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U.S. History Study Guide UPDATED 2016
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Content Standard 1 Causes of Revolution
Name: ___________________________ ____Hour: ___
Causes and Results of French and Indian War: Cause: British + French wanted to be number 1 in America. Results: France lost lands west of Appalachian
Mountains and Canada.
___________________________: Unite colonies to fight French and Indians, B. Franklin's idea.
____________________: Britain won Canada + French lands w. of Mississippi R. + Florida.
_____________________: Colonist could not settle west of Appalachians. Land belonged to Indians.
_______ Act: To pay for debt of French Indian War, taxed sugar
________ Act: Taxed all legal documents, deeds, newspapers and other documents.
_________________Acts: This act stated that parliament could tax for any reason they thought they should.
Taxation without representation: Part of Declaratory Acts. Parliament can tax Colonies without their consent or without an American representative there to
protest or negotiate.
___________________: Those who protested strongly against the British. Founded by Sam Adams.
___________________: Made glass, recycled lead, made cloth, paper. Led boycotts. Founded by Abigail Adams wife of John Adams not SAM.
Boycotts of British goods: Colonists avoided buying British Goods especially Tea.
___________________Act: Forced Colonists to house / feed British Soldiers. Soldiers wore out welcome.
__________________ Acts: Placed tax on all tea coming into U.S. Also tax led, glass, and paper.
_______________________ at a protest against the Townshend Acts., British Soldiers shot 5 people. Sam Adams printed propaganda about it. Crispus Attacus;
first victim of American Revolution, also happened to be African American.
_______________________ Protest by the Sons of Liberty against the Townsend Acts. Dumped tea in harbor.
___________________ Acts: Also known as the Coercive Acts. Very harsh new laws against Colonists to punish Colonists after Boston Tea Party.
First Continental Congress: Protested the Coercive Acts. Agreed to boycott British Goods.
______________: Americans who support independence and liberty and Congress.
______________: Americans who supported the King and the British Empire.
Second Continental Congress: First produced Olive Branch Petition after Lexington then later in July 1776 called for and Signed Declaration of Independence.
Content Standard 2 Revolution
Lexington and Concord “The shot heard round the world” at Lexington (& Concord) First Battles of Revolutionary War April 19, 1775
Battle of __________________: Summer 1775. Costly British Victory. Showed Americans determination.
__________________________: Stated our desire to be independent because of their tyrannical oppression and taxation without representation.
Origins of Declaration of Independence: ENLIGHTENMENT IDEAS such as Popular Sovereignty, Right to Rebellion, Consent of the Governed, Equality,
Freedom expressed by enlightened writers like Rousseau, Locke, and Montesquieu.
Declaration of Independence:
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with
another…. should
declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, are endowed by the creator with certain unalienable right. Life, Liberty and the
of Happiness.”
Then goes on to list complaints against King George and the British Government like No taxation without
representation, quartering, over taxation,
failure to prosecute British soldiers who commit crimes, etc
__________________: Pamphlet produced by Thomas Paine. Protest British and calls for independence.
_____________________: Major victory for colonists. Turning point of the war because the French join us thanks to Ben Franklin!
French Alliance: Thanks to Saratoga Victory, Ben Franklin gets French to join war against the British.
______________________________: Camp where American Army suffered in the winter of 1777-1778.
___________________________: 1781 British General Cornwallis surrenders. Patriots win American Revolution.
____________________________: Treaty obtained by Ben Franklin. Officially ended American Revolution.
American Advantages: Home field advantage: High motivation, and British had to ship everything 3,000 miles. British use of mercenaries, and bad choices of
British Generals.
____________________ This was the first constitution for the U.S. Had only one branch –Congress.
_____________________ English King during American Revolution. Suffered from Mental Illness.
____________________ _: Helped write Declaration of Independence, Washington’s vice, and Second President.
_____________________ : Wrote pamphlets calling for Independence. Founder of The Son’s Of Liberty.
_____________________ : Printer who warned Boston of British Invasion before Lexington and Concord.
_______________________: Helped write Dec'l of Ind., Ambassador to France, got French to join war against Britain. Signed peace treaty of 1783.
_______________________: Early speaker in favor of Independence. Famous for “Give me liberty or give death.” speech. ANTI-FEDERALIST.
Give me Liberty of give me death Speech: The speech was given March 23, 1775, in Richmond, Virginia, and is credited with having swung the balance in
convincing the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. Reportedly, the crowd, upon hearing the
speech, jumped up and shouted, "To arms! To arms!"
Thomas Paine: Wrote and published Common Sense, Wrote the Crisis.
______________________________: Supreme General of U.S. Troops in American Revolution, held army together with little or no financial help from Congress.
Lord Cornwallis: Supreme general of all British Troops in American Revolution.
_______________________________: Writer of Declaration of Independence.
Role of Women in Revolution: Daughters of Liberty. Made shoes, uniforms, blanket. Served as nurses. Some like Molly Pitcher went to war as camp follower.
Role of Indians in Revolution: Some fought for British. Some fought for colonists.
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Role of African Americans in Revolution: Half patriots, half loyalist. 5,000 served in U.S. Army. Many thousands were in the U.S. Navy.
Content Standard 3: Governing Documents / Early Federal Period
Articles of Confederation: STRENGTHS: Coin, borrow money, make treaties, resolve conflicts between states.
WEAKNESSES: Could not enforce treaties, could not regulate trade between states, could not tax or print money.
State Constitutions: Most were bicameral (two houses), many had 2 to 3 branches of government.
Western Lands: Many Americans demanded U.S. gov’t open Northwest Territory
Ordinance of 1785: First accomplishment of A of C Survey and sell Ohio River Valley.
___________________________: Second accomplishment of A of C. Set up government in Northwest Territory and outlawed slavery there.
Economic Problems: U.S. bankrupt as a result of war, States taxed farmers to pay for war.
____________________________: Rebellion over taxes in Mass. Showed weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.
____________________________: Called for 3 branches of government with 2 houses in the legislature.
____________________________: Also called for 3 branches of government but w/ only on house.
____________________________: Each state would have 2 Senators and Representatives based on population.
____________________________: Each slave would be counted as 3/5 of a person for voting purposes.
George Washington: Supreme General of Patriots. Pres. of Constitutional Convention. 1st Pres.
George Mason: Author of Virginia State Bill of Rights. Would not sign constitution w/out Bill of Rights.
Federalist Papers: Book written by Madison, Hamilton, John Jay supporting constitutional government.
Anti-Federalists: People who were opposed to constitution and strong Federal government. Jefferson.
Preamble to Constitution: “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common
defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”
Why Bill of Rights were added: So it would be ratified by all states and to protect rights of all Americans.
Bill of Rights: First Ten Amendments to Constitution. Protect rights of all Americans.
Amendment 1: One Bun, Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly Petition gov’t on paper.
Amendment 2: Two Shoe Establishes National Guard. Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Guns).
Amendment 3: Three Tree No forced quartering (housing) of soldiers.
Amendment 4: Four Door Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures.
Amendment 5:Five Hive Right to Grand Jury, No Double Jeopardy, Due Process of law for loss of property.
Amendment 6: Six Sticks Right to speedy trial, know charges against you, cross-examine witnesses, attorney.
Amendment 7: Seven Heaven Right to Trial by Jury of 12 in Civil Cases.
Amendment 8: Eight Gate Right to be bonded or bailed out, prevents cruel and unusual punishment.
Amendment 9: Nine Line Protects people’s rights not specifically listed in Constitution.
Amendment 10: Ten Hen Grants states and people powers not specifically listed in Constitution.
Amendment 13: Abolition of Slavery 1865
Amendment 14: All born in U.S. now citizens NOT SLAVES
Amendment 15: Suffrage for Africans and other Races 1870
Amendment 18 Prohibition of Alcohol. 1919
Amendment 19: Women’s Suffrage 1920
Amendment 21: Ended Prohibition 1933
Amendment 26: 18 year olds can vote 1971
_____________________________________: The people run the country. People Power.
Consent of governed: Those who are affect by the government should have a say / vote in government.
______________________________________: Where the power of the government is divided among separate branches.
______________________________________: Each branch of gov’t has the power to check, or control the actions of the other branches.
____________________________: Division of power between States and Fed. Government.
Domestic Affairs of Early U.S.: National bank, tariffs, taxes, size of government, states rights, slavery.
Foreign Affairs of Early U.S. Who support in war between English and French Revolutionaries.
Development of Political Parties Feds support national banks, tariffs, taxes, large government, while Democrat Republicans supported state banks, free trade,
and small government.
Alexander Hamilton’s Economic Plan: Called for a national bank, protective tariffs and a tax on whiskey.
Presidential Election of 1800: Bitter election between Adams (Federalist) and Jefferson (Democrat-Republican). Jefferson won.
Chief Justice John Marshall: Made judicial branch stronger through Judicial Review.
_____________________________: Set the precedent of judicial review or the power of Supreme Court to decide if congressional laws are constitutional.
Supreme Court: Became an independent and equal branch of government under Marshall’s leadership
McCulloch v. Maryland: States cannot pass laws the supercede Federal Laws.
Interpretation of Constitution: Federalists called for loose interpretation, Democrat Republicans called for a strict interpretation.
Problems with Foreign Powers:
____________________________ War to protect American trade – n – sailors. Washington burnt. Dolly Madison saved precious documents and artworks. Attack
on Ft. McHenry is where F.S. Key composed Star Spangled Banner. Treaty of Ghent ended it. Battle of New Orleans fought after treaty signed.
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Significance of Monroe Doctrine: Americans and Europe would not or should not interfere with Latin countries in South America.
____________________________: Huge amount of land from Mississippi to Oregon purchased from France by Pres. Jefferson.
_____________________________: Florida was obtained in this treaty.
Content Standard 4 Economy 1801-1877.
Protective Tariffs: Taxes on foreign imported goods to protect Industrialist in North.
Industrialism in the North: The North was a manufacturing economy. Remember Lowell, Massachusetts and Lowell Girls.
Agriculture in the South: The South was a half farming economy and half plantation economy. Think Cotton is King.
Impact of Slavery: Economic: Helped plantation owners. Socially, Politically: Divided country.
Resistance to slavery: Slowing down while working, runaway, sing Spirituals.
Sharecropping: An economic farming system where landowners provide land in exchange for part of profit of Sharecroppers farm.
_________________________: Settlers paid landlord rent and worked for landlord certain number of days.
Immigration: The movement of people into U.S. increased from 1840’s & 1860’s.
Irish Potato Famine: Starvation in Ireland caused huge wave of Irish Immigration in 1840s and 1850s.
Slave Rebellions: Nat Turner Rebellion and Denmark Vessey Rebellion failed.
Content Standard 4:: Jackson Era.
Nullification Crisis and States Rights: South Carolina wanted to secede from the Union because of protective tariffs they opposed. Jackson got Congress to
authorize force. S.S. and Calhoun backed down.
Jackson’s Treatment of Native Americans: Ignored Supreme Court (Worchester v. Maryland) decision and removed Indians anyhow. Personally responsible
for the trail of tears.
Resistance and Removal of Five Civilized Tribes: All five civilized tribes except Seminole who resisted under the leadership of Osceola were removed from
East of the Mississippi.
________________________: Choctaw, Cherokee (Trail of Tears), Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole.
National Bank Killed: Jackson vetoed the continuation of the Bank Charter, Defunded the bank and sent the money to State Banks while Congress was in
Martin Van “RUIN”: Depression caused Martin Van Buren and Democrats to lose popularity. Led to rise of Whigs.
Whigs: Tippecanoe and Tyler too! William Henry Harrison elected, dies (THE CURSE/Pneumonia). John Tyler doesn’t play ball with Whigs, voted out of his own
party. Leads to the return of Democrats and James K. Polk and Manifest Destiny.
Content Standard 4:: Age of Reform
New Harmony Experiment: Society created to be a Utopian (or perfect) society.
Indiana Experiment: Society created to be a Utopian (or perfect) society.
Oneida, N.Y. Experiment: Society created to be a Utopian (or perfect) society.
_________________________: First White Abolitionist to call for complete abolition, owned The Liberator.
_________________________: Abolitionist Speaker, Runaway Slave. Published the North Star Newspaper.
__________________________: Abolitionist. Grandma Moses. Conductor of the Underground Railway.
__________________________: Abolitionist Speaker, Former Slave who never learned to read and write.
__________________________: A network of safe houses owned by free blacks and whites that opposed slavery – offered help to runaways.
__________________________: Movement to make alcohol illegal. Called on people to stop drinking.
Women’s Suffrage: Movement to give women more rights especially right to VOTE.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Strong supporter of women’s suffrage. Planned Seneca Falls Convention
Lucretia Mott: Strong supporter of women’s suffrage. Planned Seneca Falls Convention
__________________________: First Women’s Rights Convention in July 1848.
__________________________: Daughters of Quaker Abolitionist walked for women’s rights, temperance, divorce laws, equal pay for women.
__________________________: Educational reformed called for an improvement in U.S. School System. Modernized Schools.
Content Standard 4: Westward Expansion
_______________________ stated that U.S. and Europe should leave new nations in C. America and S. America alone. “America for the Americans.”
Texas Annexation: When U.S. annexed or claimed Texas in.
Mexican Cession: Mexico gave up California / New Mexico for $15 under the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
_______________________ Paid Mexico $10 million for small strip of land along southern Arizona – New Mexico.
Louisiana Purchase: Huge amount of land from Mississippi to Oregon purchased from France by Pres. T. Jefferson.
_______________________________________ two army men who explored Louisiana Territory, mapping, and making treaties with Indians.
Texas Independence: War fought against Mexico for Texas independence. Texans led by General Sam Houston. Alamo was a rallying cry for victory against
General Santa Anna at San Jacinto.
Mexican American War: War started by President Polk to gain Mexican lands. We were victorious.
_____________________________: Treaty that officially ended Mexican American War. Gave us AZ, NM, CA, CO and NV
Irish Potato Famine: Starvation in Ireland caused huge wave of Irish Immigration in 1840s and 1850s.
Railroad Construction: Immigration expanded due to R.R.s. Constructed by Irish and Chinese laborers.
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______________________: The route west across the great plain to Oregon territory. Remember Whitman Massacre.
Oregon Territory: Issue settled by Treaty of 1846 dividing border at 46th parallel.
Fifty-four forty or fight: Belief that Northern boundary of U.S. is 54 ° 40’ N latitude in today’s modern Canada back east.
California Gold Rush: 1849 Gold Discovery caused millions to immigrate to California to find GOLD.
Frontier Trading: Practice of trapping fur animals and selling fur to companies
Westward Expansion: Caused depletion of Indian resources and led to Indian removal 1800-1877.
Indian Wars of 1850’s to 1870’s: Emigration westward caused conflict w/ Indians. Led to wars to protect settlers.
Homestead Act of 1862: Stated that if a settler homesteaded land west of the Mississippi for seven years and made improvements then that land became
officially his. Caused a huge rush in Westward movement.
Content Standard 5:: Causes of Civil War
Invention of Cotton Gin: Caused increased demand for slaves. Eli Whitney.
Demand for Cotton: Northern Factories demanded more cotton. Caused increased demand for slaves.
Opening of new lands in the South and West: Caused increased demand for more slave states to keep the balance in Congress.
Missouri Compromise: Missouri enters as slave state, Maine a free state NO SLAVES NORTH OF 36,30 in Louisiana Territory.
_____________________: California admitted as free-state, New Mexico can go either way (Popular Sovereignty) No slave trade in D.C., Fugitive Slave Act
________________________ By Harriet Beecher Stowe. Book published which showed evils of slavery. Made many Americans abolitionist. Made south mad.
________________________: In each state settlers would decide the issue of slavery by popular vote. Killed the Missouri Compromise rule of no slaves north of
Bleeding Kansas: Minor civil war between Kansas Abolitionists (Jayhawkers) and Missouri Slave Supporters (Ruffians). Led to the rise of John Brown.
Dred Scott decision: Basically rules that slavery was Constitutional, Angered Abolitionists like John Brown.
John Browns raid on Harper’s Ferry: Violent abolitionist led slave uprising, was captured and martyred.
Issues of 1860 election: Tariffs on raw materials to south, States rights v. Federalism, SLAVERY.
____________________: Republican abolitionist who won both popular and electoral vote.
_____________________: Democratic states’ rights/slavery supporter who lost election.
Result of 1860 election: Election of Lincoln causes South secedes from Union. Starts American Civil War.
Content Standard 5: The Civil War
Leaders of the Union/North/United States/Federals: President Abraham Lincoln (Rep) V.P. Andrew Johnson (will succeed Lincoln)
Generals of the North: McClellan, Burnside, Several Others and then U.S. Grant
Goals of the North: Originally to Preserve the Union. Then to Preserver the Union and End Slavery.
Leaders of the Rebels/South/Confederate States: President Jefferson Davis (Dem)
Generals of the South: Originally Johnston, replaced by Robert E. Lee. His right hand man was Stonewall Jackson.
Goals of the South: To win independence from the U.S. To preserve slavery (State’s rights).
Advantages of the USA: High Population, Manufacturing, NAVY, Communications (telegraph), more farmland.
Advantages of the CSA: Fighting on home turf, better generals
____________________: Plan to blockade the entire south using the Navy. Created by General Winfield Scott, carried out by Admiral David Farragut.
_____________________: April 1861. Lincoln called for volunteers for the Army. Led to final four states seceding.
_____________________: July 1861. Beauregard and Johnston defeat Union. Display that war will not be easily won by North.
_____________________: September 1862 also, called Battle of Sharpsburg, Maryland. Improvements in rifles and no improvements in tactics led to high
casualties. A tied battle that the North claimed as a victory because Lee retreated to Virginia. Led to Emancipation Proclamation.
______________________: January 1863. Executive Order that freed slaves in Confederate areas recaptured by Union troops.
_______________________: July 1-3. Massive 3 day battle in Pennsylvania. Ended South’s hopes of early victory. Led to their defeat.
_______________________: Began in May 1863 ended with surrender on July 4, 1863. Gives Union total control of Mississippi R.
_______________________: November 1863: Lincoln commemorates national cemetery at Gettysburg Pennsylvania. Reminds country of the words of the
Declaration of Independence. Says we are fighting to end slavery, preserve government of the people by the people, for the people. “Four score and seven years
ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. . . But, in a
larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far
above our poor power to add or detract.. . . . —that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a
new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Fall of Atlanta: July 1864. High water mark for the North. Leads to Lincoln being re-elected. Atlanta burned by evacuating Confederate troops. Sherman
blamed by South forever.
___________________________________: 60 miles wide 300 mile path of destruction to Savannah Georgia on the coast. An example of total war concept.
Re-Election of Lincoln: Barely re-elected against Democratic George B. McClellan in November of 1864.
Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address: March 1865. Lays out plan to rebuild the south, help African Americans. “With Malice Toward None and Charity for All”
_________________________________: April 9, 1865 Lee Surrenders, Leading to the surrender of all CSA troops over the spring. END OF WAR.
Assassination of Lincoln: April 14, 1865 Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre while watching a play. Ends the dream of a peaceful productive
reconstruction of the South and hampers racially relations in this country for a hundred years.
Reconstruction: Period until 1877 where the North “reconstructed” really punished the South. NOT LINCOLN’S PLAN!
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