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Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________________ Period: ______
Directions: (1) Use context clues, your background knowledge, the word bank, and the process of
elimination to fill in the blanks below. (2) Answer the questions as they occur. (3) Complete the flow
map below to make clear what happened after “Raphael … was born in Urbino, Italy on Good Friday, the
6th of April, 1483.” Use the underlined verbs and verb phrases as a guide. (4) Write a one paragraph
summary of this reading.
“When he died, the heavens wanted to give one of the
signs they gave when Jesus Christ expired... Here,
people are talking about nothing but the death of this
exceptional man, who has completed his first life at the
young age of thirty-seven. His second life - that of his
(1) _______________, which is subject neither to time
nor death - will endure for all eternity...”
Pandolfo Pico della Mirandola on Raphael, 1521
Raffaello Santi, known as Raphael, was born in Urbino, Italy on Good
Friday, the 6th of April, 1483. He was the son of Magia di Battista di
Nicola Ciarla and Giovanni Santi di Pietro. His father was a painter
and (2) _______________ at the court of Frederico da Montefeltre,
one of the most famous princes and art patrons early of the Italian
Renaissance. Raphael’s father was not an outstanding painter,
though he was a man of good (3) _______________. Raphael started
helping out in Santi’s studio at a very early age. He learned the
fundamentals of art in his father’s studio. His father died in 1494. It is not clear where Raphael received
his training after his father’s (4) _______________. According to his first biographer, Vasari, Raphael
was apprenticed to Pietro Perugino, and all of Raphael’s surviving works from 1502 to 1504 show
Perugino’s influence, the most notable are Crucifixion (1502-1503), Coronation of the Virgin (c. 15031504), and Marriage of the Virgin (1504). Perugino almost certainly taught Raphael to paint with
(5) _______________ and on frescoes, but not before 1500. What training Raphael had between the
ages of eleven and seventeen is not known.
Describe Raphael’s artistic training. Write in complete sentences. Include three specific details
from the text and be sure to cover all of his training, not just one part of it.
In 1504, Raphael moved to Florence, where he remained until
1508. These years were very important for his development.
Leonardo da Vinci and (9) _______________ were working in
Florence at that time, and Raphael was greatly influenced by
their styles. He adapted some of the elements he saw in their
work, but (10) _______________ other influences that were
incompatible with his vision. In Florence he started another
series of Madonnas, including Madonna del Granduca
(c. 1505) and Madonna of the Meadow (1505 or 1506). He
also created several portraits, which showed Leonardo’s
impact. Other notable paintings from his Florence period are
Saint George and the (11) _______________ (c. 1505-1506),
Entombment (1507), Saint Catherine (c. 1508), and Madonna
with the Baldachino (1507-1508).
Based upon what you have read so far, what do all of
Raphael’s artistic works seem to have in common?
Within four years Raphael had achieved success in (13) _______________ and his fame had spread
abroad. By the autumn of 1508, he was in Rome and was entrusted by Pope Julius II with the decoration
of the Stanze, the new papal apartment in the Vatican Palace, an
enormous commission for the twenty-six-year-old artist. The first
room, probably Julius II’s private (14) ______________, was
completed by 1511. It was decorated in the traditional way of
decorating libraries, with large depictions of idealized historic and
biblical events. Raphael dedicated the (15) _______________ walls
of the Stanze to theology, philosophy, poetry and justice. Each
theme was presented as a female figure. For each wall he created
images of men and women from history who had won fame in each
field. Raphael’s wall representing (16) _______________ became
one of the most famous frescoes in Italian Renaissance art. The
central image on the wall, The School of Athens, is seen by historians
as the embodiment of the classical spirit of the High Renaissance.
What does this paragraph about Raphael’s decoration of the
pope’s Vatican apartment reveal about the lives of Church
leaders during the Renaissance?
The School of Athens is a depiction of philosophy. It
represents the truth acquired through
(18) _______________. The scene is in classical
times, as both the architecture and the garments
indicate. The painting celebrates classical thought,
but it is also dedicated to the liberal arts, symbolized
by the statues of Apollo (the god of music and
medicine) and (19) _______________ (the goddess of
wisdom). The figures at the center, Plato and
Aristotle, are shown engaged in dialogue. Grammar,
arithmetic, and music are personified by figures
located in the foreground, at left. Geometry and
astronomy are personified by the figures in the
foreground, at (20) _______________. Other figures
represent subjects like art and diplomacy. Some of
the ancient philosophers bear the features of Raphael’s contemporaries. Leonardo is probably shown as
Plato. Michelangelo, sitting on the stairs and leaning on a block of (21) _______________, is
represented as Heraclitus.
Why did Raphael place Plato and Aristotle at the center of The School of Athens?
Although Raphael’s main task during this period was to decorate the
Stanza, he still found time for a subject which preoccupied him for
most of his career: more (23) _______________, including the most
famous of all, the Sistine Madonna (c. 1513-1514). (Sistine refers to
Pope Sixtus IV who had the Sistine Chapel built from 1473 to 1483.)
Raphael also painted portraits for the Medici family, popes and other
Church dignitaries while he lived in Rome. The Transfiguration
(c. 1519-1520) was the last work Raphael painted. It was
commissioned by Cardinal Giulio de’ Medici. Raphael died
unexpectedly on Good (24) _______________, the 6th of April, 1520.
Vasari wrote: “He was laid out in the room where he last worked,
and at his head hung his painting of the transfigured Christ, which he
completed for Cardinal de’ (25) _______________. The contrast
between the picture, which was so full of life, and the dead body
filled everyone who saw it with bitter pain.”
Raphael painted The Transfiguration c. 1519-1520. The “c.”
stands for “circa.” What does circa mean?
Directions: Complete the flow map below to make clear what happened after “Raphael … was born in
Urbino, Italy on Good Friday, the 6th of April, 1483.” Use the underlined verbs and verb phrases as a
“Raphael …
was born in
Urbino, Italy on
Good Friday,
the 6th of April,
Directions: Summarize this reading in one full paragraph.