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Essential Question: How do we create
low-cost "Green" energy resource(s)?
Investigation Question: How do we
determine if an energy source is
Investigation 1 Claims:
Cost-Benefit Analysis allows a business to assess the
success of a resource. The higher the EROI value, the
more cost effective the energy source. The rise and fall of
the EROI value can affect the GDP.
Terms of Use:
Cost-Benefit Analysis, Estimated Return of Investment
(EROI), Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Fossil Fuels,
Renewable energy
How do we determine if an energy source is
Evidence 1.1
• How does the evidence
justify the claim that
Cost-Benefit Analysis
allows a business to
assess the success of a
• Terms: Cost-Benefit
Analysis, Fossil Fuels,
Renewable energy
How do we determine if an energy source is
Evidence 1.2
How does the evidence
justifies the claim that the
higher the EROI value, the
more cost effective the
energy source?
Terms: Estimated Return of
Investment (EROI),
Fossil Fuels, Renewable
How do we determine if an energy source is
Evidence 1.3
How does the evidence
justify the claim that the
rise and fall of the EROI
value can affect the
Terms: Estimated Return of
Investment (EROI), Gross
Domestic Product (GDP),
Fossil Fuels, Renewable
Investigation Question: How do we
determine if an energy source is economical?
• Cost-Benefit Analysis allows a business to assess the
success of a resource. The higher the EROI value, the more
cost effective the energy source. The rise and fall of the
EROI value can affect the GDF.
Justification: The claim is supported by evidence because…
Evidence: Use the evidence presented in articles and in
figures (1.1 – 1.3) to justify the claims stated above.