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Team: Mariola Rachwał, Patrycja Dańczura, Natalia Zając
School: Zespół Szkół Licealnych i Technicznych im. J.
Grade: 2LOP
Teacher: Tomasz Wąsacz
Podkarpackie is located in south-eastern Poland, sharing borders
with Ukraine and Slovakia. This particular location of the region is not its only
advantage. Podkarpackie is a region still wild and rich nature - stands out
against the Polish - where we see a sustainable coexistence of humans and
animals , including the Forest mammals , large carnivores , rare birds .
Function here extensive, well-preserved forests , rivers flow natural valleys.
At the same time develops linear
infrastructure , expanding international
airport, expanding economic zones , often
industry operates based on natural
resources .
Tuligłowy, community Rokietnica.
From prehistoric times as a result of processes and expansion of
human forest areas gradually decreased . Deforestation occurred in the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries . Even in the late eighteenth century
Polish forest cover amounted to approx . 40 % ( in that time limits) , but
after World War II in 1946 , it amounted to only 20.8 % . Forest
management in the years 1946-1970 , which consists largely afforestation
(mainly pine plantations ) increased Polish forest cover to 28 % . Currently
(as of December 31, 2013 ) forest areas occupy 9177.2 thousand. ha ,
which represents 29.4 % of the country .
Since the end of World War II
Polish forest resources steadily
increase . According to the
National Afforestation
Programme in 2020, the
forests are to constitute 30 %
of the country , and by 2050 33 % .
Species structure of Polish forests
In the structure of the forest in Poland,
dominated by coniferous forests , where the
dominant species is the Scots pine . Since
1945 , the structure of Polish forests species
undergoes significant expressing among
other things, increasing the participation of
stands with a predominance of deciduous
species . For example, in the forests under
the management of National Forests in the
years 1945-2008 area of ​deciduous
increased from 13 to 23.2 % . The share of
deciduous trees , however, is still below
potential , resulting from the structure of
forest habitats . Slowly increase the share of
fir , mainly due to the reconstruction of
spruce monocultures in the Tatra Mountains
, Beskidy Mountains and the Sudeten .
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki,
way to the forester.
National Parks in Podkarpacie :
The Bieszczady National Park is located near the
border with the Slovak Republic and Ukraine .
Created in 1973 . The Bieszczady National Park
was written on the list of UNESCO biosphere
reserves in 1992. The forest area occupies
approx. 85 %.
The Magura National Park was established the
Council of Ministers of 24 November 1994 . The
Magura National Park is a typical forest as
much as 95 % of the area is covered by forests .
Natura 2000 areas in Podkarpackie
• The process of determining the European Ecological
Network Natura 2000 in Podkarpacie is at the moment,
apart from a few exceptions, completed.
• Currently in Podkarpacie Natura 2000 network includes:
• - 7 special protection areas (SPAs) with a total area of 396
253.9 ha;
• - 54 areas of Community Importance (SCI) with a total
area of 232 970.7 ha - are designed special areas of
habitat protection;
• - 1 area which is both bird area and the area of
Community importance with an area 111 519.5 ha.
The boundaries of the Natura 2000 network enabled Podkarpacie
predominant part of the mountains (Bieszczady, Beskid Niski, SanockoTurczańskie), fragments of the foothills (mainly Foothills Przemyskie,
Bukowskie and Jasielskie), selected parts of Sandomierz Basin (including
fragments Plateau Kolbuszowa and Tarnogrodzki, significant Plain
Biłgorajska part) and virtually the entire Mites (within the region).
tributaries, the upper and lower Wisłoka tributaries Tanew, Oslawa and
The network also included most of the subCarpathian rivers: the 45-kilometer stretch of
the Vistula River valley, San along the entire
length (with the exception of the Solina
Reservoir and Myczkowieckiego), the upper
and middle Wisłok its tributaries, the upper
and lower Wisłoka tributaries Tanew, Oslawa
and Jasiołka.
Our forests
Tuligłowy, community Rokietnica,
Tuligłowy, community Rokietnica.
Moss on the tree bark.
Protected species in Podkarpacie and
their habitats
Podkarpacie is a diverse fauna species , with a full range of
predators and herbivores . Starting from the impressive Carpathian
deer , elk and bison (the only libertarian mountain population of
this species in Poland ) , by lynxes , wildcats and wolves , which
have here their main sanctuaries , the birds, where the flagship
representative is the largest Polish eagle - golden eagle . It is the
largest in our province , the most important sanctuary in Poland ,
the second such bird is the lesser spotted a sizeable population in
the country . A large group of species listed in the Polish Red Book
of Animals - from there included 130 species of vertebrates, more
than 60 species currently occurs in Podkarpackie , and from there
included 236 invertebrate species is currently listed in Podkarpackie
more than 50 species.
Our area
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki, way to the forester.
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki,
lake and swans.
Forest Inspectorate Jarosław
Forest Inspectorate Jarosław manages on behalf of the Treasury state forests
on the area of ​16 609 ha. Reach their covers part of Plateau Tarnogrodzki.
According to zoning - natural forest is located in Malopolska, District Upland
Sandomierz in mezoregion Plateau Tarnogrodzki. Area forest district hydrologically
is located in the basin of the tributaries of the river San: Wisznia, Glass and
Lubaczówki. Activities in the field of forest management, are made difficult due to
the existence of septic and a difficult marshy terrain. In terms of climate Forestry
Commission area it is one of the Sandomierz land climate climate piedmont plains
and basins, which temporarily modified the influence of continental climate.
Terrain here is flat, with few hills of glacial origin. Small, unregulated rivers
Wisznia, Glass and Lubaczówka, with numerous oxbows and meanders are the
mainstay of animals and waterfowl. In periods of spring regularly pour the
surrounding fields and forests. The local stands are very diverse in their habitat. In
addition to the fertile and rich in forest habitats (the oak and beech) are the
poorer communities of forests and mixed forests dominated by pine - the most
important species lasotwórczy. Other oak, alder, beech and birch are in the
vast minority. Forestry Commission forests are a remnant of the Sandomierz
Forest. They include 89 forest complexes, some of which are included in the
protective forest functions consist primarily of waterproofing.
Our communities
Community Laszki owns approx. 600
hectares of forests and woodlands and
approx. 800 hectares of grassland .
Community Roźwienica owns approx.
1409 hectares of forests and woodlands and
approx. 1203 hectares of grassland.
Community Rokietnica owns approx. 600
hectares od forests and woodlands.
Our area
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki, nearby to the lake.
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki.
Tuligłowy, community Rokietnica.
Team: Mariola Rachwał, Patrycja Dańczura, Natalia Zając
Teacher: Tomasz Wąsacz
All the photos and graph were made by our team.
Miękisz Stary, community Laszki,
way to forester.