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Name: _________________
Hour: _____
Comparing Plant &
Animal Organs
Levels of organization:
3 Types of Plant Tissue
1. Dermal: the dermal system has the epidermis which is the ___________ layer of the
plant body. It makes the _______ of the plant. The epidermis has __________
through which gasses are switched with the atmosphere. The openings ate enclosed
by _______ cells which change the size of the stomatal openings and control the
_____ exchange.
The epidermis is covered with a coating called the ________, which serves as a
waterproof later and reduces water ______ through evaporation.
2. Vascular system: The system is made up of ____ types of conducting tissues. They
are xylem, which conducts______, and dissolved mineral nutrients; and _______,
which conducts food.
3. Ground System: It is the primary site of metabolic functions such as
__________________, respiration, and protein synthesis.
4 types of Animal Tissue
1. Epithelial tissue is made up of ________ of cells that provide a cover for the body and
internal organs and form the lining of internal organs. They play an important
___________ role in the body because everything that enters the body must go through
2. Connective tissues support, ___________ and bind together the other kinds of
3. Muscle tissue is composed of __________ and excitable cells that have the capability of
4. Nervous Tissue: The _________ function of nerve tissue is to transmit __________
throughout the body.
1. What similarities are there between animal and plant tissues?
Plant Organs and Organ Systems (2)
Plants generally have 4 organs: ____________________________________________
2. SHOOT SYSTEM: Anything above the Ground.
Human Organs and Organ Systems (11)
1. Digestive System
Organs: esophagus, _______, gall bladder, stomach, ________ ____________,
small intestine, pancreas, and ___________.
Function: Digestion is the process by which _______ and drink are broken down
into their __________ parts so that the body can use them to build and __________
cells and to provide energy.
The movement of food through a system moves like a _________?
The steps of the digestive system are:
1. Food travels down the ________________.
2. Food enters into the _______________, and digestive
juices begin _____________ down the food and
3. Food enters the small _________. Juices from the
_________, liver, and intestine continue on the work
of ____________ down the food.
4. Finally, all the _____________ nutrients are
absorbed through the intestinal walls, and
the __________________ parts are pushed
out into the large intestine and proceed to the
Digestive Juices:
1. ___________ - begins the digestion process.
2. _____________ ___________.
3. Small ______________ juices
4. Liver produces ________.
5. How is the digestive process controlled?
2. Skeletal System
Organs: bones, _____, tendons, and __________
Function: To provide ________ for the body, to protect delicate _____ organs, and to provide
attachment sites for the ________.
3. Circulatory System
Organs: heart, _______ _______, and __________.
Function: Transport nutrients, _______, hormones and ________ through the body.
4. Muscular System
Organs: skeletal ________ and ___________ muscles throughout the _________.
Function: Provide ____________________.
5. Endocrine System
Organs: glands- hypothalamus, ________, thyroid, pancreas, and __________.
Function: relay chemical ____________ through the body. These glands help control growth,
nutrient absorption, etc.
6. Lymphatic System
Organs: ________, lymph nodes, and _______, white blood cells, T-and B- ____.
Function: Immune _________. It destroys and _____ invading microbes and viruses from the
body. It also removes _________ and excess fluids from the blood.
7. Nervous System
Organs: Brain, ______ _________, and peripheral nerves.
Function: to relay electrical signals through the body. It also directs
____________ and movement and, along with th4e endocrine system, controls
physiological ______________ such as digestion, circulation, etc.
8. Respiratory System
Organs: nose, __________, and ___________
Function: to provide _______ exchange between the blood and the environment.
Function: To take oxygen from _______ that is inhaled and give off carbon dioxide
and a small amount of water vapor in the _________ that is exhaled.
1. The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue above the trachea that _________ food from
entering the trachea and
At the lower end of the
trachea are two
__________ branches
called bronchi, that carry
air into the lungs.
Within the lungs, the
bronchi branch into
smaller and ___________
tubes called bronchioles.
At the ______ of each bronchiole are clusters of tiny, thin-walled sacs called
The exchange of _________ and carbon dioxide takes place between the alveoli
and the body (surrounding capillaries.) Capillary: blood vessels that form an
intricate ________ throughout the body for the interchange of various substances,
such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between blood and tissue ________.
The diaphragm is a muscle ___________ the lungs that helps move air in and out
of the body.
2. The right lung consists of _______ sections called lobes, while the left lung has
______ sections. The lungs are composed of ________ tissue surrounding tree-like
branches of the bronchial tubes. Lung tissue fells like a wet sponge, except Lung
tissue is __________, a sponge is not.
3. When we breathe in, each tiny air sac is _____ up like a balloon. When we breathe
out, these stretched air ______ squeeze the air from the lungs by shrinking down to a
smaller size.
9. Male & Female Reproductive System
Organs: Female- ovaries, _________, uterus, vagina and _____________ glnds
Male- _________, seminal vesicles and penis.
Function: to ___________ cells that allow reproduction. Male- _________ and Females___________.
10. Urinary System
Organs: kidneys, ureters, _________ and urethra.
Function: filter out ___________ wastes, toxins and __________ water or
nutrients from the circulatory system.
11. Integumentary System
1. Skin is the largest ______ of the body, and the barrier between the internal organs of
the body and the external _________.
2. The skin is divided into _______ distinct layers. From the outside in they are the
epidermis, the _______, and the subcutaneous tissues.
a. Epidermis: averages in thickness about the width of the mark of a sharp
_______. There are two distinct types of cells in the epidermis—the
_______-forming cells, and the _______-forming cells. Melanin is the color
pigment in the skin.
b. Dermis: has a rich nerve and _______ supply. The sebaceous, or oil glands
and the shorter hair follicles originate in the _______.
c. Subcutaneous tissue: serves as a receptacle for the ___________ and storage
of fat, and supports blood vessels and nerves that pass the tissues beneath to
the _______ above.
3. The nerve supply to the skin consists of sensory nerves and motor ______.
a. Sensory nerves: alert the brain to sensations of ______, temperature or pain.
b. Itching is one of the most common problems with the skin; the sensation is
transmitted by the ________ nerves.
c. Motor nerves: in the skin are under the regulation of involuntary sympathetic
nervous system and control _______ glands, tiny smooth muscles in the skin,
and the size of small arteries in the ______.
d. Goose _________ are produced when the tiny little muscles, called erector
______ muscles are stimulated and produce a traction on the hair follicles to
which they are ________.
4. Hair follicles in the skin are derived from the hair follicles of the ___________. Can
new hair follicles form after birth?
a. Different types of body hair is the result of location on the _____ and the
effects of external and _________ stimuli. ________ are the most influencing
the various types of hair growth.
Internet Research Assignment:
Research and write a paragraph on technological and ethical
developments related to organs. Ex. Stem Cell Research
1. The root system found within plants can be compared to what
system within humans?
2. How can a taproot aide in the function and survival of the plant?
3. Why is it important to have many root hairs?
4. Root hairs can be compared to what structure in the human body?
5. Xylem and phloem can be compared to what system? In what
6. Stomata’s can be compared to what structure within the human
7. Flowers can be compared to what system within the human body?
8. Name 3 additional systems that work together to make the
digestive system function.
9. List 3 similarities between plant and animal organs or organ
Physiological Processes
A. Plants: Photosynthesis
B. Plants and Animals: Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration: the process in which cells make ______ by breaking down organic
molecules; food molecules are ___________ down to release energy for ________.
 Equation: ________________________________________________
 Products: ________________________________________________
1. What is homeostasis?
2. How does homeostasis play a role within plants?
3. How does homeostasis play a role within animals?
Internet Research Assignment:
Pick a structure within the human body that has adapted throughout the history of mankind.
Compare a Sheep and a Horse digestive system
How are they similar?
How are they different?