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Part 1
I. Communicating Internally: Connecting World and
A. Main components of the nervous system
Sensory neurons – Neurons which make contact with
the environment and carry signals toward the brain
2. Interneurons – The most plentiful neurons in the
nervous system. They convey information from one
internal processing site to another.
3. Motor neurons –Neurons which carry messages and
commands away from the central nervous system to the
muscles and glands.
4. Glial cells – These cells are not directly involved in
communicating signals, but help to maintain neurons.
Glial cells comprise the myelin sheath, which insulates
neurons and speeds neural communication
5. Reflexes – Automatic reactions that are controlled by
the spinal cord pathways. Reflexes require no initial
input from the brain. Reflex path:
sensory neurons
motor neurons
B. Anatomy of neurons
1. Dendrites – Branch-like fibers that receive chemical
information from other neurons
2. Soma – The main body of the neuron cell that
processes chemical information received from the
dendrites. The soma also stores the cell’s genetic material
3. Axon – The long tail-like part of a neuron that
transmits electrochemical signals from the soma
a. action potential – The electrochemical message
that fires from the axon hillock through the axon to
the terminal buttons
b. terminal buttons – Tiny swellings at the end of
the axon which contain neurotransmitters to be
released into the synaptic gap
4. Synapse – the tiny fluid filled gap between neurons
C. Neural Transmission: The Electrochemical Message
1. Flow of the electrochemical message – the electrochemical
message is picked up by the dendrites, organized in the soma, released
through the axon and exits through the terminal buttons
2. Resting potential – the tiny electrical charge in place between the
inside and the outside of resting neurons
a. sodium & potassium ions – contain a positive charge
b. chloride ions – contain a negative charge
c. sodium-potassium pump – maintains a slight negative
charge inside the neuron (- 70 mv)
3. Generating an action potential – if the charge inside the neuron
becomes less negative (moving toward “0”) an all or none firing of an action
potential occurs
a. excitatory messages – (depolarization) ion channels
open, the charge moves toward “0” (becomes less negative) and an action
potential fires through the axon
b. inhibitory messages – (hyperpolarization) the charge
inside the neuron becomes more negative (moving toward resting potential)
and the action potential does not fire
c. characteristics of the action potential – it fires in an “all
or none” fashion through the axon like a gun with consistent intensity
4. Neurotransmitters: The Chemical Messengers – neurotransmitters are
molecules which interact chemically with the post synaptic membrane of other
a. acetylcholine – a neurotransmitter which acts as a major
messenger in the central and peripheral nervous system. Alzheimer's disease is
related to a lack of acetylcholine production in the brain
b. dopamine – a neurotransmitter which produces mostly
inhibitory effects that stabilize neural communication
(1.) schizophrenia – a disease which results from
excessive dopamine levels in the brain. Drugs that decrease dopamine levels; reduce
schizophrenic symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions
(2.) Parkinson’s disease – the drug Levadopa (L-Dopa) is
used to increase dopamine levels in Parkinson’s patients; reducing tremors and other
movement problems
c. serotonin – a neurotransmitter that affects sleep, dreaming and
general arousal (awareness). Depression and OCD are related to an imbalance in
serotonin levels in the brain
d. GABA – (gamma amino-butyric acid) a neurotransmitter which
is involved in regulation of anxiety. Tranquilizers such as Valium are used to regulate
GABA in the brains of people with anxiety disorders
5. Drugs and the Brain
a. agonists – mimic the action of neurotransmitters
example; Nicotine mimics the action of acetylcholine
b. antagonists – block the effects of neurotransmitters
example; Blow darts tipped with curare block acetylcholine and cause
c. endorphins – Morphine-like chemicals in the brain that are
released to kill pain
example; Runner’s high occurs when a rush of endorphins is released by
the brain
D. The Communication Network – Involves the operation of thousands of
neurons in concert to produce thoughts, feelings, and actions.
1. pattern of activation – groups of neurons operating at the same time to
produce conscious experience
2. firing rate – the number of action potentials that a neuron can produce
per unit of time
3. refractory period – the unit of time it takes for a neuron to regenerate
another action potential
E. Neural Networks – computer simulation models of neural communication
networks in the brain to represent brain activity
Part 2
II. Initiating and Coordinating Behavior: A Division of Labor
A. The Central and Peripheral Nervous System
1. The central nervous system – includes the brain and spinal cord which act
as the central executive of the body
(a.) nerves – bundles of axons that communicate messages throughout
the body
2. The peripheral nervous system – all the nerves outside the brain and
spinal cord
(a.) afferent nerve pathways – (sensory pathways) neural information
travels toward the brain and spinal cord
(b.) efferent nerve pathways – (motor pathways) carry messages away
from the brain and spinal cord
(c.) somatic nervous system – carries sensory nerve information toward
the brain and controls mostly voluntary muscle movement
(d.) autonomic nervous system – controls automatic body functions
such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and digestion
* sympathetic division – part of the autonomic system that
prepares the body for emergencies by increasing heart rate, respiration etc.
(fight or flight response)
* parasympathetic division – part of the autonomic system
that calms the body down, returns it to normal after an emergency
B. Determining Brain Function
1. Brain Damage and Lesion
(a.) Observation of characteristics – to learn about how the
brain functions normally, researchers study brain damaged individuals
(b.) Broca’s Aphasia - an individual with brain damage to
Broca’s area – understands spoken language but cannot accurately produce
spoken language
(c.) Wernicke’s Aphasia – an individual with damage to
Wernicke’s area – cannot accurately understand spoken language
(d.) Lesioning – researchers may selectively damage areas of
an animal’s brain to see how it affects behavior
2. Devices to Study the Brain
(a.) EEG – (Electroencephalograph) device which records
gross (general) electrical activity in regions of the brain
(b.) CT Scan – (Computerized Tomography) device which
provides pictures of brain structures using X-rays
(c.) PET scan – (Positron Emission Tomography) device which
looks at the active brain as it operates using a radioactive substance (dye)
(d.) MRI – (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) device which
isolates the structures and functions of the brain in 3-D images using magnetism
without radioactive dye
C. Brain Structures and Their Function
1. Hindbrain – provides basic life support for the body, considered
the most primitive region of the brain (Reptilian Brain)
(a.) Medulla and Pons – these areas in the hindbrain
maintain basic life support functions such as heart rate, blood pressure,
respiration, and certain reflexes
(b.) Reticular Formation – a network of nerves in the
hindbrain that controls general arousal (sensory awareness)
(c.) Cerebellum – (little brain) the structure in the
hindbrain that is involved in planning and coordination of complex motor
2. Midbrain – the midbrain structures serve as neural relay stations
(a.) Tectum colliculus (superior and inferior) – midbrain
structure which relays auditory and visual information and coordinates
sensory input
(b.) Substantia nigra – midbrain structure which releases
dopamine and acts as a center for motor control (area likely damaged by
Parkinson’s disease)
3. Forebrain – area of the brain involved in higher order mental
(a.) Cerebral cortex – forebrain area that forms the entire
outer layer of the brain and makes up 80% of the brain’s overall
volume (Mammalian Brain)
(b.) Thalamus – egg-shaped structure in both
hemispheres of the forebrain that gathers and relays all sensory
input (except smell)
(c.) Hypothalamus – tiny forebrain structure beneath the
thalamus that regulates motivational activities such as eating,
drinking, body temperature, and sexual arousal
(d.) Limbic system – part of the forebrain involved in
emotional, defensive, and motivational responses
* amygdala – limbic structure that controls
aggressive and defensive behaviors
* hippocampus – limbic structure that is
important in the formation and retrieval of memories
4. Cerebral cortex – the outermost layer of the cerebrum that is the seat of
higher order mental functions, divided into the left and right hemispheres
(a.) Corpus callosum – the thick bundle of nerves that serves as the
neural communication bridge between the left and right hemispheres
( b.) The hemispheres – The left cerebral hemisphere controls
sensory and motor functions on the right side of the body. The right
hemisphere controls the left side of the body.
* frontal lobes – area in the front of the brain that
processes higher order thinking such as planning, decision-making, and
personality. Also contains the motor cortex which controls voluntary muscle
* parietal lobes – central area of the cerebrum which
contains an area called the somatosensory cortex for sensing touch,
temperature, pain etc.
* temporal lobes – areas located on the left and right sides
of the brain which process auditory information, speech ,and language. The
left temporal lobe contains the primary speech center
* occipital lobes – area located in the back of the brain
which processes visual information such as color, motion, and form