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Can you blow up a balloon without blowing into it?
Which boat will float with the heaviest load?
What happens when cool air gets warm?
Can you crush a plastic bottle without touching it?
Can air hold up water?
Can you put a piece of paper under water without getting it wet?
How many straws can you tape together and still drink through it?
Can a pile of books be moved by a puff of air?
How do paperclips change the way a mini-copter flies?
What will happen to various objects when they are placed on the
How many drops of water can you drop on a penny?
Will a penny hold more drops of plain water or soapy water?
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What happens when you mix oil and water?
What happens when you mix oil and sand?
What happens when you mix oil, water, & sand?
What happens to the water in a dish if you let it sit for a few
How fast does water evaporate?
Does the size & shape of the container make a difference in the
rate of evaporation?
How can you lower the temperature of ice quickly?
What happens to the volume of crushed ice when it melts?
Is the volume of crushed ice the same as the volume of water?
How much salt is needed to make an egg float?
Does all water freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit?
What colors are hidden in the ink of a felt tip marking pen?
Which material is the best insulator?
What happens when hot water meets cold water?
Which color is coolest in the sun – white or black?
Does a breeze really make you cooler?
How strong can you make an electromagnet?
What materials will block the power of a magnet?
Does the size and shape of a magnet determine the strength?
How much air do your lungs hold?
Does it matter in which direction you plant your bean seeds?
What happens to a bean seed when you plant it in a cool, chilly
What happens to a leaf if it doesn’t get any sunshine?
What liquids do plants like to drink?
Which brand of paper towel is the most absorbent?
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What will happen to an egg if you soak it in vinegar?
What will happen to an egg if you soak it in soda?
At what time of day are shadows longest?
Which brand of cereal has more iron?
Which brand of cereal has more sugar?
How clean is the air we breathe?
Which water is better to drink?
Which soda tastes better?
Which dishsoap makes the most bubbles?
Which stain remover works best?
How does caffeine affect your heart rate?
Which rubberband will stretch the farthest without breaking?
Which foods contain the most fat?
How can you balance a potato
Can a straw puncture a hole in a potato?
How do clouds form?
How do crystals form?
What solution works best for cleaning coins?
Does salt affect the boiling point of water?
Do all liquids have the same freezing point?
Are all batteries the same?
Why do some leaves change colors?
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Can a lemon be used to produce enough energy to light a bulb?
Which toy car will travel the furthest in the least amount of time?
How does an inclined plane affect the effort force needed to move
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Why doesn’t the car fall off the track of a rollercoaster?
What is the difference between an acid & a base?