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Water Cycle
Water Cycle
Water Cycle
The process where water is evaporated from
The process where water that collects in the
form of a cloud.
The process where water changes from a liquid
form into a gas.
The energy that powers the water cycle comes
from what?
Solar Energy (Sun)
Carbon Cycle
• Constant movement of carbon
(required by organisms) through
the environment
• Plants use CO2 to make sugars
and starches through
• Animals eat plants and use this
carbon for cellular respiration
Carbon Cycle
• Decomposers break down dead plants
and animals and their waste and use
some carbon for life processes and
release some carbon back into the
atmosphere in the form of C02 or CH4
• Volcanic eruptions and burning of fossil
fuels release CO2 into the air
• Calcium-carbonate-containing rocks erode
also releasing carbon
Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle
In the atmosphere, carbon is present as a
Name 3 of the ways that carbon dioxide is released into the
Diffusion, Respiration, Volcanic Activity OR Combustion of Fossil
What type of organism takes in carbon dioxide and use the
carbon to build carbohydrates during photosynthesis?
Plants (Producers)
In what organisms does photosynthesis take place in the ocean?
Plants & Algae
Name the process where organisms die and are broken down to
again be reused.
What other process (that animals & plants perform) besides
photosynthesis recycles carbon through the atmosphere?
Decay, burial and compaction of decomposed organic substances
over time create what nonrenewable resource?
Fossil Fuels
Nitrogen Cycle
• Nitrogen is an element
• It is found in living things like plants and animals.
• It is also an important part of non-living things like
the air above and the dirt below.
• Atoms of nitrogen don't just stay in one place. They
move slowly between living things, dead things, the
air, soil and water.
• These movements are called the nitrogen cycle.
• Most of the nitrogen on Earth is in the atmosphere.
Approximately 80% of the molecules in Earth's
atmosphere are made of two nitrogen atoms
bonded together (N2).
• All plants and animals need nitrogen to make amino
acids, proteins and DNA, but the nitrogen in the
atmosphere is not in a form that they can use.
• Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and lightning change the
atmosphere’s nitrogen gas (N2) into a usable form
like nitrates.
• Most plants get the nitrogen they need to grow from
the soils or water in which they live.
• Animals get the nitrogen they need by eating plants
or other animals that contain nitrogen.
• Decomposers return nitrogen to the soil by breaking
down dead organisms and/or waste.
• Denitrifying bacteria change nitrogen containing
compounds back to N2 and return it to the
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Where is most of the nitrogen on Earth found?
In the atmosphere
What 2 ways can the molecules of nitrogen become usable for living
Lightning strikes and certain types of bacteria
How do plants get their nitrogen?
From the soil or water in which they live
How do animals get their nitrogen?
Eating plants or animals that contain nitrogen
What returns the nitrogen to the soil by breaking down dead organisms
and waste?
What type of bacteria are found on the roots of plants?
Nitrogen fixing bacteria
Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into what?
Without bacteria in the soil, what would happen to the food chain that
includes the rabbits?
They would die
What type of bacteria release nitrogen gas (N2) back into the atmosphere?
Denitritying bacteria
Disruption of the Nitrogen or Carbon Cycle
• If the nitrogen or carbon cycle is disrupted,
various consequences can result:
• Example: A legume is a plant that has
nitrogen-fixing bacteria on its roots. The
bacteria take nitrogen from the air and
transfer it to the soil. In nitrogen-poor soil,
other plants will not grow well. Therefore,
legumes are often part of a crop rotation plan
to protect farmland from nitrogen-depletion
• Disrupting nitrogen-fixing bacteria would
negatively affect plant quality and crop yields