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Friday, December 14th
Complete #1 on page 39
a living thing that can carry out
life processes by itself
one-celled organism
organism made up of more
than one cell
Quick Discussion:
Get with your activity partner and discuss the benefits and
disadvantages of being unicellular and multicellular. Record
your answers on your notes under pros/cons.
-need fewer resources
-some can live in harsh
conditions like hot springs
and super salty water
-no levels of organization
-no levels of organization
-entire organism dies if the
single cell dies.
-grouped into different levels
of organization.
-larger size = longer life span
-cells are specialized for
certain jobs
-cells depend on one another
to perform all of the
functions in organism needs
to live.
-need more resources
-cells depend on one another
to perform all of the
functions in organism needs
to live.
Cell - smallest functional and structural unit of all living
*We have over 200 different types of cells in our bodies!
Tissue­ a group of similar cells that perform a common function.
ANIMALS­ 4 types of tissue
1. Nervous tissue functions as a messaging system within the body.
2. Epithelial­ protective and forms boundaries (ex: skin)
3. Connective­ holds parts of the body together and provides support and nourishment to organs (ex: bones and blood)
4. Muscle­ helps produce movement
PLANTS­ 3 types of tissue
1. Transport­ move water and nutrients through the plant
2. Protective­ protects the outside of the plant.
3. Ground­ provides internal support and storage and absorbs light energy to make food in photosynthesis
List all of the organs you know!
Organ­ structure made up or a collection of tissues that carries out a specialized function.
Animal Example: Organ­ stomach Function­ breaks down food for digestion nervous tissue sends messages to the stomach’s muscle tissue to tell muscle to contract so that food and stomach acid can mix and break down food.
Plant Example: Organ­ leaf Function­ conduct photosynthesis
Leaves are made up of protective tissue which is used to reduce water loss, ground tissue for conducting photosynthesis, and transport tissue for moving the nutrients from the leaves to the stems.
You have 11 systems in your body, depending on how you organize the organs working together. How many can you name? 4
Organ Systems ­a group of organs that work together to perform body functions.
­each one has a specific job to do for the organism.
­Example: stomach works with other organs of the digestive system to digest and absorb nutrients from food. Other organs of the digestive system include: esophagus, small & large intestine.
**If you put all of your organ systems together you have an ORGANISM!
Body Systems:
Starting with the least complex place the following terms in order: cells, organism, tissue, organ system, organ
Analogy of Organization in our Bodies:
1. Cell = PERSON
2. Tissue = TEACHERS
3. Organ = Teachers, Counselors, Administration, Cafeteria workers, Custodians, etc.
4. Organ system = SCHOOL
5. Organism = COMMUNITY
Which is Which? Decide whether each of the following is an example of a cell, tissue, organ, organ system, or of an organism. Write your answer on the line in front.
A. Cell B. Tissue C. Organ D. Organ System E. Organism
______ 1. Nervous System
______ 9. Bicep
______ 2. Chicken
______ 10. Oak Tree
______ 3. Knee Cap
______ 11. Eye
______ 4. Stem Cell
______ 12. Lungs
______ 5. Tongue
______ 13. Skin
______ 6. Elbow
______ 14. Endocrine System
______ 7. Leaf
______ 15. Muscle Cell
______ 8. Kidney
______ 16. Red Blood Cell