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#_____ Social Studies Chapter 5
1. Mandate of Heaven
n. Definition: the belief that the Chinese emperor’s right to rule came from the gods.
Sample sentence: The Mandate of Heaven says that governments may rule so long as they do so fairly.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
If you are an unfair ruler and are evil,
then the Mandate of Heaven will
remove you and give the power to
someone else (ruler might die or bad
things happen to him).
2. dynasty
n. Definition: a line of rulers who belong to the same family.
Sample sentence: In China, the Shang dynasty lasted for 600 years and ruled hundreds of towns.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
3. famine
n. Definition. A widespread lack of food resulting in hunger and starvation
Sample sentence: River floods in China caused famines because they destroyed crops.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
4. province
n. Definition: a division of land within an empire or country
Sample sentence: China and Canada are divided into provinces.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
5. oracle bones
n. Definition: In ancient China, a cattle or sheep bone used to predict the future.
Sample sentence: Shang rulers consulted oracle bones before making important decisions.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
Shang priests heated the bones over a
fire until they cracked. The pattern of
cracks was thought to answer questions
about the future.
6. seismograph
n. Definition: A scientific instrument that could detect earthquakes hundreds of miles away.
Sample sentence: The seismograph was invented during the Han dynasty.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
Chinese seismograph
7. Confucianism n. Definition: In China, a system of beliefs and behavior based on the teachings of Confucius,
who said that people should lead good lives by studying ancient traditions and stressed the importance of
respecting one’s family and ancestors.
Sample sentence: Because of their belief in Confucianism, the Han rulers gave government jobs to educated
people rather than to nobles.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words:
8. Huang He (Yellow River)
n. Definition: A river that flows from the Tibetan Plateau, across northern China, and into the Yellow Sea.
Sample sentence: The Huang He river is known as “China’s sorrow” because the river floods have killed
thousands of people living along its banks.
Describe, explain, give example
in own words: