are going
Complete the table:
aller = to go
je …………………………. I go
nous …………………….
we go
tu …………………………. you go
………… allez
you go
il ……………………………. he/it goes
ils …………………………
they go
………… va
………… vont
they (f) go
she/it goes
on ………………………… one goes
Complete the sentences:
Nous ………………….. en ville
Ma copine et moi ………………….. au parc
Tu ………………….. au cinéma?
Il ………………….. à la banque
Mes parents ………………….. à l’église
Elles ………………….. à la plage
Je ………………….. à l’école
Paul ………………….. au marché
On ………………….. ensemble
…………………..-vous aux magasins?
Translate the following sentences into French; look up any unknown words in a
dictionary and remember to use au/à la/à l’/aux accordingly:
I am going to France = _______________________________________________________
We are going to the shops = ___________________________________________________
Peter is going to the market = __________________________________________________
My friends go to the cinema every week = ________________________________________
They are going to town = ______________________________________________________
My dog and I are going to the park = _____________________________________________
Sarah is going to school = ______________________________________________________
She is going to the theatre = ____________________________________________________
We are going to the supermarket = ______________________________________________
He is going to the bank = _______________________________________________________
The verb prendre means “to take” both literally and figuratively:
il me prend par le bras = he takes me by the arm
prenez votre temps = take your time
j’aime prendre des photos = I like taking pictures
je prends le bus = I take the bus
It is also used to talk about what you eat and drink:
je prends des céréales au petit déjeuner = I “have” cereal for breakfast
It is also used when ordering in restaurants:
qu’est-ce que vous prenez? = what are you “having”?
nous prenons des cafés = we are “having” coffees
prendre = to take
je prends
I take, I am taking
tu prends
you take, you are taking
il/elle/on prend
he/she/one takes, he/she/one is taking
nous prenons
we take, we are taking
vous prenez
you take, you are taking
ils/elles prennent
they take, they are taking
Complete the table:
prendre = to take
je …………………………. I take
nous …………………….
we take
tu …………………………. you take
………… prenez
you take
il ……………………………. he/it takes
ils …………………………
they take
………… prend
………… prennent
they (f) take
she/it takes
on ………………………… one takes
Complete the sentences:
Il ………………….. le train
Ma soeur et moi ………………….. la voiture
Nous ………………….. des frites
Tu ………………….. une boisson?
Mes amis ………………….. leur temps
Elles ………………….. des photos
Je ………………….. le bus
Paul et Joe ………………….. le car
Sue ………………….. l’avion
…………………..-vous à manger?
Translate the following sentences into French; look up any unknown words in a
He always takes the bus = _____________________________________________________
I take lots of photos = ________________________________________________________
We take our time =________ __________________________________________________
My dad takes the train and then the bus = ________________________________________
They have toast for breakfast = _________________________________________________
My sister always takes my pens = _______________________________________________
My friend and I have chips = ___________________________________________________
I take the plane to France = ____________________________________________________
Sophie takes the coach = ______________________________________________________
He always has a coffee = _______________________________________________________
The verbs devoir (to have to/must), pouvoir (to be able to/can) and vouloir (to want to) are
known as modal verbs.
to have to…
to be able to…
to want to…
Modal verbs usually need to be followed by an infinitive:
je veux aller au cinéma = I want to go to the cinema
What is the
infinitive again?!!!!
Remember that if you look up a verb in a dictionary, it will be listed in its
infinitive form.
This is the “name” of the verb, before you make any changes to use it with
different people:
parler = to speak
In negative sentences, the negative makes a sandwich around the modal verb, separating it
from the infinitive:
il ne peut pas jouer au foot = he is not able to play football
In certain situations modal verbs can be used without an infinitive:
on ne peut pas = we can’t
je veux bien = I’d like to
Complete with the correct part of the modal verb given in brackets:
nous …………………… (pouvoir)
elle …………………… (devoir)
je …………………… (devoir)
ma famille …………………… (vouloir)
Peter …………………… (vouloir)
ma soeur et moi …………………… (pouvoir)
vous …………………… (devoir)
mes copains …………………… (devoir)
ils …………………… (pouvoir)
tu …………………… (vouloir)
mon père …………………… (pouvoir)
je …………………… (vouloir)
les filles …………………… (vouloir)
nous …………………… (devoir)
tu …………………… (pouvoir)
ma copine …………………… (pouvoir)
Look up the following infinitives in the dictionary:
When looking up a verb in the
dictionary, make sure that you
choose the right word. If it is a
verb, there will be a “v” to show that it is a
verb. Also check that it ends in –er, -ir or –re.
to do = ……………………….
to learn = ……………………….
to throw =……………………….
to clean = ……………………….
to eat = ……………………….
to shout = ……………………….
to travel = ……………………….
to listen=……………………….
to laugh = ……………………….
to draw = ……………………….
to try =……………………….
to order = ……………………….
to study = ……………………….
to swim = ……………………….
to use = ……………………….
to see = ……………………….
to work = ……………………….
to love = ……………………….
Translate the following into French:
I have to work = _____________________________________________________________
They can swim = ____________________________________________________________
My friends want to laugh = ____________________________________________________
We can clean quickly = _______________________________________________________
He wants to order now = ______________________________________________________
Sophie has to try = ___________________________________________________________
My friends and I have to learn = ________________________________________________
Most reflexive verbs describe actions that you do to yourself and the majority of the
verbs that you use to describe your daily routine are reflexive.
They work the same as regular –er verbs and therefore have the following endings:
je – e
nous – ons
tu – es
vous – ez
il/elle/on – e
ils/elles – ent
However reflexive verbs have an extra bit added to them called the reflexive
pronoun (myself, yourself, himself…). These change depending on who you are using
the verb with, as shown below:
se laver = to wash (oneself)
je me lave
I wash (myself)
tu te laves
you wash (yourself)
il/elle/on se lave
he/she/one washes (himself/herself/oneself)
nous nous lavons
we wash (ourselves)
vous vous lavez
you wash (yourselves)
ils/elles se lavent
they wash (themselves)
You will know whether a verb is reflexive when you look it up in the dictionary as its
infinitive will be preceded by the reflexive pronoun “se”
se lever = to get up
Remember to shorten “me”, “te” and “se” to “m”, “t” and “s” before reflexive verbs
starting with a vowel or a silent “h”:
je m’appelle = I am called (literally, I call myself)
il s’habille = he dresses (himself)
Conjugate the following reflexive verb; do not forget the reflexive pronouns:
se doucher = to shower
je …………………………….
nous …………………………….
tu …………………………….
vous …………………………….
il/elle/on …………………………….
ils/elles …………………………….
Complete with the correct reflexive pronoun:
je ………………… lave
ma soeur ………………… réveille
Paul ………………… couche
vous ………………… appelez
nous ………………… habillons
ma famille et moi ………………… levons
ils ………………… lèvent
elle ………………… habille
mes amis ………………… couchant tard
tu ………………… douches
je ………………… appelle
il ………………… lave
vous ………………… réveillez
Sophie et Jane ………………… habillent
nous ………………… douchons
elles ………………… lavent
Translate the following into French, looking up any unknown words in a dictionary:
We get dressed = _____________________________________________________________
I wake up = __________________________________________________________________
She washes quickly = __________________________________________________________
They wake up late = ___________________________________________________________
My dad gets up early = ________________________________________________________
John gets dressed = ___________________________________________________________
My family and I go to bed late = _________________________________________________
He showers = ________________________________________________________________
She is called Julie = ___________________________________________________________
The perfect tense is used to talk about the past. You need to use it alongside the present
tense for L5 and alongside the present and future tenses for L6.
To form the perfect tense you need part of avoir or être and a past participle, formed from
the verb you are using in the past.
If you follow the three steps below, then you will be able to use this tense accurately:
If the verb you want to use is in the box below then you need to use it with être. If it is not
in the box below, you use it with avoir:
monter rester sortir venir arriver
naître descendre entrer tomber
retourner aller mourir partir
All others
je suis
nous sommes
nous avons
tu es
vous êtes
tu as
vous avez
il/elle/on est
ils/elles sont
il/elle/on a
ils/elles ont
For regular verbs, it is easy to make the past participle:
add “e” for feminine
elle est allée
add “s” for masculine plural
ils sont allés
add “es” for feminine plural
elles sont allées
Write whether these verbs take être or avoir in the perfect tense:
aller = ……………………
écouter = ……………………
jouer = ……………………
manger = ……………………
vendre = ……………………
rester = ……………………
choisir = ……………………
partir = ……………………
chanter = ……………………
descendre = ……………………
finir = ……………………
rougir = ……………………
Make the past participles of the following verbs:
aller = ……………………
écouter = ……………………
jouer = ……………………
manger = ……………………
vendre = ……………………
rester = ……………………
choisir = ……………………
partir = ……………………
chanter = ……………………
descendre = ……………………
finir = ……………………
rougir = ……………………
Make these past participles agree where necessary:
(Remember agreements are only needed if the verb is with être)
il est allé…………..
elles ont joué…………..
elle a choisi…………..
elle est parti…………..
il a vendu…………..
ils ont chanté…………..
John a mangé…………..
elles sont allé…………..
j’ai rougi…………..
ils sont descend…………..
Sarah est resté…………..
ma soeur est parti…………..
Follow the three steps to translate the following:
I danced = ………………………………………………… (danser)
She went (aller = to go)
He went = ………………………………………………… (aller)
Step 1: “aller” is in the box so goes with
être (so agreement needed)
We ate = ………………………………………………… (manger)
She left = ………………………………………………… (partir)
They sold = ………………………………………………… (vendre)
My sister played = ………………………………………………… (jouer)
We chose = ………………………………………………… (choisir)
Step 2: I want to say “she went” so I need
the part of être for she = elle est
Step 3: “aller” is an –er verb so my past
participle is allé (and I need an extra –e
for agreement as I am using it with “she”)
elle est allée
As always, there are some verbs that do not follow the pattern for forming their past
participle. The most common of these should be learnt by heart, and if you are ever
unsure of a verb’s past participle then it is essential to check.
to see
to drink
to read
to have to
to do/to make
to put
to take
il a fait ses devoirs = he did his homework
elle a mis sa veste = she put on her jacket
j’ai lu un livre = I read a book
In the perfect tense, the negative makes a sandwich around the part of être / avoir:
je n’ai pas écouté le CD = I didn’t listen to the CD
il n’est pas allé en ville = he didn’t go to town
To check any past participles you are unsure of, you can:
look at the verb tables in your dictionary
look at the grammar section in your text book
look at a French Verb Conjugator online (
Write the IRREGULAR past participles of the following verbs:
(Use your dictionary or text book to find out any not already mentioned)
faire = ………………………
prendre = ………………………
lire = ………………………
comprendre = ………………………
boire = ………………………
voir = ………………………
écrire = ………………………
devoir = ………………………
vouloir = ………………………
recevoir = ………………………
Change the following sentences into the negative:
(Remember to shorten “ne” to “n’” in front of a verb beginning with a vowel or silent “h”)
je suis allée en ville = …………………………………………………………………………..………………………………
nous avons lu le livre = …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
il a pris le train = ……………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………
ils sont partis tard = ………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………
mon frère a mangé = ………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………
elle a écouté le CD = ……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………
Follow the three steps to translate the following:
I read = ………………………………………………… (lire)
They watched = ………………………………………………… (regarder)
We drank = ………………………………………………… (boire)
My sisters went = ………………………………………………… (aller)
Rob wrote = ………………………………………………… (écrire)
He ate (manger = to eat)
Step 1: “manger” is not in the box so goes
with avoir (so no agreement needed)
Step 2: I want to say “he ate” so I need
the part of avoir for he = il a
Step 3: “manger” is an –er verb so my
past participle is mangé
My parents saw = ………………………………………………… (voir)
She did = ………………………………………………… (faire)
They understood = ………………………………………………… (comprendre)
il a mangé
The near future tense is used to talk about what you are going to do. You need to use it
alongside the present tense for L5 and alongside the present and perfect tenses for L6.
It is really easy to form in French, and is exactly the same as how we do it in English!
All you need is part of the verb “to go” (aller) and an infinitive:
part of aller (to go)
je vais
I am going
to work
aller = to go
je vais
I go, I am going
tu vas
you go, you are going
il/elle/on va
he/she/one goes, he/she/one is going
nous allons
we go, we are going
vous allez
you go, you are going
ils/elles vont
they go, they are going
Remember that when you look up a verb in the dictionary it is given in its infinitive form.
This is the “name” of the verb before you conjugate it into all of its different parts.
It is recognised by the –er, -ir or –re in French and by the “to” in English:
parler = to speak
Once you have found the infinitive you want, you just add it after the part of aller you need:
he is going to speak = il va parler
we are going to speak = nous allons parler
Write the correct part of the verb aller:
je ……………………….
vous ……………………….
elle ……………………….
mon père ……………………….
elles ……………………….
la maison ……………………….
nous ……………………….
mes amis ……………………….
il ……………………….
les animaux ……………………….
tu ……………………….
les enfants ……………………….
Look up the following infinitives in the dictionary:
When looking up a verb in the
dictionary, make sure that you
choose the right word. If it is a
verb, there will be a “v” to show that it is a
verb. Also check that it ends in –er, -ir or –re.
to cry = ……………………….
to jump = ……………………….
to knit =……………………….
to think = ……………………….
to fly = ……………………….
to fight = ……………………….
to sew = ……………………….
to believe =……………………….
to decide = ……………………….
to organise = ……………………….
to pay =……………………….
to shout = ……………………….
to move = ……………………….
to pour =……………………….
to study = ……………………….
Translate the following into French, looking up any words you are unsure of in a dictionary:
We are going to travel = ______________________________________________________
I am going to knit a jumper = ___________________________________________________
My family is going to move = ___________________________________________________
He is going to play = __________________________________________________________
She is going to study = _________________________________________________________
They are going to pay = ________________________________________________________
Jane is going to decide = _______________________________________________________
I am going to laugh = __________________________________________________________
Joe and Jack are going to sing = __________________________________________________
We are going to buy a house = __________________________________________________
She is going to visit the castle = __________________________________________________
My dad is going to work = ______________________________________________________