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1. A ? spectrum is created where there is a thin gas in front of a hotter source of continuous radiation.
A.continuous B.emission line C.absorption line D.all of these may be created where there is a thin
gas in front of a hotter source of continuous radiation
2. The surface of ? is very complex, consisting of regions of scarps, faults, etc.; this messed-up
appearance may be due to an early collision or prior orbital eccentricity. A.Ariel B.Oberon C.Titania
D.Miranda E.Umbriel
3. Herbig-Haro Objects are created during the formation of A.comets B.asteroids C.dwarf planets
D.centaurs E.stars
4. ? has the highest wind speeds of any planet. A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
5. The Great Red Spot is a characteristic feature of A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
6. ? is the most massive dwarf planet in the Solar System; it has one known moon, Dysnomia. A.Eris
B.Ceres C.Pluto D.Makemake E.Haumea
7. Our Sun belongs to Luminosity Class A.I B.II C.III D.IV E.V
8. The axial tilt of ? is inclined at about 97.77°. A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
9. ? has a rotational period of over 6 days; its revolution period is about 248 years. A.Eris B.Ceres
C.Pluto D.Makemake E.Haumea
10. The lineae on ? may indicate the presence of a layer of liquid water beneath. A.Ganymede B.Europa
C.Io D.Enceladus E.Callisto
11. ?-Period Comets are believed to originate in the Kuiper Belt or the Scattered Disc. A.short B.long
12. Most meteorites are A.Chondrites B.Achondrites
13. ? is classified as either a “large asteroid” or a Dwarf Planet. A.Eris B.Ceres C.Pluto D.Makemake
14. In descending order of temperature, the spectral classification is A.O, B, A, F, G, M, K B.O, B, A,
F, K, M, G C.O, B, A, F, G, K, M D.K, F, A, O, B, G, M E.F, A, B, O, K, M, G
15. The rings of Saturn are A.very thin B.very thick depends upon where you are in the rings
16. The energy of PMS Stars is due to A.gravitational contraction B.fusion of hydrogen to helium
C.both of these processes are important in production of energy for PMS Stars
17. It is believed that ? has more natural satellites than any other planet; about 56 of the moons are
classified as “irregular”. A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
18. The ? is the relative direction in which the Sun is moving; this is an example of ? Motion. A.apex;
Proper B.apex; Solar C.antapex; Proper D.antapex; Solar
19. Widmanstätten patterns are characteristic of ? Meteorites. A.Stony B.Stony-Iron C.Iron
20. The “Galilean Satellites” orbit A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
21. Solar neutrinos move ? through the Sun’s layers. A.slowly B.quickly
22. Limb Darkening of the Sun is due to A.radiative transfer B.convection C.temperature change
D.granulation E.sunspots
23. The proton-proton chain is the way in which the Sun fuses A.helium to hydrogen B.hydrogen to
helium C.both of these processes may occur
24. The atmosphere of Jupiter consists primarily of A.methane B.ammonia C.hydrogen D.helium
E.all of these gases are equally important components in the atmosphere of Jupiter
25. The dark surface on Umbriel may be due to energetic particles “sputtering” ?-rich water ice.
A.methane B.carbon dioxide C.carbon monoxide D.sulfur E.hydrogen
26. The darkest part of a sunspot is termed the A.Penumbra B.Umbra
27. Almost all of the Sun’s energy is produced within the A.core B.outer layers C.both of these regions
produce the Sun’s energy
28. Jupiter rotates in about A.10 hours B.1 day C.2 days D.21 days E.12 years
29. ? formerly had a “Great Dark Spot”; although this spot has since disappeared other dark spots have
appeared. A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
30. The higher the apparent magnitude number, the ? the astronomical object. A.dimmer B.brighter
31. Triton has a very similar composition to ? and is believed to have had similar origins. A.Uranus
B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
32. ? Binaries are recognized by their large Doppler shifts. A.Visual B.Spectroscopic C.Eclipsing
33. A ? is found in space. A.meteor B.meteorite C.meteoroid
34. The volcanoes on ? spew molten and gaseous sulfur; it is probably the most geologically-active
object in the Solar System. A.Ganymede B.Europa C.Io D.Enceladus E.Callisto
35. The surface coloration and brightness of ? varies greatly; it also appears to have extreme changes in
its atmosphere. A.Eris B.Ceres C.Pluto D.Makemake E.Haumea
36. Dark coronal holes ? found within “active regions”. A.are B.are not
37. All absorptions that begin with the electron in the first energy level or emissions that end with the
electron in the first energy level are called ? Lines. A.Balmer B.Paschen C.Brackett D.Lyman
38. Enceladus is a moon of A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
39. The ? the mass, the greater the luminosity of stars. A.less B.greater
40. The “asteroid belt” is between A.Mercury and Venus B.Venus and Earth C.Earth and Mars
D.Mars and Jupiter E.Jupiter and Saturn
41. One parsec is about ? light years. A.3.26 C.9.46 D.11.2 D.13.7 E.18.2
42. The formation of Sunspots can best be explained by Sun A.fission B.fusion C.prominences
D.CME’s E.magnetism
43. Tektites are associated with A.asteroids B.Dwarf Planets C.comets D.centaurs E.meteorites
44. There is a strange hexagonal-shaped wave pattern developed around the North Polar Vortex of
A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
45. ? asteroids cross Earth’s orbit. A.Trojan B.Amor C.Apollo D.all of these asteroids cross Earth’s
46. M stars are B.white C.yellow
47. Most stars in the H-R Diagram occur in the A.White Dwarf Region B.Supergiant Region C.Giant
Region D.Main Sequence
48. The layer that we see in visible images of the Sun is the A.chromosphere B.corona C.photosphere
49. Parallax and Standard Candles are used to determine the ? of astronomical objects. A.movement
B.mass C.composition D.distance E.Parallax and Standard Candles may be used to determine
characteristics of all of these
50. A ? Comet Tail is created by the pressure of the solar wind pushing ionized gas away from the
comet head. A.Type I B.Type II
51. The largest satellite in the Solar System is ?; it is larger than Mercury. A.Ganymede B.Europa C.Io
D.Enceladus E.Callisto
52. The equatorial region of the Sun rotates ? versus the poles. A.slower B.faster
53. ? names of stars often begin with “al”. A.Greek B.Latin C.Arabic
54. Luminosity is measured A.only in the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
summed over the entire electromagnetic spectrum
55. Pluto is considered to be part of the A.Asteroid Belt B.Scattered Disc C.Kuiper Belt D.Pluto has
been classified in all of these
56. The most common meteorites are ? Meteorites. A.Stony B.Stony-Iron C.Iron
57. ? is the only moon in the Solar System with a significant atmosphere; it seems to have wind, liquid
methane rain, as well as lakes and seas of liquid methane and ethane. A.Enceladus B.Mimas
C.Titan D.Tethys E.Dione
58. The average density of ? is about 0.7 grams per cubic centimeter; the cloud belts on this planet are
relatively faint, probably due to ammonia crystals hiding the deeper layers. A.Uranus B.Pluto
C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
59. CME’s ? associated with Solar Flares and Prominences. A.are B.are not
60. ?-Type Asteroids are the darkest asteroids; they include most known asteroids. A.X or M B.S C.C
61. “Kirkwood Gaps” are found in A.ring systems B.the asteroid belt C.“Kirkwood Gaps” are found
in both ring systems and the asteroid belt
62. The Sun probably began as a ? Star. A.T Tauri B.Herbig Ae/Be
63. The rings of Saturn are primarily made of B.rock debris C.dust D.the rings of Saturn are
made of approximately equal portions of ice, rock debris and dust
64. ? has the coldest planetary atmosphere in the solar System; there are “extreme seasons” on this
planet. A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
65. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragmented and impacted ? in 1994. A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Mars
D.Neptune E.Jupiter
66. The farthest planet from the Sun is A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
67. ? has about 13 narrow rings; the inner rings are gray and the outer rings are blue. A.Uranus B.Pluto
C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
68. The “Late Heavy Bombardment” was probably due to gravitational attraction of A.the Sun
B.Terrestrial Planets C.Jovian Planets D.the Oort Cloud E.the Kuiper Belt
69. ? primarily consist of frozen gases, water ice, rock, dust, with minor amounts of organic compounds
and possibly amino acids. A.asteroids B.Dwarf Planets C.comets D.centaurs E.meteorites
70. The presence of ? in the upper atmosphere gives Uranus and Neptune their blue coloration.
A.oxygen B.hydrogen C.helium D.ammonia E.methane
71. Granulation is due to Solar A.radiation B.conduction C.convection
72. Titania, Ariel and Oberon are moons of A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
73. Asteroids in the outer part of the Asteroid Belt tend to have more ? than those in the inner part of the
Asteroid Belt. A.silica versus carbon B.carbon versus silica
74. Spicules are formed within the Sun’s A.core B.photosphere C.corona D.chromosphere
75. Charon may be a moon (or dwarf companion) of A.Eris B.Ceres C.Pluto D.Makemake E.Haumea
76. Most meteors consist of pieces of A.comets B.asteroids C.comets and asteroids both provide
abundant parent material for creating meteors
77. The Barringer Crater and Odessa Meteor Crater were created by ? Meteorites. A.Stony B.Stony-Iron
78. A “coma” is a feature seen on A.asteroids B.Dwarf Planets C.comets D.centaurs E.meteorites
79. Cepheid Variables are often used to determine the ? of astronomical bodies. A.movement B.mass
C.composition D.distance E.all of these may be determined by Cepheid Variables
80. Dione, Tethys and Rhea are moons of A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune E.Jupiter
81. The Oort Cloud is a hypothetical portion of the Solar System that is believed to contain abundant
A.asteroids B.comets C.centaurs D.the Oort Cloud probably contains all of these objects
82. Triton and Nereid are ? satellites of Neptune. A.regular B.irregular
83. The largest planet in the Solar System is A.Saturn B.Uranus C.Neptune D.Jupiter
84. ? has an ellipsoidal shape that is probably due to its very rapid rotation. A.Eris B.Ceres C.Pluto
D.Makemake E.Haumea
85. The gases and ices that form the Jovian Planets consitute about ? percent of the material surrounding
the Sun. A.71 B.75 C.88 D.92 E.99
86. The Amalthea Group are the inner regular satellites of A.Uranus B.Pluto C.Saturn D.Neptune
87. Deimos and Phobos may be captured ? asteroids. A.Trojan B.Amor C.Apollo D.Deimos and
Phobos are probably remnant centaurs, not asteroids
88. Saturn’s moon Phoebe may be a “captured” A.comet B.dwarf planet C.asteroid D.centaur
89. ? stars belong to binary or multiple star systems. A.few B.many
90. Bok Globules seem to be important in the formation of many A.comets B.asteroids C.dwarf planets
D.centaurs E.stars
91. The metallic hydrogen layer is ? well-developed in Saturn versus Jupiter. A.less B.more C.the
metallic hydrogen layer is equally well-developed in Saturn and Jupiter
92. ? probably has the most reflective surface of any Solar System object; this is probably due to its
“water volcanism”. A.Enceladus B.Mimas C.Titan D.Tethys E.Dione
93. The “iridium layer” and presence of “shocked quartz” has been hypothesized to be due to impact by
a massive asteroid at the end of the ? Period. A.Cambrian B.Devonian C.Jurassic D.Cretaceous
94. In the Sun’s ? temperature rises to 1 to 2 million degrees Kelvin, probably due to heating by waves.
A.core B.photosphere C.chromosphere D.corona
95. Which of the following would not be classified as a Minor Planet? A.Dwarf Planet B.asteroid
C.comet D.centaur E.all of these are types of Minor Planets
96. Solar prominences are relatively ? gases.
97. This is test “A”. Please answer “A” for question # 97.