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Civil War Review (Ch. 10)
On July 18, 1861, a cannonball ripped through the roof of Wilmer ______________
home as he sits down to lunch with a group of Confederate officers. On this secluded
farm outside of _________________ Junction Virginia, ran a small stream called
_________ _________, and the home of an important railroad junction, making the
site a strategic location during the Civil War. There had been no major combat of the
Civil War since the shelling of _______ ______________ South Carolina in April of
1861. That was about to change as the two armies gathered forces near his farm.
Three days later, the First battle of _______ ___________ (named after the creek)
began. For hours the battles raged on, but by midafternoon, the Union army was in
full retreat, an embarrassing moment known as the “_________ ______________”. A
year later, a second battle took place on the same farm, much more than the farmer
had ever bargained for when he had retired to the peaceful and quiet landscape. This
was just one of many Civil War stories, and McLean’s role in the war, was not over.
The Civil War was inevitable after the 1860 election of ____________
________________. By April of 1861 when the Confederates fired on __________
_________________ in South Carolina, seven states had ________________ from the
Union. In the months that followed, 8 northern slave states faced a difficult decision to
join the other 7 or not. 4 of them joined, 4 (Maryland, Delaware, ________________
and Missouri) did not. The nation was formally divided between the Northern
____________ states and the southern __________________, and was braced for war.
As the war began, both sides were confident for a quick victory. The North had twice
as many people and much more __________________, such as factories, a wellequipped naval force, and railroads, crucial for troop movement and supplies. The
south was confident as well, fighting a ____________ war and had superior military
leadership. They believed the Union would quickly tire of fighting and leave the
Confederacy alone. More than __________ new soldiers enlisted, and believed the
other side would collapse at the first “_____________ of __________________”. But
the realities of the First battle of Bull Run were a harsh reality check.
Following Bull Run, President _______________ realized he had to plan for a long war,
and along with General Scott, had developed the _____________________ Plan, to
surround the south and squeeze the life out of them, using naval blockades and cutting
off rail supplies to the south. Much of the plan was successful, but the Union was
unable to take two major cities, ______________ along the Mississippi River, and the
southern capital of __________________, Virginia.
After Union forces failed to capture the capital, the South went on the offensive
behind General Robert E. __________. After crossing the Potomac River, General
_______ forces clashed with Union troops at ___________________, just outside of
Sharpsburg, Maryland. This battle became the bloodiest one-day battle in American
history, with more than __________________ soldiers killed or wounded. Despite the
enormous human cost of life, the battle ended in a ________________, in which
neither side gained a strategic advantage, and the Confederate forces retreated back
to Virginia. This became a major turning point of the war, as Lee had lost nearly ¼ of
his army and had failed to strike a major blow in the north.
Lee’s failure had become opportunity for the President. Although the President
opposed slavery, he had refused to make ______________ of slavery a war aim. “My
paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union,” the President wrote, “ and is
not either to save nor destroy slavery.” But to rally support for the war effort,
President _______________ took that next step by issuing the
____________________ ______________________ and freeing the slaves in the
states of rebellion. This linked slavery and a moral cause to the war for the north,
while depriving the south of much of its workforce. But remember, this only freed
slaves in the states that had seceded, not the states still in the Union. The
Emancipation of slavery had little immediate effect on the war effort, but gave the
Union a great moral purpose for victory.
In May of 1863, Grant laid siege to the Confederate stronghold of _______________,
Mississippi. And on July 4 the Confederate army surrendered the town, gaining full
control of the Mississippi River to the Union army and war effort. Meanwhile, another
great Civil War battle was being fought at ____________________, Pennsylvania.
General Lee had invaded the North for a second time, leading his 75,000 troops against
96,000 Union soldiers. The great battle would last three gruesome days, and on July
3rd, after losing nearly 1/3 of his army, Lee retreated once more. This was another
major turning point in the war, as Lee would be forced to fight only a defensive war
and he would never attack the north again. A few months later, the President would
visit the battlefield where he delivered one of the great stirring speeches in American
history known as the ____________________ ________________.
Following these two major battles, Union General ______________ S. ___________
adopted a policy of ___________ war, which called for doing whatever was necessary
to undermine the enemy’s willingness and ability to fight. He led his forces to the
Confederate capital of ______________, while General William Tecumseh
_________________ would wage a southern campaign to destroy the south. This
became known as ____________________ March to the Sea, as his troops destroyed
everything of value they could find as the marched south to Atlanta and through the
Carolinas. Grant captured the Confederate Capital on April 3, 1865 and on April 9, Lee
and Grant met at _________________ Court House, in the Home of Mr. McLean (from
earlier in the story), where Lee surrendered his army to Grant. McLean later stated,
“the war started in my front yard, and ended in my parlor.”
The terms Grant offered Lee were generous. Confederate officers were able to keep
their weapons and horses and return home. Lee graciously accepted.
Many questions arose during and because of the war. Fill in the blanks and answer the
questions below.
1. Did the south have the right to ________________?
2. Did President Lincoln break the law by suspending _____________
3. Was the _________ enacted by the north to recruit troops constitutional?
4. Why was the fighting in the Civil War so deadly?
5. How was medical care on the battlefield?
6. What did soldiers do between battles?
7. What role did African American’s play in the war effort?
8. What was the most famous African American Regiment? Why were the famous?
9. How and why did racism continue?
10.What role did women play in the war effort, and list 3 famous women from the
period and explain what they did?