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The Biology of Dicosmoescus gilvipes (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in Northern
California (USA) Streams
Vincent H. Resh, Morgan Hannaford, John Jackson & Patina Mendez
Pepartment of Environmental Science, Policy & Management
University of California,
Berkeley CA 94720-3114 USA
The limnephilid caddisfly Dicosmoecus gilvipes (Hagen) occurs in streams from northern
California to British Columbia, and east to Montana, Idaho, and Nevada. Because of the
large size of the fully grown larvae (up to cm), its high population densities, and its
synchronous emergence pattern D. gilvipes is one of the best known aquatic insects in
California and the Pacific Northwest. Anglers refer to it as the "October caddis" or
"Autumn caddis" because of its fall emergence period.
A variety of studies have been conducted by the authors for the past three decades in
several Northern California streams. In the McCloud River (Co.)n the 1970s substrate
relationships and larval behavior were examined (e.g. Lamberti and Resh 1979, Hart and
Resh 1980, Hart 1981; see references for site descriptions). In Big Sulphur Creek
(Sonoma Co.), detailed studies on adult behavior were conducted (e.g. Jackson and Resh
1989, 1991). In the Eel River (Co.), a variety of D. gilvipes-algal experimental studies
were conducted in the late 1990s (reference).
Life Cycle
We have found egg masses of D. gilvipes among the bases of of stems of Carex sedges
located along stream margins and in isolated islands in 3rd and 4th order streams.
Although egg masses of this genus are reported to occur on tree leaves over-hanging
streams (e.g. Wiggins book) we have not found egg masses despite extensive searching
of these potential oviposition sites.
Larvae are predominantly scraper-grazers with gut contents containing diatonms,
filamentous algae, some mineral particles, and occasionally we have found animal parts
(e.g. other caddisfly larvae, but this has not been found in other studies, e.g. Li and
Gregory 1989)). Densities may be as high as 80-100/m2 , and in some exposed-riparian
streams may account for 55-96% iof benthic macroinvertebrate biomass (Tait et al.
Larvae have 5, distinct instars and fifth instars attach their cases to the underside of
boulders in mid-summer and remain dormant until pupation in autumn. The prepupal
diapause for D. gilvipes last from 4-6 weeks. Pharate adults emerge in late afternoon, and
then swim and crawl to shore.
All populations observed in Northern California are univoltine (e.g. Figure 1). Although
eggs are oviposited in autumn, first instars are not typically found until spring when
floods subside in these mediterannean-climate streams. During later spring, we find that
D. gilvipes larvae are among the first species to colonize flood-scoured mid-channel
areas of stream. In the Flathead River in Montana, Hauer and Stanford 1982) reported a
2-year life cycle from this higher-elevation and latitude site.
In the Eel River, temperature influences development. In terms of the average
accumulated degree days (>0° C), D. gilvipes reached the 5th instar two weeks earlier at a
downstream site (2,585 degree days) than at an upstream site located 4 km upstream
(2,485 degree days). Below the downstream site D. gilvipes was rare, perhaps reflecting
temperature or related tolerances (Hannaford
Cases of early larval instars are made of organic material and detritus, with third instars
incorporating some mineral materials into their cases. 4th instar add more mineral
particles and the fifth-instar case is made entirely of mineral material.
Larvae of D. gilvipes are exceptionally mobile, capable of traveling up to 25 m per day
(Hart and Resh 1980). Movement patterns follow a random-walk model, with larger
larvae moving farther than smaller ones. Larvae feed in areas with more food and
miinimize their “turn angle”., possibly reducing their return to a recently grazed patch.
Other studies with this species has found that
Larvae spend the majority of their time feeding (Hart 1981). In Oregon streams, Li and
Gregory (1989) found that different instars spend different amounts on feeding compared
to casemaking, and time feeding on diatoms compared to filamentous algae.
The importance of D. gilvipes as prey have been noted in a variety of studies. They are
important items in the diet of harlequin ducks (Wright et al. 2000), and dippers (e.g.
Teague et al. 1985). In studies in Utah, Hart andf Marti (1993) suggested that D. gilvipes
ihhabits deeper water in response to dipper predation. It hads been demonstrated that
horses that ingest D. gilvipes may be infected with trematodes that cause Potomac Horse
Fever (Madigan et al. 2000).
Adult females use sex pheromones to attract males during the night, with 58% of males
flying to trapped females in the first hour after sunset. In laboratory studies, males and
females flew during the mate attraction period but generally not at other times. Males but
not females exhibit circadian rhythms the govern flight periodicity. These brief but
coordinated activities may contribute to both reproductive success and to reproductive
isolation (Jackson and Resh 1999).
Pheromones are produced by paired exocrine glands located on the 5th abdominal sternite
(Resh et al. 1987). This is the location reported for several other species (but not all) of
Trichoptera that have been found to use a pheromone mating system.
This species have been widely used in trophic and behavioral studies conducted in the
laboratory and field, and especially in examining the effects of macroinvertebrate grazers
on stream algae and of food-web interactions. This species may be a prime model for a
variety of future ecological studies of caddisflies and other benthic macroinvertebrates.
Laboratory and Field Studies of Interactions
Because of their large size and ease of keeping them in the laboratory, several studies of
grazer influences on algal type (e.g. Steinmann et al. 1987, Dennicola et al. 1990, Walton
et al. 1995) and comparisons of grazer effects Lamberti et al. 1987, 1992, 1995) have
been completed in laboratory studies. Other studies in stream channels have examined
relationships with sediment size and found different survival with instar (e.g. Parker et al.
2002). Likewise, Wright and Li (1998) found similar differential effects from areas with
human recreational activity.
Hannaford (1990) examined influences of D. gilvipes on algae and benthic
macroinvertebrates in a series of field experiments on the Eel River. Using 18 0.8 m2
cylindical cages that served as enclosure (40 D. gilvipes/ m2), exclusion (none), ambientdensity control replicates. He found that fewer sessile invertebrates colonized enclosure
than colonized exclosures or controls (figure 2) and that algal biomass was significantly
lower in enclosure than in exclosures or controls. He also found evidenceof direct
interference in a series of enclosures containing Tinodes caddisfly larvae in that 37% of
the larval tubes were damaged in the presence of D. gilvipes larvae.
Perhaps because of its straightforward life cycle, its tolerance to being maintained in
laboratory streams, its ability to be observed directly because of its large size, and its high
densities, D. gilvipes has provided important insights into stream community dynamics
For example, D. gilvipes has been a key component in the experimental studies on food
webs and trophic dynamics conducted by Power over 18 years in the Eel River (Power et
al. 2008). It has been used to demonstrate how benthic sampling can be made more
efficient (Lamberti and Resh 1979, Resh 1979). But perhaps most noteworthy, it has
served as a model organisms for a variety of studies on the natural history of caddisflies.
We thank the scores of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of
California, Berkeley, that have assisted in field and laboratory studies of this species.
Literature Cited
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Temporal patterns of grazer-periphyton interactions in laboratory streams. Freshwater
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Hannaford, Ph.D. Dissertation
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Figure Legends
Figure 1. Phenology of D. gilvipes in the McCloud River.
Figure 2. Number of sessile macroinvertebates decrease as number of D. gilvipes increase
in enclosure experiments in the Eel River.