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Spinal Cord
• Part of the CNS but connects PNS with the brain
• Neuron vs Nerve vs Plexus
• Ends around T12-L3
• Conus medullaris vs cauda equina
• White matter vs. Gray matter
• Gray horns – dorsal, lateral, ventral
• Meninges – dura mater, arachnoid, pia
• Know the meningeal spaces as well
• Know the plexus nerves (i.e. brachial, lumbosacral, etc)
1. The presence of ________ gives white
matter it’s whitish color.
2. Sensory information is relayed through
which horn of the spinal cord?
3. CSF is concentrated in which part of the
What is the function of CSF?
4. The axillary nerve belongs to which plexus?
5. Why are spinal nerves considered to be
“mixed” nerves?
• Must be able to LABEL and know FUNCTIONS of the regions
Diencephalon  thalamus and hypothalamus
Mesencephalon  superior/inferior colliculi and the auditory-visual reflex
Medulla Oblangata
Cerebellum  arbor vitae, cerebellar nuclei
• Sulcus vs. Gyrus
• Precentral Gyrus vs Postcentral Gyrus
• What is the brain stem?
• Meninges
• Stabilizing extensions of the dura matter
• Draining Sinuses – sagittal and transverse
• Choroid plexus in the ventricles produces CSF
• 4 ventricles and WHERE they are located (i.e. 3rd ventricle is diencephalon)
• Pathway of CSF flow
• Know where the corpus callosum is and what it’s function it
• Broca’s area vs Wernicke’s area
• Fornix  Limbic system (emotions/memory)
6. What is this structure?
Which structure of the endocrine system
does it connect to?
7. A patient has suffered damage to Broca’s area.
What kind of speech deficit would you expect to
8. What area of the brain does higher cognitive
functioning (i.e. impulse control, logic) occur?
What do you call it when some neural functions
tend to be more dominant in one hemisphere
than the other? And, what structure allows crosscommunication between these hemispheres?
Lateralization and Corpus Callosum
9. What is the function of the dural sinuses?
10. What structures make up the brain stem?
Remember to also review the slides on the ear and eye! This will show
up on the exam as well